Speakers and Artists
Bertram, Robin

Robin Bertram
Healing Hearts, Transforming Lives
Real Issues - Real Solutions From the Word of God
Conference Speaker
Television Host

Travels from North Carolina
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email

What would your life be like if you had the courage and emotional strength to
overcome self-doubt, fear, or concern for what others say about you?
How would your relationships change? What if you could reject rejection?
Would you want to stay in your current state or
would you be willing to embrace radical change?
Robin Bertram is one of the most passionate teachers of our time in the field of personal transformation. Her personal life journey can be described as 'overcoming' and 'victorious.' With her infectious energy, empathetic spirit, and inspirational messages, she offers a refreshing antidote to the self-help, talking head experts and "Oprah theology."
Since 1995, Robin's positive messages about God's love, His grace, and freedom in Jesus Christ have touched countless lives. She has been very instrumental in the field of praying for transformation of the whole person: body, soul, and spirit.
With her charismatic personality and the Truth of God's Word, Robin teaches people how to live victoriously. She offers life-changing truths that bring about radical transformation thus enabling individuals strained by the pace of life to feel complete. Robin encourages individuals to carve out the space and time needed for private renewal and reflection. And she offers inspiration and guidance on how to create and draw on personal dedication, Bible study, and private prayer that will enhance spiritual growth and maturity.
Robin's dedication to healing prayer ministry has been just as prolific as her gift of speaking and teaching. Many people feel as if they're living a life scripted or prescribed by others. They long to break out of their self-imposed limitations and lead their own lives, but they lack the courage and confidence to do so. As a minister of renewal, Robin provides biblical solutions that bring rejuvenation, inner strength and boldness to individuals, retreats, and churches.


Regardless of modern thought, absolute truths exist. Nothing challenges the intellect more than the view that there is, beyond all reasoning, a pragmatic, unwavering perspective that is black and white, with no gray area.
Belief in absolute truth stirs zealous opposition. Shadows Among Us reveals truths that result in radical transformation when fully embraced. Author Robin Bertram addresses real life problems with strong biblical answers!
Fear, depression, and guilt
Temptation and compulsive behaviors
Loneliness, self-worth, and grief
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Restoration and hope
Finding one's way in this world can be a daunting task, especially while maneuvering a path of life circumstances that may include broken hearts, broken dreams, and broken relationships. Robin Bertram's Shadows Among Us offers solutions that bring life-changing transformation and illuminates with great clarity the path to healing, wholeness, and freedom.
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
Isn't it time to find your way back home!
Shadows Among Us:
Discovering the Path to Spiritual Liberation
and Wholeness
Robin Bertram


Host an
Igniting Women Conference
Robin Bertram, Kathleen Hardaway, and Wendie Pett
Igniting Women in Purpose, Possibilities & Potential
Learn to:
Walk in God's Precepts
Walk in God's Power
Walk in God's Presence
Walk in God's Provision
Inspiring Women to live their God-given purpose! A dedicated team of speakers passionate about assisting women to ignite their passion for God and His Word. Married or single, no matter your age, this conference is for every woman desiring transformation, desiring new hope, and desiring to make a difference!
Contact Stacy Robinson at The Robinson Agency
for more information and scheduling.

Speaking Topics Include . . .
Impacting Our Culture With Your Voice
Are you a person of influence or just a title holder? Can you bring about change with just a word? Is there power in your voice? Jesus was a man of great influence and His true disciples were as well. Robin reveals twelve principles to increase your voice of influence and impact the culture around you.
Show Me Your Glory
There was a woman caught in the act of adultery - and an angry mob standing over her ready to stone her to death. Tears of terror stream down her face as she lays in the dirt. Jesus stoops down and writes in the sand. The Pharisees must have been thinking, "This is our right. This is our duty. This is our Law." The Old Testament collides with the New: stoning versus freedom, law versus grace, mercy versus judgment. In an instant, this woman's life was radically changed. As He drew a line in the sand, Jesus must have thought, "You are about to witness my greatest glory!"
Reach for the Impossible and Find God There
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
God gives a God-sized dream. But "how" you asked. There is no possible way this can ever be accomplished. Well, maybe not in your strength or abilities, but God wants you to step out into the unknown and find Him waiting there. Fear, insecurities, and false beliefs stop us in our tracks. Find those blocks or hindrances that have been well disguised and tear down the strongholds or mindsets that have prevented you from reaching your possibilities. Here you will learn how to identify and destroy the self-imposed limitations that have obscured the path to your true destiny.
7 Keys to Unlock the Hidden Treasures Within
Have you known in your heart that God has called you for more but you just do not know how to find what that "more" is? Within every little girl and boy there is a desire to become what he or she is supposed to become. You must tap into your hidden potential. God has given each of us treasures that need only to be unearthed. They have been hidden or buried deep within. In this teaching, you will learn seven biblical principles that will help you find those hidden treasures and become all you are called to be.
Legacy: Living a Life of Significance
What are you planning to leave behind you when your time here is finished? Strange question? Well, not really. We all leave a mark. We all will be an influence to those around us, those we love, and those we come in contact with. We only get one shot to get it right. Live a life of significance and make it count.
Dreams Do Come True: Are You Open to the Possibilities?
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19
Dreams can be fun, whimsical, or they can be frightening, especially as a child but often there are more to our dreams than we can possibly understand without further investigation. Dreams will stir passion. Dreams can give a vision of the future. Dreams will give purpose and meaning. Dreams help to set in motion the motivation to accomplish God's will in your life. Step out of slumber into the realm of reality and let God make those dreams come true.
Discovering Your Destiny:
Esther, a Story of Power and Purpose and Possibilities
Power, prosperity, and passion: The Book of Esther offers some real clues into the method of discovery for finding one's destiny. Find your passion and you will find your power. Find your power and you will walk in your authority. God created every person to walk their God-given authority as sons and daughters of the King. Follow His lead and it will take you to your assigned destiny: a prosperous life aligned with the will of God to perform your main miss in life.
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall
All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nep-phil-lum there. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we looked the same to them. Numbers 13:33
Most everyone has heard, at some point in his or her life, the childhood story of Snow White. Peering into a mirror, the wicked witch chants, Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? What did the mirror say? Hoping for a positive response, the witch was greatly disturbed upon hearing the mirror counter with just the opposite of what was anticipated. What is your mirror telling you?

Testimonials . . .
I have personally known Robin Bertram for over five years. I have been privileged to watch this woman of God grow in the graces of ministry and become a moving force for the kingdom of God. Her skills in television are brilliant, her writing is inspiring, and her preaching-teaching ministry has touched the lives of thousands. I have spent fifty plus years in ministry and I have never seen a servant of God grow so quickly and develop in ministry and pulpit skills as Robin has so effectively accomplished. She exudes loving kindness to everyone she meets and reaches out to those who seek to known her and /or her Christ. Watching a new generation of preachers and teachers is exciting to me, and Robin has certainly fulfilled that joy in my life. We have hosted this lady several times in our home and can testify that in or out of the pulpit, she is the same dedicated servant of God. She is the same person before or behind the cameras; in or out of the glaring lights of the public. After all, spiritual integrity is what you see in the private lives of god's called and anointed.
Rev. Jerry D. Hobbs
Connections Live
Dallas, Texas
Thanks so much for your ministry at the Lamb's Chapel - it was wonderful. So many of the ladies have told of what our great Savior did to help them through your speaking and prayers. So many times I have seen the heart needs of women that I was not gifted to meet - that is why I am so thankful for women like you that our Lord has raised up and gifted to care for His Bride. Having met so many "celebrity saints" and been disappointed by the way they conduct themselves off the platform, I appreciate so much your spirit and graciousness in the way you handle people. You are the real deal all the time! I love what you are doing to help the sisterhood - keep preaching it! If I can ever be of help, please call.
Rev. Brian Biggers
Senior Pastor
The Lamb's Chapel
Robin Bertram is a powerful speaker, television host, and accomplished author. She is genuine, compassionate, and draws in her audience with the love and compassion of Christ. Her message is down to earth and relevant ... bringing a word of encouragement to those dealing with addictions and other life challenges. ... She believes every life is redeemable and that "You Can Live Free - Every Day of Your Life"! Robin is a "must have" for any event - you will not be disappointed!
Evangelist Tracey Mitchell
Tracey Mitchell Ministries
Dallas, Texas / El Dorado, Arkansas
Robin Bertram accepted to be a guest teacher for our Women on the Move P.E.A.C.E. outreach Ministries' Second Anniversary Conference. It was n all-day event featuring four women teaching one-hour sessions. Mrs. Bertram was outstanding. Although she was unfamiliar with any of the other teachers, the continuity of her topic and subject matter into the theme for the conference and with the other teachers was absolutely impeccable. Almost a year later those who attended the conference are still referring to the awesome inspirational word she delivered that day. I highly recommend Robin Bertram for her teaching and motivational ministerial works. A true professional, she is an accomplished and inspiring women of the Most High God.
Rev. V. Bradley
Goldsboro, North Carolina
Women's Conference Attendees' Comments:
What a wonderful time we had experiencing the presence of our Awesome God! Thank you for speaking truth into the lives of so many women who needed to hear it. I would have never thought of my new name as conqueror, now I must walk in it. I know the women that attended Healing Hearts, Transforming Lives Conference left changed and wanting to go deeper with the Lord Jesus. I know I do! I don't want to stay the same, there's more to this journey. Thanks again for your ministry. Jesus Be Exalted!
Well, last Saturday, I believe that the Lord began to speak to me the minute you shared what He spoke to you some time ago: "Robin, you must learn to accept success." I felt that He was saying the same thing to me: "Erika, you must learn to accept success." You went on, "God wants to stretch us to a new place, beyond our abilities. Do not be your own barrier. We're to move from glory to glory. I took notes on your lessons, and the Lord spoke to me through all of them. When you invited the congregation up to the altar for prayer for restoration and healing, I didn't go. However, when you invited those who felt that the Lord was calling them, as you phrased it, for "destiny,' to be anointed, I was immediately drawn to the altar. Wow!!! I love the Lord, but I want and need to love Him more, to know Him better!!! I have been challenged to spend time in the Word and with Him. i hear Him speak to me. I could go on writing so much more, but this is not the place and meals. I just wanted to share this testimony with you.
Mrs. Bertram, my personal thanks to you for being a mighty warrior of the cross and for following GOD's instructions and bringing HIS message this day. I know that He truly gave you teaching that I needed to hear. I am renewed and refreshed and filled with more excited, exhilarating expectation than ever. Can't wait for the conferences!! Thank you for putting together such a fantastic evening for us ladies! Still basking myself and loving every second of it! Today was an absolute blessing!! Thank you so much for your ministry and allowing GOD to speak!
Robin, I attended the women's conference at The Lamb's Chapel. First, I want to THANK YOU from my very being for blessing me and my friends with your teaching and ministry. You have the very hand of God on you and I pray that He continues to bless you and your family for His glory.
Teaching Session Comments:
Tonight was so special for me, I just want to thank you again, and I'm so sad that next week is our last class. I find you are a very special person, special gifts and talents, and are doing just exactly what God wants you to do, enlightening people for His glory.
Thank you very much for your encouragement and prayer of agreement. I heard you a few months ago on TV. I can't remember if it was James & Betty Robison or may be the Joni show. At any rate, I was cleaning house and I heart you talking, and what you were saying really caught my attention. I listened as you and your husband explained your book, Shadows Among Us. So I bought it and it sat on my book shelf until about three days ago. I just started Deliver Us From Evil. It is really ministering to me and helping me to stay/get focused on HIM. The Promise! The Blood! The Seal! The Covenant! It is really opening my eyes. I seem to be in a place of rest just knowing/being reminded of who He is. Can't wait to finish it!
Freedom Today Television Program:
Robin, I saw you on TV this morning and you were great ... you and your husband. I heard you speak about your self having a bout with fear, anxiety when you were younger, well that is me now. ... FEAR & ANXIETY to the point of panic attacks ... cognitive skills thrown away ... retaining information, concentration, etc. Please let me know when you are speaking and where. I need to meet you personally. Please pray for me.

Travels from North Carolina
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