Joy Callahan
Women's Events
Marriage Conferences
Author of
God's Marriage Code of Conduct for
Victory Over A Roommate Marriage
Every marriage experiences 'ups and downs' ... But more couples than anyone would like to believe simply 'exist' in a "roommate marriage." Joy Callahan's message to husbands and wives reveals God's truth on the spiritual roots of an empty, lonely marriage. Christian marriage should be the envy of the secular world - but divorce rates and 'troubled marriages' are as common among believers as among the rest of the population.
Husbands' and wives' eyes are opened to the true reality of spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy in marriage, and true freedom for each spouse. Understanding God's plan for marriage and "drawing a line in the sand" keeps a marriage on course to true passion and victory. Joy Callahan speaks from her own testimony and the Truth she has discovered in God's Word. | 
Joy and her husband experienced a roommate marriage and, ultimately, a victorious marriage before he went home to be with the Lord. Joy's passion for truth resulted in four years of research to at God's leading. Joy's scripturally based book is a great workbook and reference tool for couples and for those who counsel and teach couples. The truths that God scripturally revealed to Joy are not for the faint of heart but for those who are serious about change in their marriage.
In addition to conference speaking, Joy encourages men and women in roommate marriages via television and radio talk shows. Variations of Joy's messages are appropriate for women's ministry, men's ministry, couples events, divorce care groups, engaged couples, and Christian high schools and colleges.
Speaking Topics Include . . .
Moving Beyond a "Roommate Marriage"
Lonely marriage partners struggle with the clues to finding passionate freedom. Many do not understand God's immutable laws on marriage and how the negative consequences, as bad as it sounds, can lead them to victory.
Male-Female Roles in Marriage
Rules and roles in marriage seem archaic to some, yet God created man and woman to fulfill specific roles as husband and wife. Learn what God says in His Word about each spouse's roles and responsibilities in marriage, as well as God's "rules" for marriage. Rules and roles are part of the game plan that makes both spouses winners.
Igniting Passion in Your Marriage
Passion is unconditional love that never grows weary. A successful, Godly marriage is bathed in passion. Joy shares how passion makes marriage a safe place for husband and wife, and she explores the unique gift that God gives each husband and how that gift affects his wife and the level of passion in their relationship.
Raising Children to be Successful Adults
Children grow successfully into their adult roles when they experience love and assurance that they are a blessing to their parents. When parents are great role models, children blossom. Successful, secure human beings are trained - they don't become that way by accident!
Money in Marriage
In His Word, God spells out very clearly the 'good and bad' about money in marriage. Joy explores God Word on accountability and responsibilities of family finances, and she discusses the root cause of money being one of the biggest causes of breaks in marriages.
Heavenly Rewards for a Heavenly Marriage
God's Word is a map and tool to make us more like Him, and we are rewarded for all eternity on how well we used these tools. Coming up short on rewards at judgment will surprise many due to lack of knowledge. Forever is a long time ... once we cross over, we cannot undo to make it better.
Testimonials . . .
I have never before heard what this woman is talking about - with the information in this book, I can save my marriage.
The Christian community needs this information.
Frank Hood
Owner, Sweet Spirit Christian Bookstore
I support the material in this book as a tool to strengthen and bring passion back into marriages.
Pastor Jim Letizia
New Covenant Church, Pompano Beach, Florida
My wife and I have had a roommate marriage for 23 years. Through your message I am asking Father God to teach me to nourish and cherish my wife - hoping to be one of your testimonies.
Tom Raines
Affirmations of God - Serving Time for Kids and Weekly Reader
Joy, I have just read your book and have recommended it today to two of my clients - 30-somethings, married, regular church attenders. I feel strongly that God through your book will save their marriage.
Barbara Selby
Sunday School Teacher, Realtor
Joy, I have to tell you that I can barely put your book down. It speaks amazingly clear to my spirit. You explain so much. I have heard things from this person and that person, all well meaning and accurate. But your book is lining up the truth in a simple fashion where I can put it all together. It explains my life, my husband, and my feelings. It is amazing. Thank you.
Dottie Coffman
Station Manager, 1300 AM Faith Community Radio