Speakers and Artists
Brant, Ginny


Ginny Dent Brant
Encouraging Family, Faith, Freedom, Lifestyle Changes
And the Things that Matter Forever
Author of
Finding True Freedom:  From the White House to the World
Unleash Your God-Given Healing:  Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer
Travels from South Carolina

Ginny brings a unique perspective as a cancer survivor and someone who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC, where her father served a senator and three presidents, and has walked and ministered in the most impoverished streets of our world.
Her professional career started early in life as a model but quickly changed to serving on the front lines of our culture in elementary education as a counselor, teacher, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor for thirty years.
The wisdom Ginny has gained from these many perspectives, including her role as wife and mom, informs and challenges her audiences.  Ginny complements her speaking with song and sign language.
She is the author of Finding True Freedom:  From the White House to the World and Unleash Your God-Given Healing:  Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer (2020 first-place winner of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association's Golden Scrolls Award for Memoirs) and is a contributing editor to The Chosen Path, Chicken Soup for The Soul, and Love is A Flame.
Ginny's platform of faith, family, freedom, and lifestyle changes communicates relevant truths which enable teenagers and women to prioritize their lives and use their freedoms to glorify Christ with an eternal perspective.
Ginny has been interviewed on The Hour of Power, American Family Radio, CBN.com, The Bob Dutko Show, The Matter at Hand, The Herman and Sharron Show, Right Now with Jennifer Schuchmann, The Dr. Gina Show, Atlanta Live, and many other television and radio programs.  She has also been featured in many newspapers and magazines and has spoken at over 200 events since 1988, in the US and internationally.
Ginny offers a wide range of messages and will work with planners to prepare a message to support the planner's goals and vision for their event.  Ginny speaks for church and ministry events, corporate conferences, hospitals and health / wellness organizations, and patriotic organizations.


In her own words ...
"I grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC where my father served a senator and three presidents.  I have served on the front lines of our culture for 28 years as a teacher, counselor and adjunct professor.  My life grants me a unique perspective and a view of the world from God's perspective.
"I have a passion for studying, teaching God's word, and missions.  I served as a Trustee of the International Mission Board for eight years.  My husband and/or I have participated in mission work in Yemen, Gaza, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, and Romania.
"My faith defines my life.  My devotion to my family defines my character.  I value my freedom as my gift from God which enables me to do His will.  My freedom in Christ can never be taken away.  I'm heaven bound realizing that only what's done for Christ will matter forever."



Speaking Topics Include . . .
As a seasoned speaker with many years on the platform, Ginny Dent Brant is always willing to cater her presentation to the planner's needs and themes.
Building Your Immune System to Fight Cancer, Disease and COVID-19
God created our bodies with an innate ability to heal.  This former "Junk Food Queen" and cancer survivor shares strategies from her book Unleash Your God-Given Healing that build your immune system and keep it functioning as God intended.  By sharing personal experiences, wisdom from God's Word, and fascinating medical information and research, Ginny challenges us to get back to the basics of exercise, nutrition, hydration, and adequate sleep to help prevent cancer and many chronic diseases, including COVID-19.  Let  Ginny help you to unleash your own God-given healing so you can restore your body and serve faithfully in God's Kingdom.
The Struggle Is Real:  Biblical Principles for Dealing with Tough Times
Struggles and heartaches ... we are either dealing with one, just finished dealing with one, or a new struggle or heartache is about to rear its ugly head.  As a cancer survivor who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death and a caretaker for four parents as they passed to their heavenly rewards, Ginny shares six Biblical principles to help believers live abundantly when those difficulties come our way.
Fanning the Flames of Freedom
Read the headlines -- our freedoms are waning.  From her travels in countries with limited freedoms and her childhood in DC, Ginny traces the beginnings of this country, her fahter's fight for freedom, and our movement towards government control at the expense of world missions.  She explores where to find safety and what we can do to keep the flames of freedom burning.
Living Life With Kingdom Priorities
This world enables us in its web of self-centeredness, but the Bible teaches that we are to seek first His kingdom - not ours.  This presentation shows how our country, which was founded on Biblical principles, has veered and how we can restore our lives with kingdom priorities.
Raising Well-Rounded Kids for the Kingdom
Children mature physically, emotionally, academically, and spiritually - - four areas that are naturally interconnected as children develop.  After 32 years as an educator and as a parent of four, Ginny is uniquely qualified to shed light and wisdom on how all these areas relate and how parents can use them to raise successful kids for God's kingdom.
Allowing God to Weave His Kingdom Plans in Our Lives
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plan He has for us.  Ginny traces the threads of God's sovereignty and explores how He is presently at work through every experience of our lives.  God is weaving a tapestry in our lives that will one day make sense.
The Family:  God's Original Design to Reach This World
What do you do when your family is in shambles?  When Ginny found herself at age sixteen in this hopeless situation, she discovered prayer to be her best weapon.  This honest message reveals God's design for the family and how He can restore any broken family and use them for His kingdom.


For Dads Only
Being a dad is the most important job any man will ever have.  Ginny's father learned some painful lessons after realizing he had done mor eto keep the President's White House in order than his own house.  Every dad, from the White House to sports fields, needs to hear this testimony of how our God gives second chances when men desire to be the father and husband God ordains them to be.
From Modeling Fashion to Modeling Christ
This Presentation is Designed for Student / Teen Audiences
Have you ever wondered, "Why did God put me on this earth?"  Ginny was on her way to achieving her dreams as a model when God transformed her and gve her a new dream of modeling Him to the world.  Discover how you can be slt and light and make an impact on this world.
Missions is the Heartbeat of God
Do you believe missions and ministry is for a chosen few?  My dad and I achieved worldly success but were blind to God's perspective.  After my conversion, my ather blocked my path fearing I might become a missionary, but ironically he became that missionary.  Discover hos God can use you to minister right where you are - - for missions is the heartbeat of God.


For Heaven's Sake:  Winning Your Family and Friends to Christ
Do you have a loved one you want to see in Heaven but don't know how to ensure they will be with you in Heaven?  Ginny shares how to win friends and family to Christ without hitting them over the head with the Bible and how God answered her prayers for her family, far exceeding her wildest dreams.
Success Is A Verb
This Presentation Is Designed for College / University  Audiences
The world and God have two different definitions of success.  In this presentation, Ginny explores four keys to achieving success in God's kingdom as we break away from this world's hold and actively pursue God's will in our lives.
Discovering Prayer as a Powerful Weapon in Battle
Prayer is our most powerful weapon as we battle through trials in our lives.  It's the main weapon Ginny used as she sought to bring her family to Christ, faced danger from Al Qaeda in Yemen, and dealt with a deadly cancer.  She shows how to bring this power of Heaven to earth as we drive God's activity in our lives and win our daily battles on our knees.  We will focus on praying for our families, our calling, our oneness in Christ, and our nation.
Each of the following is designed for
Multi-Session Conferences / Retreats . . . 
Finding True Freedom
Have you wondered why God created ou?  Life has taught Ginny that true freedom is found in finding and following God's will for our lives.  These sessions explore why God created you, getting on mission with Him, and using your gifts to sere His Kingdom so you can find true freedom.
Finding Beauty and Blessings in the Kingdom of God
God's ways are not our ways and we often miss out on what He values due to our obsession with worldly values.  These sessions explore the beautiful attitudes and blessings of God's Kingdom in the Beatitudes while challenging us to live with Kingdom priorities and an eternal perspective.
More Depth Into The Struggle is Real:  Biblical Principles For Dealing with Tough Times
Struggles and heartaches ... we are either dealing with one, just finished dealing with one, or one is about to rear its ugly head.  As a cancer survivor who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death and a caretaker for four parents as they passed to their heavenly rewards, Ginny shares six Biblical principle to help believers live abundantly when those struggles come our way.  In this expanded version of this message, Ginny integrates these principles with research and experiences from her background as a counselor.  She dives deeper into each principle and brings to light new research on the results of anger, constant stress, and unforgiveness on our health.
More Depth into the Basics of Life
Sick and tired of being sick and tired?  This former "Junk Food Queen" and cancer survivor dives deeper into the basics of health that many have forgotten -- exercise, diet, hdration, rest, handling stress, and reducing toxic chemicals.  Sharing from her own personal failures, wisdom from God's Word, and fascinating medical information, Ginny reveals how these basics hep prevent many lifestyle diseases that threaten us today.
Raising Well-Rounded Kids for the Kingdom (For Parents)
There has never been a tougher time to raise children in America.  After exploring four ways children mature and how parents can influence each of these areas, Ginny expands these areas with the following sessions:  Building a Strong Tower of Self-Esteem; Raising Responsible Kids; Developing Character God's Way; and Protecting Your Kids from this Toxic Culture.

Testimonials . . .
Ginny is an excellent communicator who draws her audience with transparency and wit as she speaks of the transformation of her life and her father's - Harry S. Dent.  Listeners will be left in awe anew at God's amazing grace.
Dr. Ashley Allen, Director of Women's Ministry
North Carolina Baptist Association
Our ladies exclaimed, "Best speaker we've ever had!"  Ginny is captivating, dynamic, and personable.  Her father-daughter remarkable story of transformation to faith and missions will inspire any great commission church.
Pam Blume, Director of Women's Ministry
Mount Vernon Baptist Church
Boone, North Carolina
Our teenagers were spellbound as they heard Ginny's inspiring testimony.  I highly recommend her to any group looking for a speaker who can challenge and inspire.
Dr. Ben David, President
Donnie Maxwell Children's Home
Ginny is a southern lady and an excellent speaker who will bless you immensely as she shares her amazing father-daughter faith journey.  When she speaks, shouts of freedom call from a platform of a strong political heritage and solid Christian faith.  She knows what she believes, why she believes, and communicates conservative, traditional, and family values to her audience.  We have known Ginny for 20 years.
Dr. Harris Malcom
State Missionary for Georgia Baptist Convention
Phyllis Malcom (Kirk Cameron's parents in the movie "Fireproof")
Like her late father, Harry Dent, Ginny Dent Brant is a highly skilled communicator of God's Word.  She is a wonderful student and teacher of God's Word
Jack Moore, Senior Pastor
Charleston Baptist Church
Ginny is a warm and engaging speaker.  The story of her father's intriguing work and spiritual transformation captivated our students and challenged them to seek God's will first in their lives.
Dr. Barb Bellefeuille
Provost of Toccoa Falls College
Ginny was our featured speaker for First Foundations' 25th anniversary luncheon.  Her message on the family was excellent and well received.  It is a pleasure to recommend Ginny as an inspiring speaker.
Dick Jensen, President
First Foundations, Inc.
It was an honor to have Ginny at our MLC Ladies Retreats in Pigeon Forge.  She offered great advice and was a very interesting speaker sharing with our group about her life experiences.
Mary Lynn Crider
Founder, MLC Ladies Retreat
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

of Ginny Dent Brant's Book
"Finding True Freedom:  From The White House to The World"
Ginny talks about her dad in ways that only a daughter could and tells the wonderful story of how God took this political pioneer and turned him into a gentle saint.  This was, for me, very moving reading."
Chuck Colson
Former Special Counsel to President NixonFounder of Prison Fellowship and BreakPoint
Ginny has written a fascinating and well-written story about her relationship with her father as he moves from a political strategist to a kingdom strategist.
Dr. Avery Willis
Former Senior VP, Baptist Mission Board
Creator of the MasterLife discipleship series
A remarkable and touching story of Harry Dent and his daughter Ginny which reminds me once again of the importance of family, faith in God, and living in a free country.
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Conservative Polical Commentator
Governor Mike Huckabee


Excerpts from Ginny Dent Brant's
book "Finding True Freedom"  . . .
About Faith
There was a tug of war in my heart, and it was splitting me apart.  I was torn between my earthly father, who had lovingly held me in his arms and clapped when I took my first steps, and my heavenly Father, who had formed me in my mother's womb, knew me better than I knew myself and had prepared the best-made plan for my life.  It was no contest.  I knew I must follow the leading of my heavenly father.  But it isn't easy saying no to a father who has advised presidents and who seems to know it all.
As a young girl I had hung photographs and magazine and newspaper clippings of the models I emulated on my bedroom wall.  I was such a typical child, and my dreams were much like any normal American girl.  As I matured in my faith, those pictures and clippings would fade and one day be replaced with mental photographs of people such as Martha Myers, Bill Koehn and Kathy Gariety ... In a day in which heroes are usually movie stars, rock stars and athletes, these missionaries rise far above the rest.  I have come a long way since my youth.  It is part of the change the Holy Spirit makes in our lives when we open up the chambers of our hearts to Him.
About the Family
My father had come to realize that for the noble cause of God and country, he had practically deserted his family.  During those years of political service, he had thought he was doing the right thing by serving the most important man in the world.  Now, as he compared the husband and father he had been to what the Bible said he should be, he knew he had fallen short.  With tears in his eyes, my father recounted the many mistakes he had made, including not being home much and not being the spiritual leader of his own family.  For these reasons and many more, he made a formal apology to all of us, "I promise to do better by my family," he said.  "I only ask for your forgiveness and for you to give me a second chance as your dad."
My father had once believed that his greatest day was the one on which he raised his right hand to recite and commit to the oath of office as Special Counsel to the president of the United States.  He was to find out that his greatest days came after he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.  ...  His greatest accomplishments can be seen in his children and grandchildren - his posterity, and his ministry helping the country of Romania in its recovery from Communism.
About Freedom
We must never lose what made us the most powerful and envied nation in the world.  We must never stop being a "beacon on the hill."   While the stand for freedom must begin with each of us individually, one alone is not enough.  All freedom lovers must stand together.
Dr. Josef Tson, president of the  Romanian Missionary Society (RMS) at the time of the revolution, was a Romanian pastor who had been beaten and finally exiled to the USA.  Tson said, "The Communists promised heaven on earth, but they produced hell on earth.  Communism looks great - but it tastes horrible."  He contends that we in the West are falling for the delusion of Communism and slowly moving toward it.
Even though my father was a freedom fighter from his earliest days, the face of his efforts changed over the years.  As noble as his intentions were, the freedom he was fighting for was external and temporal.  He later found that true, lasting freedom only comes when we surrender our lives to Jesus, who is preeminent above all things, and at that point he began to fight spiritually.  That gradual process toward true freedom continues, for all who will receive it, through the power of the Holy Spirit until the day the Lord calls us home.  Our freedom is to be used for His glory, not our own.  When we graduate to heaven, the transformation will be complete.  "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free" (Gal. 5:1).
God's Eternal Perspective - Forever
Formerly our "big-picture man" in politics, Harry Dent was now reading and ravaging every Christian book and commentary he could put his hands on so he could understand the big picture of the Bible.  It was just part of the way God had designed him.  It was as if he was starving to digest everything about God and His purpose and His ways.
As a family we made it through the long dark tunnel togther.  Through the tears and the stabbing pain, we made it.  And to this day, none of us has ever forgotten what the Lord did for my father.  No matter what the hurt or pain, we must never forget what God has done for us.
Remember that this world as we know it is not our home.  Heaven is our home.   While you live on earth, you're only a pilgrim.  A theocracy is the best form of government, and I am enjoying it now.  There is nothing like it on earth.  You are seeing so many things crumbling around you, but do not be afraid.  Never forget you are part of an everlasting kingdom that will never crumble, a kingdom that wil never end.  As the Bible says in the book of Revelations, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  Words cannot describe what true spiritual freedom and life eternal in the presence of God are like.  I only thought I was free in America.  Here, I am bound by nothing - I have total bliss, total freedom, total worship, total harmony.
About Watergate
Two years earlier, the Dents had been on top of the world.  Now, at eighteen years old, I was stripped of all my heroes.  A president was leaving office, a nation was limping, and the days ahead were about to test more than the guilty.
What had Watergate taught us?  In the broadest sense, it brought home in many ways that no one is above the law; no woman, no man and no president.
The final lesson of Watergate is that Americans can do no less than hold high officials to high standards - and the same goes for media.  Unless "righteousness" and "truth" are a package deal, one can't uphold the system of checks and balances that is vital to a free society.  Today's descendants of the media sentinels who labored away undoing the Watergate deception must scrutinize every administration (Democrat or Republican), or else they give up the high standards we stand for.
The Power of Prayer
The words I prayed for my father - my actual plea - turned on desperate love, as does the story in this book.  Because of my growing faith, I would end up throwing off the plans my father had for me - not because I didn't love him but because my love for him overwhelmed me.  You have to know that in order to understand why I went to God so often with this longing that permeated evrey prayer.  I bargained for the person I loved most by offering God the thing I feared most.  It was a simple but powerful prayer:  "If you will bring my father to know you," I told God, "then when he has to die, I'll let him go.  The pain will be unbearable to me, but I won't be resentful or angry."  I would carry my promise to God close to my heart through the years to come.
I am grateful and thankful the Lord answered my prayer.  Not only did He answer it, but He went way beyond that little girl's prayer.  I never dreamed my father would give up his legal and political career and enter full-time Christian ministry with my mother at forty-eight years of age.  I never dreamed he would attend the one place he had forbidden me to go, CIU, and come to love it as he did.  I never dreamed he would attain the award of alumni of the year or ask to have his memorial service here in this special place.  I never dreamed he would minister all over the world, especially in the country of Romania.  I think the thing he feared the most when I went to CIU was that I might become something gosh-awful like a missionary.  What he didn't know was that the Lord would use him to be a missionary to many people.


Ginny Dent Brant's Book ...
Unleash Your God-Given Healing:
Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer
This book explores nutrition, lifestyle, integrative and conventional medicine, and biblical wisdom in a practical way to assist people in preventing and beating cancer while surviving the journey.
Ginny Brant's cancer diagnosis sent her on a quest to discover what caused a health nut to contract a deadly and aggressive form of breast cancer.  What she found may surprise and inspire you.  Whether you're determined to prevent this deadly disease, survive it, or prevent its recurrence, this book pulls back the curtain on cancer and answers the question "What can I do to help my doctor beat this disease?"  She challenges you to change what your doctor has no control over -- your lifestyle and health habits.
Written with commentary from a well-known oncologist, Dr. Robert Elliot, Ginny connects the dots between nutrition, lifestyle, integrative and conventional medicine, and biblical wisdom to reveal how your body was created with self-healing mechanisms that work optimally when you do your part.  But you need to get back to the Garden of Eden -- the basics in life.  By implementing a few lifestyle changes, you can begin building your immune system while lowering your toxic load.
Learn how to enable your body to work as God intended to combat cancer, chronic diseases and even COVID-19.  Allow Ginny to help you unleash your God-given healing!


Unleash Your God-Given Healing:
Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer
In 2010, my oncologist at MD Anderson and these eight steps turned around my stage 4 diagnosis.  My oncologist believed my lifestyle changes complemented her efforts.  This book has inspired me to fine tune my habits so I can make it another ten years and beyond with 'No Evidence of Disease'!
Anne Buck
Stage 4 aggressive breast cancer survivor
Ginny helped lift my haze of confusion.  With a biblical, integrative approach and well-documented research, her book provides a solid game plan for battling cancer and preventing recurrence.
Jann Barclift
Cancer Survivor
Ginny reveals the true nature and importance of the interaction between the spiritual, psychological, and material aspects of dealing with a health crisis.  As a pastor who counsels many people through crises like these, I heartily recommend her book.
Dr. Wallace Henley
Senior Associate Pastor
Second Baptist Church
Houston, Texas
God placed amazing healing power within our bodies, and this book will show you how to unlock it.  Ginny Brant not only gets to the root cause factors of cancer and chronic diseases, she gives you a step-by-step process to address these issues and allow your body to heal.  I highly recommned this book!
Dr. David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS
DrJockers.com and author of Keto Metabolic Breakthrough






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