Speakers and Artists
Rudd, DL (Donna)

DL (Donna) Rudd
Author of
Forever Hope:  Living in Hope in the Midst of Life's Struggles
Travels from Illinois

Content Provided by Speaker


Donna Rudd is a creative person by trade.  February 2020 Forever Hope became her first book release.  It is a simple but raw overview of how she overcame many obstacles that would have taken most women out of commission.
Photography has been a passion and love since childhood.  Donna spent twenty years photographing weddings and portraits.  Attending Columbia College in Chicago gave her opportunity to delve into the "new" digital age, which opened up more creative juices leading to watercolor, mixed media and longng to write.
Once words became a manuscript, life seemed to have written a new chapter that has encouraged many to hold on to HOPE, no matter the circumstance.  Her whole purpose in ALL that she does is to use God's word to inspire and grow women to lean into God for all their needs; to become whole, assured of how loved and valued they are.
As an administrator for five years at her church, she came to understand the importance of leaning on the Word of God and not people to help guide and answer the many questions asked about life.  Such as:  Why do people die young?  How would a good God allow a wife to become a widow with children to raise alone?  How do you know God is real?  How do you believe so strongly even after the death of your babies and husband?
Volunteering then becoming the director of a nonprofit shelter for pregnant women, God was walking Donna into the path to help women grow in God.  Teaching them to not lean into their own understanding, but by the Bible, worship and prayer with journaling through Bible studies as a tool.
Donna has led groups of women through the Grief Share program as well as numerous Bible studies.
Journaling is something Donna has a passion for, which is where her many drawers filled with notes, prayers, and tears flowed onto pages, are what helped write the book Forever Hope.
A certified life coach, photographer, speaker, teacher, author, child of God, daughter of the King (which makes Donna princess), journalier, and artist are all parts of what Donna enjoys sharing, with laughter, tears, and HOPE.
Blog Website:   words-by-design.com
Photography:   dbpbd.com 
Journals and creative products made to help women outside the United States provide income for families:
Podcast Interviews

Speaking Topics
Topics can be customized for your themed event.  My focus has covered grief, parenting, single parenting, covering biblical topics on hope, endurance, grief, worry and doubt, prodigals, and changing seasons in life (singleness, marriage, parenting, loss of family through death and/or irreconciliable differences, divorced parents and the effects and pain and uncertainty of divorce.
Raising Children in Today's Toxic World
A godly mother is a blessing to her children.  We used to have families surround us in a tribelike manner, offering a safety net to young families.  But in today's culture that doesn't happen.  There are various circumstances why a mother is alone to raise her children.  Much like myself being widowed at 35 to raise three sons alone, I relied on God more than I ever imagined.  It wasn't always easy but through those experiences and now at the other end of that season in life, I share the encouragement to weary mothers who don't know how they can get through the rest of the week.  Finding a good church or group of godly women that can come alongside you is imperative, especially in today's culture.  I dig into the Word to help single moms (married moms welcome too!) navigate the day to day without feeling like a hot mess, discouraged or simply frustrated with the demands upon her.  Girls, you will rise up with wings like eagles!
Turning Mourning into Dancing:  How to Walk the Path of Grief
Grief is a very challenging emotion to walk through.  I share my story in Forever Hope, how God delivered me from doubt and worry, filling me with endurance and strength at the age of 35 after my husband's untimely death.  Grief is challanging and unique for every person.  There is no cookie-cutter pattern to follow.  I share techniques, many prayers, and encouragement along with tears and laughter to help you get from mourning to dancing.  It is possible.
There is a Hope that Lasts Forever
In my very personal and raw story, I share and encourage those who have come from an un-Christlike childhood.  God directed my path.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, He brought me two Christian families who loved me and showed me Christ's unconditional love.  Little did I know what my future would look like.  I share the foundation of God's love, His Word, through the death of my husband and two babies and the long cancer battle of my dearest sister-friend.  God showed up in my life in a profound way, offering endurance and help.  I share in my personal testimony how you too can expect God to answer even when it doesn't make sense.

Donna Rudd is a dear friend of over twenty years who is also a Christian, a mother, an author, and an excellent motivational and inspirational speaker.
Life has given Donna many hardships, including widowhood when her three sons were still young.  Her faith in the Lord gave her the strength and commitment to raise her boys to become responsible Godly adults.  My greatest firsthand experience about Donna is when she became the secretary for a women's shelter for homeless pregnant adults called Shepherd's House.  I was delighted to suggest Donna for the position; she interviewed and received unanimous approval from the board.  Donna not only took on the role of secretary, she became a confidant, counselor, instructor and mentor to the women living in the home.  Donna is a true advocate for the unborn and has great compassion for the women that are in very difficult situations.  No judgment with her.
Donna has become the speaker for our annual fundraising Gala year after year.  She has the unique ability to command attention with love, sharing her message with ease and touching the hearts of everyone in attendance.  Once you hear Donna, you will seek out her next speaking engagement.
As an speaker and author, Donna gives women the inspiration to depend on the Lord by knowing His Word.  Donna is one of the few women that not only speaks about the Word of God but actually lives it.  You only have to talk to her once and you will know how important God is to her very existence.
Lynn Contreras
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