Jenna Lucado Bishop
Conference Speaker
"Revolve Tour" Speaker
Author of . . .
From Blah to Awe: Shaking Up a Boring Faith
Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You
Travels from Texas
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Jenna loves to eat peanut butter, travel, and play Catch Phrase with her family. But ask her what her passion is, and she will say, "to find any way to share the message of God's love and purpose for his girls."
To fulfill that passion, Jenna travels the country speaking to young women at events such as the Revolve Tour, churches, schools and in her own living room. Jenna is the author of, Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You, From Blah To Awe: Shaking Up A Boring Faith and a new Bible study, Love Is . . .
She also serves alongside her husband Brett, a college minister in San Antonio, Texas.
From Jenna's Heart . . .
Growing up, I
don't remember a week when I didn't hear how much Jesus loves me, didn't read
the Bible as a family, didn't listen to Christian music in the car. I was a
preacher's kid. So I was at church every Sunday and Wednesday night, went to
church camp, played hide-and-go seek in the baptistry. Yet, even with parents
who taught me about Jesus and loved me so well, it took me a while to claim faith
in Jesus Christ for myself.
I quickly
joined the wrong crowd at school, tasted the partying life, the "popular" scene
and dated the wrong guys. Yes, I got baptized at 10-years-old and had a sweet,
innocent faith. But it wasn't until I was 16, that this faith in God turned
into a lifestyle. When popularity and boys just stirred more drama than joy, I
finally decided to look at this faith thing for myself.
I started a
personal relationship with Jesus that changed everything - the way I saw
myself, the way I saw others, the way I saw God. Ever since then, I've been on
a faith adventure. Some seasons dry and some so doused with joy, I can't drink
it all! To share the love and wholeness I have found in Jesus with young women
is a humbling reminder that He can use us, our stories, our brokenness and turn
it into something beautiful.

Speaking Topics . . .
Jenna pulls
much of her speaking content from her three books:
Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You
Presentations based on Redefining Beautiful include topics surrounding the idea of self-worth, healthy self-image, knowing God specifically as a Father, fighting the labels that the world gives us, and defining ourselves by the names God calls us. |  |
From Blah to Awe: Shaking Up a Boring Faith
Presentations based on From Blah to Awe include topics surrounding the idea of a dry faith problem, how to stop being a bored "church" girl, how a relationship with Jesus can really be an adventure, what a relationship with God looks like, and the importance of spiritual disciplines. |  |
Love Is . . .
Presentations based on Love Is . . .
include topics surrouding the idea of what real love is, how to love
like Jesus loved, how to receive God's love, how the love of Jesus transforms
our lives.