Dr. Delores Barnes
Author of
Mastering The Art of Test Taking: A Beginner's Guide
Helping Students Achieve Success In Test Taking
At Every Grade Level, Every Age,
Every Type of Test and Certification Exams of Every Kind
Helping Teachers, Parents, and Anyone Who Works With Students
To Help Their Students Achieve Success in Test Taking
Succeeding in test taking is a combination of taking the rights notes, strong problem solving skills, understanding concepts, preparing on exam day, and managing stress during a test.
Dr. Delores Barnes teaches methods that transform students who lost all hope in test preparation into test-taking gurus, improving grades and achieving academic success.
Steering unconfident test takers and failing students toward test-taking success is Delores Barnes' mission. She has helped countless students of all ages, academic levels and concentrations improve study skills, ace exams and pass classes they thought they couldn't.
Dr. Barnes says she was a poor test taker herself. After graduating at the bottom of her high school class, she fought to master the art of test taking. By her senior year of college, she earned the Author Webb award for academic excellence. She had overcome her problem. Now she knows exactly what it takes to help others triumph over test taking.
Dr. Barnes is a graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, and she taught Human Anatomy and Physiology at the college level. Having tutored for over twenty years, she has experience both in the seat of the test taker and behind the teacher's desk.
She has worked with students of all ages - including those returning to the academic world after years in the workforce.
Whether a student needs to ace an exam in a high school course, a college course, or a certification exam, Dr. Barnes' pointers help you see test taking in a new way and build upon your strengths to gain test taking skills.
This is why she wrote Mastering the Art of Test Taking: A Beginner's Guide - to share her proven secrets in taking and acing tests and to help any student revitalize how to learn.
Who Needs Dr. Barnes' Message?
Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students
College, University and Post-Graduate Students
Professionals Taking Certification Exams
Adults Returning to School
Home School Students and Parents
Parents of Children and Teens Who are Struggling
Anyone Who Wants to Achieve Their Very Best Score on Crucial Tests
Students and Parents Who Want To Be Strategic as They Prepare for College
Students and Parents Who Want the Very Best Chance of Winning Scholarships
Teachers and School Administrators Who Want to Do Everything They Can To Help All of Their Students Succeed
Anyone Who Works With Students and Their Parents ...
After-School Programs
Youth Pastors
Dr. Barnes approaches studying and test-taking
in a way that makes sense and ensures results.
Dr. Barnes' Proven Test-Taking Strategies Include:
Study Methods that Immediately Improve Test Scores
Note-Taking The Right Way
Listening Skills That Boost Your Study Habits
Sensible Study Habits
Creating the Right Study Schedule
How to Cram (If You Absolutely Must)
Time Management During Your Test
How to Categorize Information
Understanding How to Answer Different Types of Questions:
Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice, Essay, etc.
Truly Understanding The Question and the Type of Answer The Test Requires
Techniques to Curb Your Anxiety and Achieve Your Test-Taking Goals, Step by Step
And Many More StrategiesTo Dramatically Improve Test Results
Testimonials . . .
"I went from D's and F's to a B average in less than 6 weeks. To my surprise, I ended up on the principal's Most Improved List and received a certificate. Many thanks!"
Phillip N.
"I have found the techniques of categorizing and taking sample tests to be instrumental in passing a certification exam. The techniques outlined by Dr. Barnes have been effective in assisting me to recall information and to apply real time factors in taking exams."
J. H., RN, B.S., AE-C
"I used the techniques outlined by Dr. Barnes to help students that have trouble in my class. I see marked improvement in their grades, I plan to give Dr. Barnes' book to all of my freshman advisees so that they can start their college careers armed with the test-taking strategies necessary to make their next four years successful."
V. C., Ph.D.
"This book has been a blessing to me and everyone that I know that needs to take and pass an exam."
Merv B.

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