Joey Hancock
Motivating and Challenging Audiences
While Entertaining with a Purpose
One of America's Most Popular
Outdoor / Wild Game Dinner Speakers
"This man is funny! I'd pay good money to hear him speak."
Josh McDowell (speaker/author)
Georgia Author of the Year
Evangelist / Fill-In Preacher
On stages across America, outdoor TV personality, professional guide, and author Joey Hancock brings the funny and the inspiration to outdoorsman events of all types, as well as ubiquitous and always delicious wild game dinners!
And at bluegrass venues nationwide, Joey brings good old, down-home fun as he entertains with his acoustical guitar and his crowd-pleasing mandolin. He has opened for Grammy winning Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys, 'Lil Roy Lewis and the Lewis Family, the first family in bluegrass music, Charlie Lovin, and many others. Joey plays with his bluegrass group Just Passin' Thru.
An avid outdoorsman, Joey Hancock was listed as one of the "Top Ten Turkey Hunters" in Alabama and is on the pro staff of a number of outdoor companies. He has been a professional guide for quail and turkey for over twenty years. Joey served as chaplain for a NASCAR Busch racing team for a number of years.
Joey speaks for churches, corporations, seminaries, universities, high schools, Boy Scouts of America (did you know Joey is an Eagle Scout?!) and civic clubs. Joey and his dogs have been part of the Quail Unlimited Hunt, and various events for corporations such as Georgia Farm Bureau, the Georgia Forestry Association, Allgood Pest Solutions, and many others. When Joey addressed The United States Coast Guard Academy, his address was distributed to military chaplains worldwide. Joey has been honored to address men and women in the US military.
Success Afield is the book that won Joey Hancock The Georgia Writer's Association's "Georgia Inspirational Author of the Year 2006." His book Stories He Can Tell was nominated for the same award in 2011.
A South Carolina native, Joey is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree by Immanuel Baptist Seminary. For twenty-eight years he served as a full-time career pastor. The next eight years he served as Vice President of Baptist Networking with one of America's oldest religious organizations, The American Tracts Society. Many Christian and secular organizations have used Joey in the design and development of manuals and strategies for their projects. Currently, Joey and his wife live in Georgia and he travels full-time, speaking and writing his message of comedy, encouragement, and success.
Joey would love the opportunity to entertain, encourage, motivate, and inspire your audience at your next event! Oh, and after he speaks, Joey is always happy to personally greet every audience member with "a handshake and a howdy"!
"Christmas With a Southern Flavor"
Joey speaks year round, but he loves every opportunity to entertain and inspire at Christmas events. Joey will have you laughing 'til your jingle bells fall off as he presents good, clean, down-home humor, as well as stirring mandolin music such as "Santa's Getting Fatter and I Ain't Too Skinny Neither"! Joey will leave your audience with their toes a tappin' and sides a-splittin'! His closing story of "The Old Smokey Mountain Christmas Madolin" helps the audience revisit the real meaning of the season. Joey provides a complete, multi-faceted program with humor, music, and a Christmas message - and all you have to do is invite your friends and neighbors!
Testimonials . . .
"Joey Hancock has a remarkable ability to not only get you laughing, but teach you while he is doing it. This book [Success Afield] will bring back fond memories to those who are older and resonate with those who are younger and love the outdoors. You will laugh a lot and learn a lot about God and His great outdoors."
Chuck McAlister
Adventure Bound Outdoors TV
"Joey is an energetic speaker that fills the air with humorous stories that are always on target."
Larry Brotherton
"No one can read just one of these outdoor stories - they are wholesomely addictive!"
Dr. Tom Rakow
Founder and Executive President
Christian Deerhunters
"Joey has mastered the art of storytelling. He will keep you laughing with his clean, good old down home humor to present you a life changing message."
Steve Handy
WKBC, North Carolina
"I would like to tell you how much my two sons and I enjoyed listening to your presentation and how we truly appreciate your good clean humor. We have listened to you CD and enjoyed the stories. Keep up the fine job!"
Jim, an audience member
"The South has been looking for a storyteller on the par with Lewis Grizzard and Jerry Clower. We finally found one ... Joey Hancock."
Will Davis, Journalist, Monroe County Reporter
Stories He Can Tell
Joey Hancock tells stories from porches to platforms all across America. In this book he captures many of these stories in print. Each of these funny everyday life stories has a closing thought to encourage you during your day and a scripture reading to strengthen your life. Joey Hancock was Nominated for Georgia Author of the Year 2011 by the Georgia Writers Association for Stories He Can Tell (the award he won in 2006 with his first book).


Success Afield: Principles for a Sportsman's Life, Joey's award-winning devotional book, is winning hearts across the country.
Joey Hancock's newest CD . . .
The Thinkin' Man
An Entry from Joey's Blog - Enjoy! ...
Duck Dynasty
An interesting thing happened at the auto parts store the other day. My riding lawn mower needed a new battery, so off I went to the auto parts store with the old battery in hand. A real nice twenty-something young lady who worked there helped me find the correct battery.
"That one should make me Happy, Happy, Happy," I said.
"That's a fact, Jack," she shot back.
We had just conversed in another lanugage, that of "Duck Latin" or, if you please, "Duckn'eese."
"Lord, I love that show," she went on, "Those guys are crazy."
"I know. We never miss a show!"
We had just quoted lines from the wildly popular reality TV show "Duck Dynasty." Everywhere I go people of all ages, races and backgrounds are talking about this show on the A&E channel. Wal-Mart is now carrying t-shirts from the show featuring the cast and their quotes. I have a friend with one of those shirts. He says that when he wears the t-shirt that he is constantly getting stopped to talk about the show.
The story of the Robertsons is a great tale of hard work, family, and faith. I am not sure why so many people are drawn to the show, but I think I know why I am. These people put real in the word "Reality." Who you see is who you get. In a world of fakery and smoke and mirrors (yes, I am talking politics on both sides), it is a breath of fresh air to hear it said like it is in the real world.
Also, I would love the chance to sit down at the table with them as they do at the end of each show. It would be out of this world to sit down to a table of fried critters and Cole Slaw! Please pass the squirrel, just sounds wonderful!
Also , I believe that Uncle Si is the modern day Mark Twain of the duck blind. Jase says that Uncle Si has never had a normal idea in his life. Her are a few of Si's quotes:
All of my stores are 95% truthful.
I know all the new phrases: cowabunga, radical, cat's pajamas, duh and hey, homie don't play that.
That's a fact, Jack.
Hey, I'm just like Victoria, she's got secrets and so do I.
My all-time favorite Si quote is: I am the MacGyver of cooking. If you bring me a piece of bread, cabbage, coconut, mustard greens, pig feet, pine cones, and a woodpecker, I'll make you a good chicken pot pie.
When people tell you that all Christians are old stiff hard headed boring people, tell them to watch Duck Dynasty. Maybe it will help them see the real world of real believers in Christ. I've got to go fill up my sweet tea container and glass, so thank you for reading my thoughts from a Southern Man in a Southern State of Mind. God bless ...