Speakers and Artists
Patterson, Todd

Todd Patterson
Conference Speaker
Author of
The Testimony, The Message, and The Victory 

Travels from Georgia
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Todd Patterson is an inspirational speaker, musician, and a music producer.  Drawing from his personal experiences as they relate to generational and environmental curses, planting seed of love, faith, hope and trust, Todd lives life as "an open book," radiating dynamic and inspiring messages that relate to all people.
Todd was raised in poverty, living among drug dealers, loan sharks, pimps, and gangsters.  He was involved in some of these activities himself but he always had a good heart and cared for people.
A teenage girlfriend introduced Todd to God, causing him to re-examine his actions and change his lifestyle.  The teen romance led to marriage and divorce.
When Todd received an R&B record deal, he had realized a dream but soon drifted into the fast life - marijuana, women, a sense of self importance, debt, and losing sight of his salvation - all aspects of a destructive lifestyle that resulted in the loss of his record deal.
Relocating to Atlanta and becoming manager of a popular family restaurant were among Todd's efforts to regain control of his life.
However, continuing a pattern of destructive relationships directly resulted in twelve months of incarceration.  During that year Todd immersed himself in the Word of God and applied his ever-increasing knowledge of God and the Bible by sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with fellow inmates.  God used Todd as a minister and a listening ear as inmates poured out their problems and Todd provided answers based on trust and faith in the God of the Bible.
Todd learned that studying and applying God's Word increases faith and increasing God's presence and His action in your life. ... Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
During his incarceration Todd wrote many letters to lawyers, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the District Attorney - these writings ultimately became a book ...  The Testimony, The Message, and The Victory:  Deliverance from Evil.
Today Todd knows that, like many others, he was raised under a generational and environmental curse and he was spreading poison everywhere he went.  Todd encourages all who will listen to speak life into their children, sharing encouraging words that promote success and greatness in life.
Words create circumstances.  What you speak will come into fruition - for better or for worse.
Think it, speak it, live it, and watch it transpire - for a life of greatness - a life for God!
Todd also preaches that love pushes out hate, envy and jealousy.  Christ's love ignites a life trajectory that can lead to peace, loving family and neighbors, lifting each other up, and serving one another.  Give love to receive love!
Today Todd Patteron leads youth, parents, and senior adults to Christ's hope, trust, and love.  He comes against generational and environmental curses in the name of Jesus.  As he shares his own story and Biblical truths that he has learned to apply in his own life, Todd's message awakens lost souls and leads them to a strong relationship with Christ.  He declares  himself a might man of God who loves Christ unconditionally and has a deep love for the world and for people.



Speaking Topics Include . . .
Planting Seeds
The seeds that we plant today determine future.  Seeds of financial giving are often discussed in the church.  Todd goes beyond the discussion of planting seeds to reap financial rewards and teaches about the good seeds and the bad seeds that we incorporate in our heart and soul.  We also plant seed for our future by the power of our tongue.  The same tongue that blesses is the same tongue that curses.  First Peter 3 and 7.  For he who would love life and seek good days let him refrain his tongue from speaking evil.  We must speak life into our children, saying aloud, to them, that they will become doctors, lawyers, engineers, entrepreneurs ...  anything promotes greatness!  The seeds that you sow with your spoken words will determine your future, will come into fruition.  Think it, speak it, live it, watch it transpire!
Hope and Trust
During Todd's walk through the wilderness, he was incarcerated under false pretenses.  God had a purpose and a journey that He intended for Todd to walk in order to equip him and prepare him to serve as a living testimony to lost souls.  While incarcerated, Todd diligently studied the Bible and applied his knowledge by talking to other inmates about hope and trusting in the Lord.  God used Todd as a vessel to listen to inmates' issues and provide solutions based on trust and faith.  Todd recollects an inmate stating that he wanted to commit suicide because he did not want anyone else raising his daughter.  Later that day, Todd heard the same inmate state that he had put a gun to someone's head and took his money.  The Lord put it on Todd's heart to say to that inmate that if he thinks it is okay to put a gun to someone's head, then it must be okay for someone to put a gun to his daughter's head.  This led to a change of belief from the inmate.
When you incorporate love, you want to start with good seeds.  Love pushes out hate, envy, and jealousy.  Love sets is the only way to walk a journey of becoming Christ like.  Christ says love your neighbor, lift each other up, and serve one another.  These things cause us to give love so we will receive love.  In love and all things, what you give is what you will receive.
When Todd went through his journey through the wilderness, he had to trust in the Lord because he was literally raised under a generational and environmental curse.  He was spreading poison everywhere and didn't know it.  After studying and applying God's Word, he learned that the more faith you have in your life, the more God can be in your life.  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  When Todd wrote his book, he was actually writing to lawyers, the GBI, and the DA to explain to them that he was a victim and had some stuff going on that they should know about.
Generational and Environmental Curses
Throughout history, parents have desired to know about bloodlines and family trees to determine if the individual that desired to marry their child was fit to do so based on their bloodline.  They understood that the individual carried their roots down from the previous generation, good or bad.  During this session, Todd talks about breaking curses through prayer, blood of Jesus, and exorcism.  Though that is the focus, he also touches on curses in the atmosphere via the mass media contaminating and tampering with the mind.  Reaping what we sow, and how environmental curses come from limited options in the neighborhood, causing residents to act on what they see - - all of these factors contribute strongly to generational curses.

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