Dr. Pamela Christian
The FAITH DOCTOR ... Your Rx for LIFE!
Host, Writer and Producer of TV Talk Show, Faith to Live By
Bringing solutions to life's difficult problems
from the Christian perspective.
Author of
Examining Your Faith: Finding Truth in a World of Lies
Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises
"Examine Your Faith! provides answers to unanswered questions
most people have that are preventing them from embracing and
living life with confidence. This book examines the popular faith
claims of our day and helps the reader discover life-giving truth."
- - Josh D. McDowell, Author and Speaker
For over twenty years Pamela Christian "the Faith Doctor," has been helping people in matters of faith. Pam compassionately wants people to confidently discover, and live in, life-giving truth.
Pamela Christian is a television host, transitioning from her work as a daily radio talk show host, a national speaker, author, Bible and conference teacher, whose passion is to help people seriously examine their faith to be certain it will not fail them when they need it most.
She holds a certificate in apologetics from BIOLA and is a member of BIOLA Media Task Force, American Women in Radio and Television, Golden Gate Broadcasters Association, Southern California Broadcasters Association, Advanced Writers and Speakers' Association and Christian Women in Media Association. She has served as a staff member of Women in Christian media and CLASSeminars, Inc.
With her speaking, teaching, and writing experience and certificate in apologetics from Biola University, Pam's passion continues to be expressed as book author and media personality.
Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies by Pamela Christian is one book that respectfully and compassionate walks you through a proper understanding about truth, then explores the major religions and New Age so you can decide for yourself Who and what is worthy of your faith.
Well-meaning people want to believe that all roads lead to the same God and heaven. But wanting something to be true is far different from truth lining up with reality. Unless you make an intentional effort to examine what you believe and why you believe it, it's quite possible you are living your life on the basis of a lie and don't know it.
- What is truth?
- Is it relative or absolute?
- Is it personal or universal?
- What are the differences among the various religious faiths? Can they be blended?
- Are we creating faith - a belief system - that is impotent by trying to accept all religions as equal?
If you have any doubts about your religious faith; if you have any questions about the validity of other religious faiths; if you have been told what to believe instead of being taught how to decide for yourself, Examine Your faith! is just what "the Doctor" ordered.
"Unless you intentionally examine what you believe and why you believe it,
you could be deceived and not know it." - - Pamela Christian
Pamela worked in the corporate world beginning in her late teens and by age twenty-five became a business owner. She has started several successful businesses over the years and has helped other business owners establish their businesses specific to policies, procedures, and developing the business operational infrastructure. She is a uniquely gifted visionary who recognizes the details necessary to support the big-picture goals and objectives. Her most recent client is The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network, established by Apostle Andrew and Ann Marie Bills. Pam's messages for churches and corporate events are penetratingly motivating, compassionately challenging her audience to greater possibiltiies.
Pamela Christian is an internationally ordained Apostle, awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the HSBN International School of Ministry in association with the International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center. She is certified in apologetics from Biola University.
She has been host of traditional Christian talk radio in two major markets, and currently hosts her own television program, Faith to Live By.
Her current book series is also titled "Faith to Live By" with the four books in this series being focused on equipping the Church and Believers to make a Kingdom different in this world. All books have impressive endorsements and excellent reviews.
Speaking Topics Include . . .
Expand Your Ministry: Using Media to Penetrate the Darkness
(A Single Message)
Ministries and churches have been slow to embrace media largely because of the abuses from some televangelists and wanting to distance the Church from Hollywood. However, with the advent of hand-held devices reaching, reaching people via media is now a 24-7 possibility that the Church must embrace. Pam's message encouraging minsitries t use media to make the Church relevant in our culture is a message every ministry needs to hear -- even those using media already because of her excellent explanation of how to reach our post-modern culture.
Penetrating the Cultural Opposition to Christianity
(A Two-Part Presentation)
This message was developed for an international group of ministers' Day of Education. Beginning from the premise that the Church is considered irrelevant by today's culture, Pam takes time to explain how our culture ascended to the present condition. Referencing the Period of Enlightenment (France and Germany), Pam expertly reveals how human reason has been elevated above divine revelation. For the Church and ministries to reach our post-modern culture, we must engage in strategies far different than the past. The Bible is considered an archaic document unnecessary for today by many and as only one document among those of religious authority, therefore equal to the Koran, Tripitaka or other religious documents of authority. Following the Apostle Paul's example at the Areopagus, we must know and address our audience from their perspective first.
The Truth, The Culture, and The Church
(A Single Message)
"There are generations of people who are going to hell in a hand-basket that's been woven by the Church." -- Pamela Christian
The fact that many people today believe truth is relative and emphasize feeling over thinking makes presenting the gospel more difficult today than any other time in history. With sober awareness of I Peter 4:17, Pam calls on ministries and the Church to wake up and take the lead in our culture, consistent with the Great Commission. This is an empowering message, complete with tools, ideas, and methods that ministers and lay people alike must embrace if we are going to be the influence on earth God intends.
Faith and Finances
(A Single Message)
"You may believe God, but do you know how to receive from God?" -- Pamela Christian
The specifics of this message have been designed to speak to ministry leaders to help them take their ministry to the next level. Even seasoned leadership can find themselves in a pattern of prayer that actually hinders their prayers from being answered. Our emotions, weariness in waiting, the continued hardships suffered, and more can take a toll on our ability to pray correctly. With emphasis on James 4:3, this message helps people recognize areas where they have been inadvertently blind-sided, and what they must do differently to effectively pray and receive the promises and provisions of God.
You Should Have Your Faith Examined!
(A Single Message)
If you don't really know why you believe what you believe, there's no way you can share your faith with others. And more, how can you possibly be certain that your faith won't fail you when you need it the most? In this post-modern era of religious tolerance and claims that all faiths are equal, how can you know that your faith is certain? Expertly simplistic, yet overwhelmingly convincing, Pam contrasts major religions and demonstrates the unique viability of Christianity, equipping her audiences with mountain-moving conviction and the confident hope that Truth brings.
Transformed At Last!
(A Single Message - Testimony)
"Simply pasting wings on a worm does not make a butterfly" is just one of the poignant yet humorous statements Pam makes as she shares how she thought she was a Christian for many years, until one night after a devastating event. In addition to outreach, this message clearly challenges the complacent Believer: "Why be a worm with pasted on wings when you can be a genuine butterfly?"
A New Beginning
(A Three- or Four-Part Retreat)
Initially created for a major interdenominational women's outreach, as an expansion of "Thou Shall Not Compare," this has become one of Pamela's more requested retreats. Excellent for audiences of seekers and believers since the messages challenge people at all points in their walk. Based on Isaiah 43:18-19 ... A New Look - A New Heart - A New Hope - A New Beginning.
Faith Factor
(A Single Message)
Pam's life since first placing her faith in Jesus Christ has been one of continually overcoming hardships. Her faith has been challenged through serious financial, health, and marital issues, and by determining to go through these sufferings without giving up on God's promises and character, she has experienced the fulfillment of Hebrews 11:6. With a genuine heart to encourage others, this message always connects deeply with her audiences who leave significantly encouraged in their own circumstances and with greatly renewed hope.
Thou Shall Not Compare
(A Single Message)
Knowing how women shape and reshape their personal identity and life goals based on appearance, standards and possessions of others, Pam expertly and delicately presents some hard truths which won't allow the listener to leave without discovering how comparisons ever and only lead to discontentment. Filled with humor, yet personally probing, this message is serious fun.
Love Letters From God
(A Three- or Four-Part Retreat)
This retreat offers encouragement for the discouraged, comfort to the wounded, challenge to the complacent and relationship for the lonely. God's love is all around us and His direction is available at all times in any situation - we just need to know how to look for it.
Come Away, My Beloved
(A Four-Part Retreat)
This message looks hard at what it means to be in Covenant with God. Beginning with "Covenant Position in Christ," followed by examining our "Covenant Condition in Christ," then considering our "Covenant Relation in Christ," concluding with our "Covenant Communion in Christ," this message uses Pam's personal testimony with teachings from Hosea to reveal the continued unfaithfulness of God's people and the urgent need to repent.
Passport To The Future
(A Three-Part Retreat)
This delightfully enjoyable "travel" theme retreat begins with Journey Into Life, where Pam's compelling testimony is given and invitation offered, followed by All Aboard, which is a challenge to surrender all to Christ, and concluding with Buckle Your Seat Belts, providing more testimony and teaching about life's "turbulence" and how God uses it to sanctify us to make us ready for our future.
The Perfect Treasure
(A Three-Part Retreat)
This fascinating message uses the story of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls as an analogy to the Christian's life and explains how we, as jars of clay, must be broken before the treasure inside us can be discovered! Wonderfully educating and inspiring, this message stirs up the listeners causing them to delight in the knowledge that they are uniquely fashioned and made for a specific purpose in the plan of God.
Journey Into Holiness
(A Four-Part Retreat)
With a burden for the lack of holiness in The Church, Pamela was inspired to develop this retreat based on Leviticus 20:7. This is excellent for those who are wanting to go deeper and live more meaningfully in Christ. Well researched and substantiated, instructive yet personably presented, this message lifts people up to a higher standard - God's standard.
The Fragrance of Faith
(A Three-Part Retreat)
Based on 2 Corinthians 2:14, this message is written for today when it seems that in every turn, our faith is giving way to fear. World events, natural disasters, the failure of the financial, job and real estate markets, politics, social issues and the continued failure of the family have produced tremendous fear. The 'casual Christia'" and the long-time Believer, are challenged to seriously evaluate their faith to be certain it's based on truth so that they can confidently take hold of the hope the desperately need. The three messages consider the "Foundation of Faith," the "Fractured Faith," and the "Favor of Faith." Message includes basic apologetics making it suitable as an outreach too. A deep probing message that brings the listener to a confident new-found hope in Christ.
His Word Afresh - My Life Anew!
(A Full-Day Workshop)
Independent Bible study is a lost discipline. This workshop is designed to garner true appreciation for the Bible and to present an inductive method for confident, individual study. One workshop attendee said, "I've been in Bible studies all my life, but what you've shown me is that I don't know how to study the Bible for myself. I can't wait to get home and get started!" Workshop Supplement Book required.
Testimonials . . .
"... it hurts, but hit me again!"
"You're the nicest bully I've ever met!"
"A wonderful blend of caring and directness."
"A wonderful expression of velvet and steel."
"Precisely the velvet hammer the Church needs today."
"... disturbing the comfortable - comforting the disturbed."
"The clearest presentation of the gospel I've heard in a long time."
Audience Comments
"From the moment I first spoke with Pam to the last day of our retreat, Pam allowed the Holy Spirit to guide her thoughts, her prayers, and her embrace of our women. Pam's words to me in the beginning stated that the women would come in as indivduals, but leave as a unified body ... God accomplished that through His humble servant, Pamela Christian. Her willingness to be real, transparent, and honest alowed our women to open up and trust God to heal wounded areas, challenge stubborn hearts, and to celebrate changed lives. The women are still talking about the blessing of that special weekend! Pam has a unique and God-given ability to weave heartache with victory, sadness with humor, and a spirit of acceptability with the reality of accountability. Women were challenged to break through the brriers that have held them back, and to rejoice in teh freedome that God gave them. We loved Pam's stories that showed her humility yet gave complete glory to the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in her life. In closing, we would highly recommend Pamela Christian for any church event, speaking engagement, or any opportunity that allows her to speak God's truths in any group of people. She is truly a gifted speaker, humble servant, and teacher of God's truths."
Denise L. Baronian
Women's Ministry Director
Northwest Church
Fresno, California
"Examine Your Faith! provides answers to unanswered questions most people have that are preventing them from embracing and living life with confident. If you ar enot confident about what you believe, or what makes sense to believe, this book will help you examine the popular faith claims of our day and discover life-giving truth."
Josh D. McDowell
Author and Speaker
"Pamela Christian's states goal in her book Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies is to hep readers "realize the eternal impotance of examining what you believe and why you believe it." After an initial evaluation of the interrelatedness of faith, knowledge, adn truth, she approaches this task in a unique and compelling fashion. Rather than apply typical apologetic methods of argumentation, she uncritically lays out the main tenets of Christianity's major religious and secular competitors - and then challenges her readers to determine for themselves which worldview is best supported by objective facts. Religious skeptis, spiritual seekers, or those who simply want to examine their faith to determine its legitimacy cannot read this book without concluding that Christianity has no competitors. It alone is objectively true and meets human needs at their deepest emotional and spiritual levels."
Dan Story, MA, Christian Apologetics
Author and Teach
"Pamela Christian has done something her that is very difficult to do. That is, she has written an engaging and personal, yet thoughtful and fact-filled book in Christian apologetics. This is a wonderful introduction to both world religions and the special case for Christ. And it is perfect for group studies at churches everywhere."
Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics
Biola University
Author of Five Sacred Crossings
Testimonials from Church and Corporate Clients . . .
"Your research and ability to communicate the hard facts about today's opposition to Christian culture confirms you are a gifted and anointed speaker. On behalf of the Board of Directors of SWIM International, we extend our complete gratitude for your outstanding presentation as the keynote speaker for the Day of Kingdom Knowledge event, 2018. Your topic, Penetrating the Culture of Opposition to Christianity, was impactful and relevant to our audience. It seems everyone I spoke with wants us to express appreciation for your professionalism and depth of content in the program."
Susan K. Abrams
President, Board of Directfors
Supporting Women in Ministry International
"Thank you for your excellent presentation about expanding ministry through media. You've opened my eyes to entirely new ways our church can reach segments of our culture previously beyond our reach. Your presentation at the HSBN Summit provided me an overview of the extent of media I hadn't previously considered. Your presentation was well laid out, very organized, and easy to follow. I learned many things and was engaged the whole time. Your additional information with the handout to help us understand and reach the culture was especially helpful."
Dr. Cathy Coppola
Founder and Diretor
Cathy Coppola International Ministries
"Praise the Lord, woman of God. We at the New Destiny Christian Center family were so blessed to have you come and minister to us last Sunday. Your ministry impacted a lot of lives, and everyone is continually speaking about the message [The Truth, The Culture and the Church] you presented. When you were ministering in our church, I was wishing the whole world would receive you and listen to that great wisdom the Holy Spirit has deposited in you. May the good Lord bless you and enlarge your ministry.
Apostle Pastor Godfrey Waswa
New Destiny Christian Center
Sample List of a Few of the Organizations
For Which Pamela Has Presented Keynote Addresses
Salvation Army Regional Retreat - Keynote speaker, January 2011
What You Don't Know About Under and Unemployment - Keynote Speaker, July 2009
American Association of Senior Executives - Featured Guest, July 2009
American Family Living Tea - Featured Guest, July 2009
Crystal Cathedral International Women's Conference - Presenter, October 2004
University Southern California Irvine Medical Center, First Annual Day of Women's Health - Keynote Speaker, October 2004
Crystal Cathedral International Women's Conference - Presenter, October 2003
Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - Presenter, October 2003
Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - Presenter, October 2001
Southern California Women's Conference - Presenter, January 2000