Nancy Burgess
Founder of Heart and Soul Connection
A Lifeline Ministry for Ministry Wives
Nancy BurgessTravels from Georgia
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Nancy Burgess has been a minister's wife since 1970, and when she speaks to women's groups, she does not hesitate to share the joy and pain, pleasure and heartache, fulfillment and isolation, mountaintops and valleys of life in the ministry. Walls are broken down and hearts are opened when this beautiful woman who "looks like she's 'got it all together'" shares her personal pain, heartache, and very real struggles.
Presented with warm Southern charm and humor, Nancy's brutally honest and powerful personal story inspires hope and encouragement. Nancy not only speaks for women's ministry groups, she is founder of a national ministry for ministers' wives called Heart & Soul Connection: A Lifeline for Ministry Wives & Their Families.
The 'passion statement' of Heart & Soul Connection is . "To come alongside (as described in I Samuel 14:7) Christian ministry wives, their families, churches, and ministries, in order to provide Biblical encouragement and support."
Heart & Soul Connection was founded because . there is a crisis occurring in the lives and families of the leaders of the Christian church. Each month 1,500 ministers leave the ministry due to moral failure, spiritual burnout or contention in their churches. Pastors, ministers, and spiritual leaders are under extreme attack emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Nancy says, "This negative onslaught is adversely affecting ministers' wives and families. Many ministry wives live lives that are often misunderstood, lonely, overwhelming, and exhausting. We believe that the saying, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" is especially true in ministry families. The wife's feelings directly affect her husband and family, and indirectly affect the church.
"The passion of Heart & Soul Connection is to come alongside ministry wives in order to affect and to encourage them to be healthy, vital women of God in their homes and places of service."
Media Appearances . . .
Nancy Burgess has appeared as an expert on the unique stresses in ministry families, particularly pastors' wives.
"Live From..."
"Nancy Grace"
"Paula Zahn"
ABC News
"Atlanta Live" Christian talk show
Various other radio and television programs.
Nancy's Topics Include . . .
Encouragement for Ministry Wives and Couples
Nancy offers a wide variety of topics for ministry wives and ministry couples. Her topics are appropriate for ministry wives' conferences and ministry couples' marriage retreats. Nancy's 'ministry wives' talks can be directed specifically to wives of senior pastors or can include wives of all ministry staff positions.
"Ministry Wives Expert"
Nancy Burgess is recognized as a "ministry wives expert" by national broadcast and print media. She is well versed in a wide variety of statistics concerning the unique stresses of ministry wives and families, and, when apprpriate and always maintaining confidentiality, she can present real-life stories of actual situations that have occurred in the lives of ministry wives and families. Feedback from audiences indicate that after hearing Nancy speak ministry wives and families feel that they are not 'the only ones' in their situation, whatever it may be, and non-ministry families report that their eyes have been opened and that they better understand how they can be a support to their own minister and his family.
Women's Ministry Topics
Nancy shares with 'general audiences' of women her own personal testimony, and during the holidays she is always delighted to share her very popular topic"A Simple Christmas" wherein she encourages women to prepare their hearts and homes for a stress-free Christmas that focuses on family, friends, and Christ throughout the season.
What Others Are Saying .
Barney Self
LeaderCare Counselor, Pastoral Ministries
LifeWay Christian Resources
"There is no group of persons on the planet more at risk than ministry wives. They face massive pressures and stressors in their role and are often much alone with the trauma they face. Nancy Burgess has a wonderfully compassionate heart for ministry wives and their struggles, and understands how to help. If you are a ministry wife in need of help, seek her out, she is an excellent resource and, above all, she can be trusted."
Esther Burroughs
Author, speaker
Esther Burroughs Ministry
"I can think of no greater investment in the kingdom of God than ministering to ministers' wives, offering opportunity through support, encouragement, refreshment to godly women serving in the ministry. I am grateful for the ministry of Heart & Soul Connection for making a difference for ministry wives."
Dr. Johnny Hunt
Pastor, First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia
"It is with a great deal of joy that I commend the ministry of Heart & Soul Connection. I know of no one that needs encouragement, prayer, and support like ministry wives, and I know of no women in the world that are more to be honored. I trust that you will allow this ministry to be an encouragement and blessing to you."
Barbara Curnutt
Executive Director, Georgia WMU
And Women's Enrichment Ministry
"Nancy Burgess' insatiable passion for God and infectious enthusiasm for ministry are contagious. Her authentic love for people, coupled with her extraordinary communication skills, have enabled Nancy to be used of God in very significant ways."
Sandra Maness
Bi-vocational pastor's wife
"When God blesses you, He doesn't do it halfway. I am so thankful for Nancy and this ministry and how it has blessed me."
More About Nancy Burgess . . .
Nancy Burgess has been a minister's wife since 1970. She and her husband, Larry, are the parents of one grown daughter, Joanna. In God's perfect plan of preparation for founding Heart & Soul Connection, she worked with ministers' wives in her position at Atlanta Baptist Association and, more recently, as Ministers' Wives Specialist through the Georgia Baptist Women's Missionary Union and Women's Enrichment Ministry of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Nancy has been a popular speaker for women's ministry and for ministers' wives for many years. Although her ministry focuses on ministering to ministers' wives, she also speaks on many topics appropriate for women's ministry banquets, conferences, and retreats.
Nancy Burgess Travels from Georgia
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