Janice Rials
There Is No Moon At My House:
A Parenting Guide From a Veteran School Teacher
Motivational and Educational Conference Speaker
Teaching Parents to Become Involved
In Their Child's Educational Process
Teaching Teachers How to Help Parents
Become More Involved With Their Children
At School and At Home
Award-Winning Public School Teacher
Educator of Teachers and of Parents ...
All for the Education of Children
and Their Future Success
Travels from Georgia
Janice Rials was born and raised on Chicago's south side and has lived in Georgia for over twenty years. She is a daughter, a sister, aunt, single mother, grandmother, friend and, more importantly, a teacher to hundreds of children and their parents.
She is a graduate of National College of Education, Evanston, Illinois, where she earned an Associate of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Education, after which she worked as a preschool teacher for several years.
She moved to Peoria, Illinois, where she worked in the business world. Through prayer, hard work, and determination, Janice returned to school to obtain her Bachelors of Science in Education from Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, and to make a better life for her child.
Janice taught in the Peoria School District for several years after which she returned to Chicago where she taught for Chicago School District for nine yers.
She was afforded an opportunity to move to Georgia where she has taught for twenty-two years and obtained a Masters of Arts in Teaching at Piedmont University of Demorest, Georgia.
Janice has enjoyed a very rich and diverse professional life, with thirty-plus years as an educator of students from pre-K to sixth grade. As a classroom teacher, she is often a therapist, sounding board, encourager, cheerleader, nurturer, resource provider, and nurse, just to name a few of the roles every teacher plays on a daily basis.
She has served as a grade facilitator for over six years and four years as a Cluster trainer for Gwinnett County Schools Teacher Math Summer Institute, teaching educators how to present new ideas in Math.
Since 2016, she has developed and implemented learning opportunities for both parents and teachers, including Math and Language Arts Curriculum Night. With lots of parental support from home, her students made outstanding achievement and she was awarded Georgia's Race to The Top for Outstanding Achievement. Janice is so grateful and honored to have been voted by her fellow educators as one of Gwinnett County's Local School Teacher of the Year 2018-19.
Janice has spoken at Mercer University / Tift College of Education: Leadership Academy 2018 on the topic of Parental Involvement: Getting Parents Involved in the Eduactional Process, that shows the positive effect on all stake holders when a true partnership exists between schools, families, and communities.
At Grayson Elementary's Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Night, Janice spoke on Parental Involvement Beyond the School Doors, highlighting the importance of parental involvment at school and at home.
Janice is the author of There is No Moon At My House: Parenting Advice from a Veteran School Teacher, advice for parents or any adult that interacts with a child along with insights from the viewpoint of a veteran teacher.
Gwinnett County School Principal Chris Brown's Foreword of Rials' There Is No Moon At My House book reads as follows:
As an educator, I've read myriad books and implemented programs that offer strategies to assist in managing behaviors and improving classroom management. There is one piece missing from all of them ... the parenting piece. There Is No Moon At My House has that piece. It is an easy read with stories and strategies that, if implemented, will work. I'm not talking about a band aide, but common-sense ideas that may be used immediately after reading. Janice helps many of us with our parenting and student disciplinary measures in our school.
As a parent, I've also consulted with Janice for ideas and strategies to assist me in my parenting with my own kids. She provides me with her opinion and immediate feedback. She is eager to then let me know if I have handled a situation in an appropriate way. Janice uses her experiences and insight to help investigate and help find the underlying cause of the problem.
Janice Rials' messages are ideal for schools' teacher-faculty enrichment days, parent-teacher events, and any special event with the goal of supporting parents and families. |
She offers guest-lecturer presentations that are invaluable for university and college educator classes and special events. |
Janice enjoys opportunities to support local communities and churches by speaking at parent / adult events, teaching parents, leaders, and entire communities how to support students off campus. |
Speaking Topics
Bundles of Joy -- So What Now?
How to effectively support children's social and educational success from birth to school age.
Hey! You Forgot to Include a Manual
Based on principles, techniques, and stories from her book There Is No Moon At My House: A Parenting Guide From a Veteran School Teacher, Janice RIals takes a look at how parenting choices manifest throughout a child's life.
Children: The Game of Power
The various ways we give our power away through our actions, and responses and strategies that have stood the test of time.
Parental Involvement Beyond the Classroom
Ways effective parental involvement can have a positive effect on all stakeholders
OK, God! I Got It: The Journey of A Single Mom
I wouldn't take nothing for my journey, now that I know the reason I had to take it ... my personal journey as a single mom from the south side of Chicago to educator and author. Every step you take in this journey called life has purpose.
"'Be the parent today that you want your kids to remember tomorrow.' [Unknown] There Is No Moon at My House is a billiant parenting guide that allows those who use it to become the parent their children will remember. This book provides strategies to parents who may know that they need help but don't really know exactly what that looks like. As an educator, I've seen children who need a parent but they have a friend. I've seen children who need guidance but they get a partner. I've also seen the frustration of teachers who really want a partner so that we can provide a high-quality education to a life-long learner. There Is No Moon At My House offers strategies that parents can see immediately after reading."
Dr. Sharron Jones
Gwinnett County Teacher
"I had the pleasure of meeting [Janice Rials] this weekend at Mercer [University]. She was amazing and did a fantastic job presenting."
"Excellent book! This is an excellent book written by an experienced teacher who has seen it all. I highly recommend this book not only to parents but anyone who interacts with children on a daily basis. The wisdom shared in this book is timeless."
Amazon.com Review (5 out of 5 stars)
"Everyone who is a parent and/or works with children should read this book!"
Amazon.com Review (5 out of 5 stars)