Carolyn Brooks Reese
Inspirational / Motivational Speaker
Bible Teacher
Travels from Texas
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"The Best Inspirational Speaker I have Heard"
"Super Speaker"
"Outstanding Speaker"
"I would give my highest recommendation"
"Dynamic Christian Woman"
Carolyn is a dynamic and powerful speaker inspiring women from all walks of life to overcome any obstacle and with God achieve the impossible! She shares her powerful testimony of overcoming overwhelming obstacles of abuse, divorce, single parenting, financial reversal, addiction in her daughter, and caring for both elderly parents, and inspires her audiences to become "more than a conqueror" because "what is impossible with men, is possible with God!"
Carolyn is President of Carolyn Brooks Ministries, Simply Divine Communications, and CFO of Beauty for Ashes Cosmetics. She is the author of the booklet Biblical Work Ethics, co-author of Conversations on Faith and What I Learned From God While Cooking, and contributing author to But Lord I Was Happy Shallow. Look for many more books coming soon!
Carolyn has appeared on national television including Life Today and At Home Live, many radio interviews, and book-signing tours.
Carolyn has served for more than twenty-five years in many ministries including Evangelism Explosion Trainer, Dallas and Fort Worth Juvenile Detention Centers, Women, and Children Abuse Shelters, Nursing Home Ministry, and has served on the Board of Directors of a nationwide prison ministry.
She was a nominee for the Women of Excellence Award for her exemplary career with SBC Communications and community involvement. Carolyn's incredible professional background, personal experience, and training have equipped her to speak to any audience on any subject. Specialized training includes Zig Ziggler Essential Presentation Training, International Speaker's Network, Commanding Communicator's Conference, Professional Woman Speaker's Bureau, and Dale Carnegie. Carolyn is currently on Thelma Well's Mentoring Program and is continually equipping herself to be what God has called her to be!
Presentation Topics Include:
Winning Life's Battles
Carolyn shares her real-life testimony of how she traveled through abuse, divorce, and financial reversal and came out on the other side as a winner and an overcomer. She shares real tools to equip women to overcome and to be women of courage, emerge through any difficulty as radiant successful women to become all that God created them to be.
Developing the Heart of A Champion...Facing Your Giants
This study is taken from the story of David and Goliath. Carolyn reveals that it is not the size of our giants, but the size of our God. She discusses the faith factor, the heart factor, the victor mentality, and how God can see us through any storm.
The Joseph Syndrome...Overcoming Against All Odds
This study is based upon the story of Joseph and explains how and why bad things happen, and reveals God's higher purpose to move us from the pit to the palace. It reveals the journey to the pit, the purpose of the pit, the conditions in the pit, and the promotion out of the pit to the palace.
First Class Woman...Purity by the Book
Carolyn's dynamic study reveals the real pressures facing single women and shares her personal experiences in dating men of today. She discusses facing sexual pressure, facing forgiveness, becoming whole again, becoming free at last, and protection through obedience.
Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones...And Will Surely Hurt Me
Carolyn discusses the power of our words to bring to heal or to wound others, avoiding the judgment factor, and how to apply the healing ointment of our words to bring healing and wholeness to others.
In The Eye of The Beholder ...The Sufferings of Low Self Esteem
Carolyn shares the real sufferings of low self-esteem. She reveals why women make choices that reflect who they really are inside, and how wholeness attracts wholeness. She discusses looking in the mirror, healing from the past, and hope for the future. "There is no escaping your identity; you will not live beyond how you see yourself...not for long."
Faith That Moves Mountains
Carolyn shares how faith has worked miracles in her life and in the life of her children and grandchildren. She shares how faith saw her daughter to a place of victory over drug addiction, the strength to be a full-time caregiver for both parents, and how faith literally removes the mountains in our lives. She discusses where faith begins, how God develops our faith, developing the eyes of faith to see beyond the crisis to the promise, and reaping the reward of our faith.
I Think I See Gold In the Fire...God's Ultimate Makeover
Carolyn shares God's promises for those going through hardships and reveals God's promises to see them through the tragedy to a place of triumph. God uses our pain to bring victory, our tears to bring joy, and our heartaches to bring happiness. She discusses how fire builds character, inner beauty, and the fruit of the spirit.
Lost Your Baggage...Could This Be a Good Thing?
This study reveals the process of losing so that we may gain, and how life's hardships are tools in the potter's hand to mold and shape us into a thing of beauty. God's equations are in direct opposition to the world's equations...The way up is down, less means more, last means first, death means life, weakness means strength, and giving means receiving. Carolyn will discuss identification of the baggage (self-awareness), getting rid of the baggage (the losing process), and replacing the baggage (the gaining process and the fruit of the spirit.
Other Topics Include:
- The Power of Prayer
- Born To Be Free...The Power of Forgiveness
- Chaos to Calm...Victory Over Addictions
- Winning At Work...Success By the Book
- The Secret Place...Finding Intimacy With God
- I Don't Like the Cheese...Avoiding The Trap of Temptation
- Why Women Settle For A Frog When A Prince is Coming
- A Little Look at Manners
- First Impressions
- The Professional Woman
- Sometimes You Just Have to Let It Go... Facing the Battle When You Don't Know What To Do
- How To Stay Calm In the Storm
Christmas Messages . . .
In Mama's Kitchen: Chrismas Lessons About God
God the Master Chef has all the right tools to equip our lives with success. He receives us just the way we are, with all the "raw ingredients" of our lives. He knows what is missing and what is needed. He carefully adds "a little bit of this" and "a little bit of that." Trials and hardships often create the right temperature to mold and shape our lives. The sweet aroma of a God-centered life will cause others to ask for the "recipes" of our life and will lead others to Him.
Christmas Blessings at the Women's Shelter
In this touching message, Carolyn shares the story of her 'best Christmas ever.' She welcomed into her home to share Christmas dinner a single grandmother and her two grandchildren from The Salvation Army Women's Shelter. You see ... it really is different once you've been the one in need - once you've 'been there.' Giving to others has immense power when done in private. Your gift to another blesses you as well as the recipient, and you can only give what you have been blessed to have received in your own life.
Here's What Christian Leaders
Are Saying About Carolyn Brooks . . .
"It is a privilege for me to recommend Carolyn Brooks to you. She is skilled in sharing her faith. God has given her a wonderful spirit."
James T. Draper, Jr.
President of Lifeway Christian Resources
"I would give my highest recommendation to you on behalf of Carolyn Brooks. ... She has proven to be like an oak planted by the river. She has greeted life with faith and grace that only can be attributed to the mercies of God."
Steve Smith
Minister to Family Care
Prestonwood Baptist Church
Dallas, Texas
"It has been my privilege to know Carolyn Brooks for the past twenty years. ... It is my honor to recommend Carolyn to you with a prayer that you would take advantage of the gifts and experiences of this dear lady. ... God bless you as you experience the life and ministry of Carolyn Brooks."
Billy Graham
Pastor of Evangelism and World Missions
First Baptist North Mobile
Saraland, Alabama
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