Speakers and Artists
Hicks, Ashley

Ashley Bollinger-Founder of PINC Ministries
Ashley Hicks
Women's Conferences
Girls' Purity Events
Co-ed Teen Events
Church Services
Founder of
PINC Ministries
"Purity And Identity In Christ"

Ashley Hicks Travels from Texas
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or
Click Here to Send An Email

Ashley Hicks is a relevant speaker with a passion for encouraging women in their daily lives through solid, Biblical principles. Ashley challenges and inspires women to be who they were created to be - beautiful, strong, victorious women of God.
In addition to speaking at womens conferences, since 2003 Ashley has been the 'go to' speaker for Christian purity events for girls nationwide.
She is the author of Think PINC!, a six-week Bible study for girls. Ashley has written for numerous LifeWay resources and she has appeared on a variety of television programs, including The Joni Show and Friends & Neighbors.
Topics for Women's Conferences Include  . . .
The Perfect Outfit
Ashley takes a creative approach to the impotance of wearing love and the commitment to passess the qualities of Christ-likeness in the routine of our day to day lives. Based on Colossians 3:12-14, The Perfect Outfit if a charming yet challenging message that powerfully impacts believers and seekers alike.


The Power of Pearls
Ashley brings heartfelt insight to the value of each woman's uniquess and individuality with a beautiful illustration based on one of God's simplest creations, the pearl. Women are stirred to a renewed sense of self worth and are challenged to trust God with their whole heart.
What Every Woman Needs to Know About Today's Girls
Ashley counseled teen girls day in and day out for many years as counselor at a large Christian school.  Girls have poured their hearts out to her about everything from low self-esteem and body image to self-hate, cutting, sex, pregnancy, parents, etc., etc.  Whether a woman is single or has daughters, sons, or no children at all, every woman can positively influence teens and pre-teens around her.  Ashley gives women a rare and raw look into the lives of teen girls and encourages every woman to be a powerful and positive influence to the girls around her.
Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Events
Every woman should encourage younger women and girls to make purity a priority.  
Ashley enlightens adult women (whether they have daughters or not) as to the the struggles, concerns, and cultural pressures faced by young women and girls today ... and she encourages girls to stand strong and encourage each other in their conviction to make purity a priority.  For multi-session events, Ashley oftens speaks to the adult women 'only' and then a session with the younger ladies (while the other group is enjoying another activity or speaker) and concludes with a general session for all the women and girls.


The heart and the foundation of Ashley Hicks' message to girls and women is PINC - Purity and Identity in Christ. Whether leading unique, exciting and fun girls-only conferences or speaking at women's event, Ashley's goal is to reach into the hearts of her audience and to challenge them to help change statistics and promote Purity and Identity in Christ.
Since 1997, Ashley has counseled countless elementary- through college-aged girls, as well as coached hundreds of cheerleaders and taught high-school. Her experiences with girls has been invaluable in understanding the pressures that girls face today and the tools they need to be successful, productive young women.
Ashley's personal commitment to purity before marriage in her own life, her years of experience with thousands of girls, along with her Bachelor's degree in Christian Counseling / Psychology and Master's Degree in Counseling, uniquely qualify her to present the message of Purity and Identity in Christ.
Ashley is passionate about encouraging teen girls to realize their true value and worth in Christ through inspirational and educational teaching and music. Her ministry is positively impacting the lives of girls and young women across the country.
Ashley is "the go-to gal" for churches and schools nationwide that want to rescue girls from destructive societal pressures by not only giving them very practical strategies to live a life of purity, but the hope, forgiveness, and new life that can only be found in Jesus Christ.


Event Options Include . . .

Two-Day PINC Conference

Ashley presents Session One with the PINC Yes & No Fashion Show on Friday evening and Sessions Two, Three and Four on Saturday.  This is the most popular schedule with event planners and is the most effective ministry option because the girls and Ashley have already established a rapport on Friday evening before she gets into the real meat of the message on Saturday.
PINC Mega-Conference

For this Friday night / Saturday event PINC brings in additional speakers to lead workshops as well as a worship team, and Ashley presents the four messages listed above.        

Club PINC     

Club PINC, designed especially for 4th through 6th grade girls, includes an age-appropriate message on Purity and Finding Your Identity in Christ, fashion show, and other fun girly stuff!Club PINC can be presented on a Friday evening -or- Saturday morning.
Guest Speaker

One message at a church service or at a single-session event for elementary girls, teen girls, or teen boys and girls.
School Assemblies

When you schedule Ashley to speak at your event, we would love to work with you to reach out to your local schools and try to schedule Ashley to speak at school assemblies.
Event Promotion

Ashley will be happy to do radio interviews to help promote your event (this can be done before she comes to your town via telephone), as well as television interviews (schedule permitting).

Maximize the Ministry!

When scheduling Ashley to come to your town for any type of event, consider "maximizing the ministry" with multiple bookings.Churches tell us that a 'combo' can help with their budgeting since they are able to use funds from more than one budget (i.e., women's ministry + student ministry -or- student ministry + children's ministry).We will be glad to talk with you about a discount for multiple bookings when scheduling a 'combo.'Consider the following:

Thursday evening women's banquet


Friday / Saturday Two-Day PINC Conference


One-Day PINC Conference on Saturday for teens


Friday evening "Club PINC" event for pre-teens


Saturday PINC Conference


Sunday morning message to congregation


"Club PINC" Sunday luncheon with pre-teens and moms


Thursday evening women's banquet


Club PINC on Friday evening for pre-teens


Saturday PINC Conference for teens
Talk with us about ideas to
"Maximize the Ministry"
while Ashley is at your church!


High Schools & Colleges ...
Ashley is grateful that doors are open for her to bring the PINC message to girls in many public middle and high schools as well as private schools, and to young women in colleges and unversities.  We work with each organization to tailor a program to meet your time frame, as well as your purpose and goals for the event.

Testimonials . . .

Being in the same room with Ashley is a treat all by itself. But when she gets onstage andspeaks --- well, that girl definitely has a gift! Her energy and enthusiasm for her ministry of empowering young women is infectious and so incredibly needed.I just wish someone like Ashley had been around when I was young --- I wouldn't have grown up to write a book called Left at the Altar!

Kimberley Kennedy
Television Personality and Emmy-Awarding Winning Producer
Author of Left at the Altar: My Story of Hope and Healing for
Every Woman Who Has Felt the eartbreak of Rejection


What GIRLS (& guys!) are saying about PINC . . .
Katie, 12th Grade
"PINC Ministries has really had an effect on me. As a senior in high school I feel that I am still maturing and having to make hard choices. Choices about who you are going to date and what to look for, what is going to happen in your relationships that you may have, and what to do in many different situations that may occur in your relationship. PINC has really helped me in making those decisions. PINC even has educated me on what you are to do when you grow older and become engaged to the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. PINC gives you signs to look for in a relationship that is unhealthy and when you should leave those relationships. Overall, PINC is a huge help and somewhat of a necessity for a teenage girl's spiritual growth and maturity."
Zach, 14 years old
"I just wanted to express my thanks for all you said. While I have always been a Christian, I had never consciously made to decision to be abstinent until marriage, but after hearing you and your husband speak, I have made that decision. You have really made a profound impact on my life, during just three sessions. I think so much of you for that, and I am eternally grateful."
10th grade
"Ashley is absolutely wonderful! She really inspired me to be a better Christian.Thank you so much.You really gave me some encouragement when I needed it the most."
7th grade
"I loved it! Thank you!"
10th grade
"I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much for caring and sharing!"
7th grade
"This really changed a lot of me and I'm sure it affected a lot of girls just like me. Thank You!"
10th grade
"This was so fun. I loved it!"
"Awesome music videos.Great conference.Fashion show was great and on their level. Thanks!"
"The Lord was here!"
"I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here with my daughter and I pray that God will shower his love upon those who came. May He give all the strength and encouragement needed to live a life of purity in Him!"
"Very well done.God honoring and glorifying. Thank you!"
8th grade
"Definitely a great conference!"
7th grade
"I love how you put every day life into your testimony."
7th grade
"Loved it!"
8th grade
"I loved it!"
8th grade
"This is the best conference ever.You should come more often!"
10th grade
"It was so cool!"
7th grade
"I thought that Ashley's message about not caring what your body looks like was really uplifting!"
6th grade
"It's the first conference I've been to and I absolutely loved it. It was inspiring and I can relate to Ashley, I almost started crying, but good tears!"
8th grade
"I loved it. It made me think about things I've never thought of before. Thanks for coming.You've changed people's lives including mine."
"Wonderful.The Lord was here.Such good things for the girls to think about, to be aware of making choices.The gospel was so clearly presented. PTL!"
"Awesome! Thank you soooo much for coming to speak to us.Your message was straight forward and entertaining.Thanks again!"
10th grade
"I liked it a lot.If there's another, I'll show upl!"
8th grade
"She has an awesome, powerful message.She really blessed my life."
11th grade
"Ashley, you did an amazing job.What I felt this weekend will change my life FOREVER!! I love you!"
7th grade
"I really loved the song Ashley sang about God.I think she should be a singer! I liked the concert and I would say that Ashley rocks!"
7th grade
"It was extremely wonderful and great! I would go to another one. I loved how Ashley shared her shortcomings.It made me feel like she wasn't perfect.It was put on well and I thank every single person who helped! Love ya'all a whole bunch! God Bless! OH, and the flower balloons were cool!"
Taylor, 18 years old
"This was the first year that I have had the opportunity to be involved in any kind of youth program that has really hit home and that I can relate to. PINC really did give me many different perspectives on life and my struggles in my faith. It has shown me that there are other girls out there just like me and that there really are people out there that care and understand. It has been a great way for me to know God outside of the general Christian High School setting and has really helped me understand what he wants for me as far as my future mate and the kinds of friends He wants me to have. I really learned a lot and I will always encourage any girls thinking of going to go with an open mind. Even as a senior, it really is worth your time!"
Allison, 11th Grade
"PINC has been a rewarding experience because it has taught me so many things, and helped me grow to become a stronger Christian. I am a junior and I am a faithful Christian but I still struggle with the normal problems that come with being a teenage girl. PINC has helped give me the support and encouragement I need to get through it."
Erin, 7th Grade
"PINC has taught me to be more open and not to care what others think about me. PINC has also taught me how to dress the right way. I think whoever hasn't been a part of PINC should try it out- it was SO much fun!"
Whitney, 8th Grade
"I really liked PINC! It made me realize that I will have a much better relationship with my husband if I wait to have sex until marriage. I also learned what I should and should not wear. Ashley is awesome and she has taught me a lot!"
Gabi, 9th Grade
"Having PINC in my life has been such a blessing. The PINC program has made such a difference in the attitude and actions that girls at our school have about purity in Christ."

What PARENTS are saying about PINC . . .

"I thought your conference was awesome! I'm so glad my daughter and the girls from our church were able to attend. You're equipping young woman to keep themselves pure in a world that is constantly bombarding them with sexual messages. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your conference, God bless you and keep up the good work!"
Cari, mother of a teen girl
"Being the father of a teen-aged daughter, I can assure you that I'm cautious and quite particular about who has an influence on my girl. In Ashley Hicks, I find embodied the qualities that my wife and I highly value ... the kind of influences that we seek after for the sake of our daughter. I've literally known Ashley all her life and have had the privileged vantage point of seeing the unique grace of God made evident as she has as she developed into the beautiful woman she is today. I'm proud to be associated with a young person so full of passion and drive for excellence in the realm of righteousness and purity before the Lord."
J. Daniel Smith, Music Pastor and father of a teen girl
"Your site and your program are truly a blessing from God. I am so glad that you are getting the message out that these young girls who are so valuable and need to know who they are in Christ."
Darcey, Mother in Georgia
"Ashley Hicks and PINC Ministries have a strong and motivating message to teen girls today. I've heard her speak and watched her motivate young ladies to commit to being different than what society is teaching them. She is influencing teen girls in a big way and every church should hear and see what Ashley has to deliver as she presents the truth in such a positive and relevant way. My daughter has been affected by Ashley's message and I highly recommend you take the opportunity to bring the ministry of PINC to your school or church."
Hyman Stansky, father of a teen girl
"My daughter attended your event this last Friday and Saturday.  I just wanted to write and tell you what a wonderful job you did.  From the time I picked her up and until the time we got home and beyond she told me about uthe incredible job that you did delivering God's truths and of His love for her.  Your message was clear and spot on.  As a mother of three daughters, THANK YOU!"

"Hi Pinc Ministries!!  ... I brought 8 of my family and friends to your conference this past weekend.   I want to thank-you for this opportunity to bring the truth of purity and many good practical boundaries for these girls to begin setting at a young age.  Not only did they get good practical boundaries but they were also given reasons why.  I myself learned things this weekend I have never heard before.  And I was also supported in my efforts that I have made with the girls that I influence to take seriously the dating process.  I have been to a lot of very good Christian events and have learned so many good things over the years.   However, this is probably the best event I have ever been to. It was well worth the money I spent and time I took to go.  And like any busy mom my time and money is very precious to me.  I think any good will girl is going to hear these things and realize the importance of being pure before Christ."

What YOUTH PASTORS are saying about PINC  . . .

"Thank you for coming and speaking to my girls. You spoke their language, you knew their hopes and fears, you inspired them, you made them laugh, but most of all you confronted my girls with the truth and made them choose.
I was also very impressed with the way you transformed our youth facility into a PINC paradise. When my girls walked through the doors they knew that they were being catered to. You earned your audience by leaving no stone unturned. If you're looking for a culturally relevant and well organized event for 6th - 12th grade girls, I highly recommend PINC ministries."
Josh Giere, Bethesda Community Church
"Ashley and everyone at PINC Ministries are on target with a fresh, relevant and targeted message on purity. From the "Yes and No" fashion show, to the SPA sessions to connecting with parents ... PINC and Ashley brought into the light that purity is not only about relationships but also encompasses style, attitude and the girls place in society. The conference was of the highest quality and we will without hesitation call on PINC and Ashley again in the future."
Jack Hunt, Elevate Student Ministries, Christ Church


What SCHOOLS are saying about PINC  . . .

"PINC has providing our students with an opportunity to explore and define their values and goals from a Christ-centered perspective. For our students, this has meant looking beyond commercial role models to considering life-styles and decisions that honor God and each other. PINC has had a significant impact on our school."
Dr. Penny A. Armstrong
President and Headmaster, Southwest Christian School
"The PINC Conference was wonderful and the girls loved everything about it. The speakers were great and related to each girl in a different way while delivering the message of PINC in a practical and Godly manner. Overall it was a huge success and we are so thankful that we had this opportunity to present inspire truth and life to the girls of BCS!"
Lisa Boyett, Brazosport Christian School
"Ashley Hicks presented her message to Fort Bend Baptist middle school students as a follow-up to courses in human sexuality. Our purpose in asking her to speak during chapel to the entire student body (grades 6-8, 225 students) was to place an emphasis on God's perspective in all relationships. In addition, Ashley spoke with all 7th and 8th grade girls in small groups throughout the day. These smaller groups allowed the girls to discuss their deeper personal questions that often confuse young teenagers.
Ashley was immediately received and welcomed by the students. Her appearance and demeanor connected with their age and culture, and her modesty demonstrated to the students that they can look cute and still maintain a good testimony. Ashley's ability to speak to the large audience as well as with small groups is a statement of her versatility. I personally enjoyed visiting with Ashley and hearing about her passion to serve the Lord in the manner for which He has equipped her. She loves the Lord and He radiates through her."
Mrs. Judy Hassell
Middle School Counselor, Fort Bend Baptist Academy

What ORGANIZATIONS are saying about PINC . . .

"Celebrate Kids, Inc. has been very fortunate in meeting Ashley Hicks of PINC Ministries. We have used her for "Girls Only" assemblies in both our Abstinence Education program and our Alcohol Reduction program. The response from both students and educators was extremely positive, with many of them wanting her to return for more.
"Ashley's personal story is interwoven with practical advice to teenage girls (and guys!) on basics like the music you listen to, the clothing you choose, the words you speak and the activities you participate in. While many adults think the teens around us are hearing this at home, we know from working with them that they don't! They are so grateful for the guidance of a young woman who speaks from experience about what works and what will help protect their heart, mind, and body.
"We would give a high recommendation to any group who was interested in hiring Ashley to speak with your teens. She is relevant, passionate, genuine, and fun -- all qualities that today's teenagers demand in the adults who want to have an influence in their life. Her message, along with her willingness to speak to the specific needs of each audience (as shared by either our staff or the educators at the school) makes her a speaker worthy or her hire! Please feel free to call if you have any questions."
Denice Crawford
Prevention Services Director
Authentic Answers Abstinence Alliance

"We were blessed to have PINC Ministries come to our camp and present a powerful program for over 350 girls. Ashley and her talented staff caught the girls attention with their energy and excitement, and then went straight to the vital, challenging inspirational message of being pure in God's eyes and finding their identity in Him.

"Following the program, the girls flocked to meet the girls of PINC and have their pictures taken with them. On our camper comment sheets turned in after camp had ended, many of the girls indicated that the PINC session was the most impactful part of the weekend for them.

"PINC has a vital ministry and a 1st class presentation. Ashley and the girls of PINC have a great passion to minister to young ladies and I highly recommend their program for any ministry to teen girls."

Mike Noack, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

"It is with joy and excitement that I recommend Ashley Hicks and PINC Ministries for your school or church. This young woman has developed an energy-charged, candid, and highly persuasive presentation for young woman. Although there are many worthy seminars, I do not personally know of one that so thoroughly takes aim to pierce cultural contamination through truth and humor. In fact, what sets this program apart is that it provides "real truth" for "real problems" facing young people today."

Joan Faubion, PhD
Director of Counseling Ministries for Hope for the Heart



Travels from Texas
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