Robert Fullerton
CPA / CFO / Entrepreneur with a
Rock-Solid, Bible-Based Message
on God's Plan for Finance
Conference / Workshops / Church Services
Author of
Business Success Based on Biblical Principles
God's Strategic Plan
Robert Fullerton presents Bible-based seminars and sermons that help Christian families, business people, and ministry leaders manage their money on the basis of sound financial principles and Biblical principles.
Scripture clearly affirms God's desire to bless His people. However, if we do not learn to manage our finances properly, we are likely to join the ranks of the "unfaithful stewards" who either squander the blessing or fail to put it to its best use. This not only hurts us and our families but prevents us from contributing financially to the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Robert addresses the practicalities and Biblical principles of these basic issues in an interesting and inspiring way that is easily understood and can be easily applied by everyone.
For ministry events and church services, Robert offers the following inspired and engaging teachings to challenge listeners to manage personal finances with discipline and Biblical integrity:
The Basis Elements of a Good Financial Plan: Budgeting, Saving, Investment, Debt Elimination, Risk Management
Needs vs. Wants ... What Does God Guarantee?
Wealth vs. Prosperity ... Where is My Heart?
Leave and Cleave ... Financial Issues for Married Couples
Biblical Integrity for Personal Finances
Debt: The Snare of the Fowler ... Why We Get In Debt and How to Get Out!
How to Prepare a Family Budget and Stick To It
Robert's messages on purpose, principles, and profits for Christian entrepreneurs include the following:
Finding and Understanding God's Purpose for Your Business
The Two Gates
Professor Zaphnath-Paaneah: Biblical Case Study in Financial Excellence
Faith: Christian Entrepreneurs and the Battles We Face
Stewardship: Financial and Biblical Accountability
Integrity, The Walls of the City
Biblical Principles for Business Success
Business leaders and entrepreneurs receive beneficial, strategic information that can yield immediate ROI - a variety of topics are offered, including ...
Financial Components of a Successful Business
The Nature of Business Risk and How to Protect Yourself
The 5 Keys to a Successful Start Up: Capital, Strategy, Model, Opportunity, and Structure
Business Planning and Marketing Strategy
Selecting the Appropriate Entity for Your Business: Partnership, LLC, S Corp, C Corp
Taxes and Accounting for Small Business Owners Made Simple
Cash Flow: The Lifeblood of Your Business ... Tips & Traps
Basic Considerations for Growing Your Business
Robert Fullerton says, "A major shift in my life occurred in 2009, just after the collapse of the US housing market and the banking crisis. Many of my close friends and clients lost significant value and it was clear that much of the crisis was due to aggressive and even reckless corporate strategy, driven by greed. Many Christians lost their entire life savings and their homes during this period. I realized then that, had we adhered to the principles of God's word, many sorrows could have been avoided. That changed my entire perspective on career and ministry. What followed was a challenging journey of trials and faith to respond to God's call on my life to teach Biblical finances and advance His Kingdom."
Robert Fullerton is a Georgia licensed Certified Public Accountant, a UK Chartered Certified Accountant, and holds an MBA from Heriot Watt University, Scotland. He is a seasoned business professional with over 25 years experience in public accounting, and as a CFO, CEO, and business consultant. He provides advisory services in the area of financial management and business strategy to owner-managed businesses and serves on the Board of Directors and Management Committees of client companies.
Robert accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior 30 yeras ago and has been active in youth ministry, as a church administrator, and elder. He is uniquely qualified and gifted as a presenter of keynote, seminars, workshops, and sermons on Biblical financial planning for individuals and entrepreneurs. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Robert and his wife Jacqueline make their home in Buford, Georgia with their children Jesse, Chloe, and Caitlin.
Christians in business face financial hazards and spiritual hazards. Business Success Based on Biblical Principles addresses both the financial hazards and spiritual hazards faced by Christian business people in today's marketplace. Financial hazards affect everyone, regardless of beliefs or faith. The failure rate among both new and established businesses is extremely high, and, in most instances, businesses go under because their owners lacked sufficient business expertise and experience. Christians in business also face spiritual hazards which offer subtle inducements to compromise beliefs and principles and abandon God's purpose for the sake of commercial gain.
Robert Fullerton addresses these issues and provides a sound Biblical basis businesses profitability with a focus on purpose, principles, and profits. With the use of examples and case studies, Robert explains how to succeed in today's world as a Christian business owner.
"A 'must read' for every Christian entrepreneur." Pastor Sandra Robinson, Hephzigah Ministries
With a recent shift towards self-employment as the new form of "job security," for some the journey started by first becoming unemployed and then self-employed, pursuing the new dream of owning and managing a successful business. This shift has impacted the church; more Christians are starting businesses every day. Christian business owners face unique challenges in attempting to prosper in an environment that recognizes greed, not God, as the final authority. As a result, many find themselves grappling with financial issues while trying to reconcile their business practice with their faith. Business Success Based on Biblical Principles addresses these issues, starting with the conflict between Biblical ethics and commercial expediency, providing case studies and easy-to-follow examples of how to build a successful business on the sure platform of Biblical truth. It then switches gears to look at effective financial strategies and management techniques to make any business profitable and sustainable. Robert Fullerton's underlying premise is that success for faith-based businesses is achieved through the application of Biblical principles, Godly purpose, and sound management techniques. Robert writes in simple language and explains powerful Biblical truths and business concepts in a way that is easily understood by both new and experience entrepreneurs.
Although "strategic planning" is normally associated with business success, the process did not originate here on earth with man. Long before our world was created, a major battle erupted in heaven as Lucifer, one of God's brightest angels, attempted to take God's throne by force. Lucifer's defeat and his expulsion from heaven saw that fierce battle between the forces of God and evil continue here on earth with man now caught in the middle.
God's Strategic Plan traces this battle from its inception and examines the contrasting strategies of both God and Satan as they contend for the souls of men. This book shows how the entire conflict now focuses on us and explains how we, as individuals, can play a significant role in the final outcome, which was decisively determined when Jesus entered the arena.
"A 'must read' for every new believer and for every Christian who wants to understand where they fit in to God's purpose." Senior Pastor Earland Bandfield, Holiness Revival Ministries
God's Strategic Plan sets out to establish that the Bible is not a random collection of ancient stories but is, in fact, a strategic planning document which surpasses anything that the corporate world has ever seen. Imbedded in the pages of Scripture is a well-thought-out, brilliant strategy which not only reveals God's ultimate intent in creating man, but describes the intricate measure He took to establish us as the dominate species on earth. Robert Fullerton uses his experience as a business professional to take us behind the scenes to examine the objectives, options, and tactics of two opposing supernatural beings - God and Satan - as they contend for lives of men and women since the beginning of man's existence. Robert provides new insight into the strategies adopted by each side in this unseen battle raging in our midst and drills down to examine the effective that God's Strategic Plan has on our individual lives and destinies.

Testimonials . . .
"Robert is a valued member of our company's Board of Directors and Strategic Management Committee. We appreciate his wise counsel and Godly business advice."
Colin Ferreira, Chairman and Owner
Ferreira Optical Limited
"Robert provides our company with sound business advice and CFO guidance, and I hold him in very high regard as a Christian business expert."
Russell Rainey, CEO and Owner
Rainey Aparrel Manufacturing, Inc.