Speakers and Artists
Anisa, Joy

Joy Anisa

Motivational Speaker
Identity Crisis:  Moving From Crisis to Credibility
God sometimes chooses the spade of sorrow to dig a well of joy

Travels from Georgia
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In Joy's Own Words ...
I realized years ago that with a fabulous group of friends, a good pair of Spanx, a great cup of coffee, strong hair spray, and being deeply rooted in God's Word, the storms of life could be passed through.
If only life could be made of such simple ingredients ...
While fabulous friends are a treasure of life, being rooted in God's Word is THE necessity to weathering the storms.  All the other things in life usually just help us feel good about ourselves.
I would have never dreamed that my life would be filled with such incredible and deep sadness that comes with loss.  I never would have imagined that I would experience the personal effects of emotional and mental abuse, the silent killer of the soul.  I am in awe of how God is the keeper of my soul and He has kept what I committed to Him.  He would not allow my soul to be destroyed!
I can sing with confidence "it is well with my soul" and I rest having experienced His great faithfulnes.  The primary message of my podcast inCREDIBLE You and my blog is to encourage women that they are not alone.  It is my desire through speaking and writing that you will know the Lord more intimately and experience His faithfulness.
I don't have it all together, and my ducks are never in a row.  In fact, I count it a good day if my ducks show up at the pond!  I struggle with insecurity, getting caught up in the would-a, could-a, should-a's, and often becoming overwhelmed with life's craziness.
Just like you, I too desire to grow the deepest roots in Christ and live for Him in the midst of all the craziness, trusting Him with the would-a, could-a, should-a's.
I choose to entrust myself to Jesus, the secure anchor of my soul.  I have found that when I fix my eyes on the One holding me, the insecurity lessens and I walk with confidence.  It is my hope that with truth, grace, and laughter you and I can live inCREDIBLE lives and dig deep wells of joy.



Joy's Speaking Topics Include  . . .
This one-day conference partners with your women's ministry to minister to the single moms of your church and community.  Joy offers a strategic plan with structure, encouragement, and a proven pathway to support and change lives of single moms.  Joy has lived the 'single mom life.'  She understands the daily needs, hurts, and emotional hurdles and she brings to your women understanding, laughter, practical and pragmatic counsel, and sound Bible teaching.  Ultimately, SINGLE(mom)HOPE has the potential to change the single mom, giving her a perspective that leads to hope and healing.  Joy's desire is to help your church make your own women's ministry become front and center in the lives of single moms and their children.


Our culture today tells women to meet a certain standard.  God desires that we as women be AUTHENTIC.  When a woman develops a deep relationship with the Lover of her Soul and accepts who she is IN Christ, her authenticity becomes contagious!  (This topic is best presented as a series at a one-day event or an overnight retreat.)
Finding Security in an Insecure World
Leaving a Legacy
Pain's Purpose - Digging a Well of Joy
The Surprising Spiritual Position that Changes Everything
The Insanity of Motherhood
My Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Life
Joy shares her life story with a creative twist.  Joy accepted Christ as her Savior on February 18, 1988.  Joy has learned that her life is not perfect but she is loved by the Perfect One, True God!  This topic is geared for Christmas and is ideal for Christmas banquets or teas.
Emanuel - God With Us

What Women & Churches Are Saying
About Joy Anisa  . . .
You spoke the words I so desperately needed to hear.
She is a speaker at ease. She was like a neighbor, a cup of coffee and a great discussion.
You really spoke to my heart.   Thank you for sharing your life with us.   I felt like you were speaking directly to my soul.   Thank you for your personal stories.  I really enjoyed your sense of humor and relatability.   Thank you for blessing us with your wise words and sharing your relationship with God.
Wonderful spirit and logical, easy to understand the messages.   Very insightful and good applications for women.
Speaker [was] "dead on!"  Great messages, very applicable and inspiring.
Very comfortable to be with you.   Your sessions were thought-provoking.
Your personal stories helped me know you!
Your stories of your personal struggles really were special.
Great speaker.   I loved your humor.   Very informative and made me really think.
Loved your personal insight and life experiences.   Your real, effective and loving relationship with the Lord shines through.   Your are blessed with a true gift and I thank you for sharing.
You made me rethink my priorities.   I definitely need to shed some of the busyness of my life.
I liked the part about "Be obedient with a good attitude and a happy heart" (for me and my children).
I particularly liked the comment about Martha that good intentions can cause more tension.
The camping story about the light and focusing on our footsteps and path, not focusing so much on the big picture, was very good to hear while still walking my journey.
You made me rethink my priorities.  I definitely need to shed some of the busyness of my life.


Joy Shares Her Heart with
Event Planners / Ministry Leaders  . . .
  • I will not pretend to be someone I am not, or fail to present myself as I truly am.
  • I will not avoid sharing my personal struggles and weaknesses, as the risk of being misunderstood or judged is outweighed by the reward of having women learn from my experiences.
  • I work closely with each event's planners and leaders to craft teaching to support an event's goals and that ministry's identity.
  • I believe women will grow and benefit from wisdom and its application, not from an annual emotional experience.
  • My teaching is grounded in and informed by the Bible and sound doctrine.
  • I cannot promote "fluff" to make women feel good about themselves and/or God, but will present the beauty of our God and women who find themselves satisfied in Him.
  • I exert my full effort for each group of women, no matter how few or how many.
  • I believe women's ministry should be fun!
  • I strive to understand the needs and expectations of each church or organization I visit.
  • I value personal involvement and relationships with the women and churches to whom I speak/minister.
  • I listen to the feedback of churches, leaders, and their women.



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