Belton Platt
Prophet Evanglist
Conference Speaker
Author of
Ministry of the Husband:
A Heart-to-Heart Talk with Men Who Desire
To Be The Husbands God Has Called Them To Be
After serving over 21 year in federal prison, Apostle Belton L. Platt has been a free man since 2010. Today he serves in his community and inspires others across the nation and around the world with his story.
Money Rock: A Family's Story of Cocaine, Race and Ambition in the New South is the book that highlights his life story. Money Rock is a natural follow-up to The Charlotte Observer newspaper's six-part story about Platt's life and his testimony written by reporter Pam Kelley. The article was awarded first place as the North Carolina Press Association Feature Story of the Year 2013. (
Apostle Platt oversees Rock Ministries Church International in Conway, South Carolina, and RMCI Charlotte NC. He supervised the planting of Zion Christian Ministries in Miami, Florida, and currently oversees Restoration of All Nations Ministries in Montreal, Canada.
Platt is a marriage counselor and author of two books: Ministry of the Husband, a book that has blessed many marriages and families nationwide, and The Authority of God: Walking in God-Ordained Power where Platt shows how God's church has been living far beneath her privileges in Christ and instead of being the conquerors we were destined to be, we have chosen to live weak and defeated lives. He believes it is time for the church to understand her rightful place in Christ and what it means to be called the sons and daughters of the Most High God. Platt has written five additional books and is awaiting God's direction to release them for publication.
Apostle Platt is a mentor and counselor to youth from all walks of life. His vision is to help young people reach their full potential in life, to teach them life skills that are necessary to live successful lives, to train them in the area of communicating in a positive, respectful and professional way, and to teach them how to be the leaders of the next generation where truth, honesty, and integrity should be the cornerstones of their lives and character.
Platt has had the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors of A Father's Place in Conway, South Carolina, and partnered with A Father's Place as the program coordinator for two community programs: Roots and Wings and Be Proud, Be Responsible.
He is a community leader and a motivational speaker, and he is a volunteer Chaplain with the J Reuben Long Detention Center in Conway, South Carolina. He ministers in Marion Prison Farms in Marion, South Carolina, and Bennettsville Federal Correctional Institution in Bennettsville, South Carolina.
He was also a mentor and counselor for the Conway Police Department C.S.T.A.N.D. program. Launched in 2013, the program title is an acronym for Conway Starting Toward a New Direction and is an application of the Drug Market Intervention program coordinated by office of the United States Attorney General.
He was a panelist on the Bridging the Difference Program with Chief Kerr Putney CMPD and the keynote speaker for Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Central Carolinas 2019 Big Breakfast which raised over $250,000. It was said to be one of the best ever in the history of the annual breakfast event.
Apostle Platt is a born entrepreneur. He is a real estate investor and the owner of Luii's Restaurant.
Read articles chronicling Apostle Platt's past and his redemption as written by The Charlotte Observer newspaper:

Speaking Topics Include . . .
Overcoming Life's Challenges
Pastor Platt shares his raw, powerful, and anointed personal testimony while expounding on the Word of God to release, impact, and empower men and women to overcome their struggles and challenges in life and set out on a course of total victory.
Ministry of the Husband
This presentation is for married men who want to be the husband God has called them to be, who desire to be a better spouse, who want a happy marriage, and who need a breakthrough and/or a miracle in their marriage. And this message is full of wisdom important to preparing single men for successful marriage. When the host chooses to also invite women to attend, they take away a better understanding of their role as a wife and the importance of assisting their husband in his quest to become her husband according to God's plan for marriage.
This presentation is appropriate for men's conferences, couples events, and church services.
Changing Your World
Change is hard. It's easier for some than others. But the fact is that anyone can change if they themselves are willing to change. Pastor Platt's message helps you hold your head high, adjust the course of your race, and put you on the road to change. ... If you desire change in "your" world, this presentation is for you. It is not about changing someone else nor is it about Pastor Platt trying to change you. "Your desire" to change "your" world - that's what this message is all about. You will walk away with key principles to help you make the changes you desire in "your" world and to make a true and lasting commitment to change.
Liar Town Youth Presentation
Belton Platt is a culture expert whose expertise did not come from a classroom and a piece of paper but from the streets as one of the largest drug dealers in the city of Charlotte and from spending 21-1/2 years of his life in Federal Prison for drug dealing and other crimes. This presentation includes actual photos of people in prison, photos of drug users (before and after), pictures of the effects of alcohol and drugs on the brain, and live testimonies of people affected by drugs. Pastor Platt also shares compelling statistics and anecdotes on teen pregnancy, bullying, the dangers of gang activity, and more. He shares how people get sucked into gangs, how to avoid it, and how to get out; how to stop bullying; how to protect yourself from predators and how to identity predators; how drug addicts become drug addicts; and much more. Pastor Platt shares from his personal experiences and does not sugar coat his wrong choices and how they cost him his life and the lives of his children.
This presentation is typically presented as a 60-minute session and is appropriate for churches, schools, and community youth organizations.
Testimonial . . .
Letter from Ronald G. Apollo, Chaplain (LtCol.), USAF Reserve:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter in regards to Pastor Belton Platt. I have known him since February 2008. He served as my primary assistant while at the Federal Prison in Bennettsville, South Carolina.
His demeanor and character helped numerous men to a new life of integrity, family, and a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is dependable, reliable, and faithful. Whatever he puts his hands to do prospers.
When Pastor Platt was released, he went out and started a ministry in Conway, South Carolina, in which he and I helped plant. His efforts and what he learned have affected the masses. He has helped reunite families. He has helped many in the community to acquire jobs that can feed their families and help as taxpapers in the community. He has gone on to do the same in Charlotte, North Carolina, Camden, South Carolina, and the country of Haiti.
I have done less than eight character references in my career and profession of almost 24 years as now a chaplain (LtCol) and a Chief Chaplain of 7 1/2 years with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. I am pleased to write this as a testimony of Belton Platt's accomplishments and character.
"Our best book club meeting yet!! This will be one for the 'history books.' Not only having the fabulous author but also the actual protagonist [Belton Platt] live and in person. It meant so much to our group to have you two in attendance together. I appreciate you both for taking the time to meet with our group. What a wonderful discussion. Thank you so much for making our review of Money Rock so special."
Book Club Group
Belton Platt's Life Story:
Pastor Belton Platt was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. At the age of five, Pastor Platt saw his father attempt to murder his mother by stabbing her numerous times. This was a turning point in his life. Belton became very protective over those he loved and he vowed never to allow someone to hurt another person he loved. Belton also lived for the day when he would be old enough to blow his Father's brains out for what he had done to his mother. Having this type of anger and hurt inside, Belton became quick tempered and violent. Whenever he felt threatened, he met violence with violence.
As a teenager, Belton excelled in sports (basketball and baseball). He was also in the Boy Scouts of America where he became a Life Scout, earning some 25 merit badges and all twelve skill awards. Belton had an opportunity to become one of the youngest African Ameircans in the nation to receive his Eagle Scout award but he became distracted with sports and girls. Deep within, Belton had a dream to one day become an attorney, but somehow this would change.
Growing up in the projects, it was common for young African American youth to have children at young ages. Belton had his first child at the age of sixteen. At the age of eighteen, his child's mother put in an application with the Charlotte Housing Authority for an apartment in public housing. Belton started a janitorial service and did pretty well at it, making a living for himself and his family. Belton moved his family into a townhouse in a middle class community and was content with where he was in life. But something happened that would forever change Belton's life.
One day Belton's child's mother received a letter from the Charlotte Housing Authority offering her an apartment at a place called Piedmont Courts - one of the worst housing projects in the City of Charlotte. Piedmont Courts was a community where drug dealing, robbery, murder, etc., were common. Most people who wanted to buy drugs in North Carolina came to Piedmont Courts. When Belton found out that his child's mother had been offered a place to live in Piedmont Courts, Belton immediately told her that his child would never grow up in the projects like he did. He told her not to accept that apartment.
Later in the week, Belton saw his biological father and told him about the letter his child's mother had received from the Charlotte Housing Authority and that he told her not to accept it. Belton's father told him not to allow her to give up that apartment. He told Belton to keep his townhouse and move his child's mother and child to Piedmont Court for only a couple of months in order to get the apartment. He promised Belton if he would do that, he would be a millionaire in a year's time.
Belton did what his father asked him to do and soon Belton became one of the major drug dealers in the Piedmont Court housing projects. After moving there, Belton's father taught him how to buy and sell drugs. Belton had entered another world - one that he had to learn to adjust to quickly. Belton eventually controlled most of the drug trade in Piedmont Court. This created enemies for Belton because he was not from the neighborhood. He was an outsider who moved into the heighborhood and took over the drug market.
There was another major drug dealer in the area who envied Belton's drug organization. This individual, Louis Samuel, plotted along with other individuals who worked for him, to murder Belton and destroy his drug network in Charlotte. In November of 1985, Samuel and his crew waited for Belton to come to Piedmont Courts. Being informed the night before, Belton formed a plan to counteract Samuel's plot. Upon arriving at Piedmont Court, Belton was met by Samuel pointing a .357 and a 44 magnum at Belton, threatening to murder him.
Belton asked Samuel to put down the weapons because a lot of people would be hurt, and he invited him to a brawl without guns. Samuel refused. Belton managed to step off into an apartment and a few minutes later Belton heard a gunshot and a woman screaming that Charles Locke had shot Belton's brother, Gordon. Belton ran out of the house but when he arrived at the scene, he found that his brother had not been shot but that Locke had shot at his brother's feet to threaten him not to come any closer. Someone had contacted Belton's brother and informed him that Samuel and his gang were plotting to murder Belton. Belton's brother had only come to check on his brother.
A few minutes later Samuel attacked Belton by strking him. Belton immediately struck back and a fight broke out. Belton defeated Samuel and began to say to the crowd that had gathered, "Why are you afraid of this man? He's a coward." Samuel had tormented the neighborhood with violence and people were terrified of him. Belton put him into open shame that day by defeating him. This embarrassed Samuel so he continued to come at Belton. Belton's friend December got between tmem and said to Samuel, "It's over. Let it go." Then, out of nowhere, Locke appeared in front of them and said to December, "Nigga, what do you have to do with it?" and shot December point blank range with a 357 magnum.
This started 'the 1985 Piedmont Court Shootout' where seven people were shot. All the major newspapers and television networks covered the incident. Belton was charged with seven counts of assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill and felony riot. Belton was tried and found guilty of five counts of assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill and one count of felony riot. He was sentenced to 35 years in State prison. A year later Belton won his appeal and was released from State prison. Two years later Belton was charged and convicted in Federal court of conspiracy to distribute with the distribution of cocaine and stealing and converting to use government property. He was sentenced to 24 years in Federal prison. Belton spent 21-1/2 years in Federal prison.
During Belton's incarceration, the Lord used him to mentor and pastor men from across this nation and from other parts of the world. God used Belton to raise up an army of men who are walking in their five-fold ministerial giftings and callings. Many men whom Belton pastored and mentored in prison are now out of prison serving the Lord and are pastors, elders, deacons, business owners, and leaders in their communities and cities. Belton also wrote seven books during his incarceration, including Ministry of a Husband. This book has blessed many marriages and families acros sthe nation. Men from across the country have been blessed by Belton's book. In March of 2010, Belton was invited to Ohio to have his first Ministry of the Husband Men's Conference at the Dayton Convention Center. Belton Platt walks in an apostolic anointing and travels the country ministering in churches to the Body of Christ.