Speakers and Artists

Sheila Malsam
 Motivational / Inspirational Speaker
Christian Women's Conferences, Retreats
Travels from South Dakota

After surviving two troubled marriages, Sheila felt trapped in a sea of doubt, fear, worry, self-pity, blame, lack of trust, and insecurity.  She blamed God for not listening or caring about her desperate circumstances.  But when she woke to the truth of life in Christ and turned to Jesus, Sheila traded the lies she had believed for truth.
When she fully surrendered her all to the Lord, Sheila discovered His amazing grace and His love for her.  And when she went from knowing of God to personally knowing Him, her intimate relationship with God opened the door to blessings she could not have expected.
Women in Sheila's audiences testify of developing a deeper understanding of their own value in Christ Jesus and learning to identify lies they believed that kept them from truly walking with God and living out His call on their lives.
Sheila is passionate about encouraging women to quiet their fears, to seek God through reading and studying His Word, to put their faith in His loving provision for their needs, and, even through trials, to develop a relationship with Him no matter the circumstance.
Women are inspired by Sheila's testimony and her encouraging words of hope and faith to embrace a next-level prayer life centered on the promise of Matthew 19:26 that with God all things are possible when asked according to His will and in His name!
Sheila's desire is that every woman knows without any doubt that she is a child of our Heavenly Father Who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, and is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
Sheila shares more of her personal journey in her book Growing Through the Storm, and she enjoys every opportunity to share her story and share God's Truths as a speaker at Christian women's conferences and retreats, as well as women's ministry events at churches.
Between the two of them, Sheila and her husband are parents and step-parents of four children and are grandparents of two.  Sheila is blessed in the fact that her husband's dream is to see her dreams come true.  Sheila enjoys serving as a Stephen Minister, a mentor to women, and a John Maxwell certified coach, teacher, trainer, and motivational / inspirational speaker.


Speaking Topics
Why Is God Silent When I Pray?
Our faith in God is tested each time we pray.  When we experience God's silence, we may doubt His care and love for us.  We may grow frustrated, angry, and confused.  We can even lose faith and hope in God, believing we are unworthy or of no value.  That is a lie.  John 10:10 (NIV) says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Satan's attacks often start out subtly, tempting us to doubt our self-worth and believe we are insignificant.  Before we know it, we are living a life of fear, doubt, self-pity, blame, anger, depression, and hopelessness.  These attachments hold us back from God and what He has in store for us because they drowned out God's voice and guidance.  When we recognize the lies and replace them with the truth of God's Word, we discover our value in Christ Jesus and are able to silence the enemy's chatter allowing ourselves to be guided by God.
How Can I Ever Trust Again?
If you've ever experienced betrayal from someone you believed was trustworthy, it can be difficult and downright frightening to trust again.  Doubt that you are significant may have settled within your spirit, leaving you to feel incredibly insecure.  The good news is that God wants us to be happy.  He came that we may have life, and to have it to the full.  He is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-good.  He cares about every detail in our lives and guides us in every situation that we call upon Him.  In all circumstances, we can ask God to reveal the truth, and He will do so, for Luke 8:17 (NIV) declares, "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."  God is faithful!
Understanding Why God Says "No"
God responds to all of our prayer requests.  He responds with either "Yes," "Wait, or "No."  Of course, we all want a "Yes" response!  But sometimes we are given the response "No," which may not be well received as we often don't understand.  The response doesn't mean you're on the wrong path like we may be tempted to think.  God is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-good.  So, when He says "No," it is because He has something even better than what you were hoping for.  You may not see it at the time of the response, but when your prayer has been granted in the way God knows is best, you will rejoice in the blessing you were given!  Trust and believe, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,'" Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV).
Keeping Faith During the Waiting Season
Waiting for a dream to come about or for a difficult season to pass can feel unbearable if we wait with a negative mindset.  Praising God instead of complaining and running to Him instead of from Him can make all the difference while waiting as well as looking back on a time in your life that God came through for you.  The key is keeping your eyes fixed on the Lord, trusting that He has you in a certain season for a reason, and is never a moment too early or too late.  We mustn't neglect the current call on our life and move on to the next one prematurely.  The process can be challenging, but the person you become during the waiting process and the lessons you will learn will prepare and grow you for your purpose as well as help others who experience a situation similar to yours.  Romans 8:38 (NLT) encourages, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."
Is This Faith or Foolishness?
Do you ever struggle to know if what's on your heart is from God or Satan?  God doesn't want us wandering in the dark not knowing what to do.  He offers guidance and wants to bless us in ways we can't imagine.  Often our gut feeling will guide us, but we mustn't go by what our feelings tell us.  Praying for discernment, asking for truth to be revealed, and seeking God's Word to see if our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions line up with truth is necessary.  Praying for confirmation that we are on the right track and then watching, listening, and learning for ways that God will guide and reveal His will is wise.  He might come through to us in a song, an encouraging word from a friend, a devotional, or a whisper in our heart.  The more we spend time in His presence, the more able we are to discern His voice and plan for our lives.  "Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart," Psalm 37:4 (NIV).
Why Forgiving Helps You More Than It Helps Them
Few people find it easy to forgive.  It's easier to find more reasons not to forgive someone who has hurt us than it is to find reasons we should forgive.  For starters, we often want revenge when we've been hurt, but I Peter 3:9 (NIV) says, "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult.  On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing."  Matthew 6:12 (NMB) says, "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us."  These are commands, not suggestions.  If we disobey, we hurt ourselves, rather than those that hurt us by missing out on inheriting a blessing or being forgiven by our Father when we fall short.  We're not excusing the behavior of another who has hurt us, we are simply choosing for their actions to not steal our joy and our peace.  Forgive and be blessed.  Pray blessings over those who have hurt you and God can correct their ways.





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