Fred Hinton
"Your Family Advocate"
Dynamic Motivational Speaker
Author, Pastor, Life Coach, Mentor
"If you can't fly, then run.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, keep moving forward."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fred Hinton is a high energy, young mover and shaker for the Lord! His intriguing motto is "Scoot, Scoot, Scoot!"
Fred says that when you are discouraged and so low that you can't pull yourself up, you can at least "scoot"! If you can't yet WALK by faith - SCOOT!
As a motivational conference speaker, an author, a pastor, and a visionary who loves the Lord, Jesus Christ, Fred Hinton raises the spiritual consciousness of everyone he encounters while boldly proclaiming Biblical truth and educating, empowering, and encouraging Christ followers to witness to one another and to the community at large.
Before he began speaking and pastoring, for twelve years Fred was in the bail bonds business where he saw, first hand, families being devastated and torn apart when a loved one went away to prison.
Fred knew that if he could capture the hearts of young boys and Biblically steer them in the right direction, he could re-route their futures and he could change families and communities.
"Keep It Real," Fred's message for boys and parents, directly addresses tough, rarely discussed issues and concerns faced by many children and famillies today. Within the "Keep It Real" concept, Fred offers a full array of topics for impressionable boys and for stressed and distressed parents and families.
One of Fred's bottom-line purposes for the "Keep It Real" messages (as well as his "Keep It Real" mentoring program) is to prevent young men from falling into the criminal justice system. Fred is a crusader and an activist to change culture and change the future.
Fred Hinton is known as "Your Family Advocate," offering a variety of topics for children, teens, parents, family groups, single parents, men's groups, and women's groups.
Fred Hinton is the host of "Hinton Ministries Show," a weekly television program seen in the Tampa area. The show features community leaders as guests, and the thought-provoking conversation covers topics such as domestic violence, breast cancer awareness, children's issues, parenting, marriage, and many other topics that are trending in the news and that affect families.
Speaking Topics Include . . .
Keep It Real
When I was a child, I spake as achild, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. - - I Corinthians 13:11
Fred motivates, encourages, and prepares young boys to become responsible children, teens, and, ultimately, the next generation of leaders. Fred teaches boys what God's Word says about being a young man of integrity. Boys learn positive and practical, Bible-based life lessons that help them recognize their higher calling and prepare them today for a successful tomorrow. By building them up spiritually and creating a strong foundation, they learn how to become powerful influences in their communities. Fred's message helps boys unlock their potential to one day enjoy a solid family structure for their own children and their neighborhoods as well.
This message is appropriate for children's groups in churches, the community, and schools.
This message is designed specifically for boys aged 5 through 13 and their youth leaders and/or parents.
Another version of this message is a powerful presentation for children's leaders, youth leaders, and/or parents, enlightening and instructing them on exactly what they can do to influence and train the children in their care.
The Bible talks about training up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they shall not depart from it. Fred believes this to be 100% true, and he is doing just that - raising up strong, Godly young men and declaring a new generation.
"Keep It Real" encompasses a variety of messages which can be adapted for your summer camp, weekend retreat, or conference.
COMING SOON . . . "Keeping It Real" Biblical children's comic book!
Change Your Child's Behavior in 30 Days
Based on his book Change Your Child's Benavior in 30 Days, Fred Hinton shows parents how to display our Heavenly Father's love within your home, transforming your child's behavior in thirty days! Fred provides Biblical directions to follow each day, including ... pray for yourself and pray over your child ... play inspirational music daily ... speak to your child in a positive Godly tone that will encourage, inspire, and bless them ... be affectionate with your child daily ... have physical contact with your child every day ... comfort you child ... show love to your child. This presentation expounds on these and many more practical, Biblical instructions that will change the relationship between you and your child, change your family, and change you child's future.
This message is ideal for parents, single parents, men's groups, and women's groups.
One-Minute Prayers for Women
In this message which stems from his book, One Minute Women's Prayer Book, Fred inspires women to be the women of God they are called to be. Fred encourages women to know their true self worth, as he shares Biblical truths from the lives of Hannah, Leah, and Esther. He demonstrates how simple one-minute prayers can speak to a woman's heart and encourage her to open her heart to hear from God as He moves her into her destiny in His service.
This message is ideal for women's conferences, banquets, and "Women's Day" pulpit messages.
Two-Minute Prayers for Men
Fred Hinton asks men ... Are you sure of your position? Are you feeling like you're wandering in the dark and need a compass and a map? Fred message is based on his book, Two Minute Men's Prayer Book, and is your key to the map with your faith and heart acting as the compass. Fred shares how simple, powerful, and effective two-minute prayers can give men exactly what they need to face any situation they are facing. Two minutes may not seem like much, but it is enough to gain a nugget of Godly wisdom and enhance your prayer relationship with God.
Your investment of a short two minutes is well worth the reward that will follow. We've all head of "the power of prayer," but how many of us truly experience this gift? When the Two Minute Prayer Book enters the hands and hearts of men who are struggling and who need encouragement to get through just one more minute, you can be assured Fred Hinton is standing with you, touching in agreement for victory over your life!
Testimonials . . .
"I felt confident in choosing Fred Hinton as a guest speaker at the Tampa Bay Black Authors and Business Showcase in 2014. He was a very engaged speaker who made every effort to connect with the audience. He spoke about his personal relationship with God, his children, and how God is helping him to bring hope and guidance to local families through his easy-to-read book entitled "How to change Your Child's Behavior in 30 Days." From the moment he stepped up to the podium, the crowd fed upon his high energy. He was able to capture the attention of the parents who apprecated his enthusiasm."
Rinita Anderson
Organizer of Tampa Bay Black Authors and Business Showcase
"It is with great pleasure that I pen this letter to express my appreciation to you and the Keep It Real Ministry. This program has really been a positive influence on my sons, as well as myself. I have found that Keep It Real is teaching my sons how to be young successful men in a world where many negative worldly influences are constantly trying to attract them. One of the main highlights of this ministry is the teachings of Christ being instilled in the young men. They are learning how to pray, to respect others, to respond to peer pressure, good manners, staying on the right path, and many other positive attributes that young men need to succeed in life. My sons enjoy the many different activities and lessons that you offer in the program. Keep It Real has been a blessing to our lives, and the lives of others, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless this ministry to evolve on a greater level in supporting our young men."
Markita Caphart-Brown
"Fred Hinton is a many with many talent - a great motivator and author of books that will change anyone's life who would read and apply them. Fred Hinton is a sionary who can see what is needed now and well into the future. He educates, empowers, and encourages indivudlas until they become successful."
Dr. Charles A. Cody
Pastor, Word Alive Church
Tampa, Florida