Ginger Sanders
Chaplain Coordinator with
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Rapid Response Team
Author and Conference Speaker
Ginger Speaks for Women's Ministry Conferences,
Youth Events and Church Services
Ginger Sanders was born and raised in North Alabama. She grew up on a farm, learning how to drive in the middle of a hay field. She was raised in a family that believed in Christ, and that is what gives her the hope of seeing her parents and sister who are already in heaven. Ginger was brought up in a home filled with southern hospitality, where cooking and serving others was expected. She enjoys friends and family times together, but also enjoys being out on the mission field, whether at home or in a foreign land.
When she retired from her job in the world of finance, Ginger returned to the roots that grounded her, serving others. She and her husband have trained and served with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and are now serving as chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team as Chaplain Coordinators. They are called out when disasters, natural and manmade, to give emotional and spiritual care.
Ginger has traveled extensively, speaking at women's conferences, youth conferences, retreats, various events. She has led many different Bible studies and classes for men, women, and youth. One of the things most important to her is being able to see people grow in the Lord. But, more importantly, that they know Christ and have a personal relationship with Him.
She gives God Glory for all the things He has allowed her to witness, knowing it was Him and Him alone that provided the love and resources. She has learned never to give up on God, that He is always there, with His child. One of her most well-known sayings, "It was a God thing!" has been proven over and over and it still amazes her.
Ginger has been married to her best friend, Denny, for forty- six years. They adopted two children from South Korea, Jamie and Kara, and then had two biological children, Todd and B.J. Ginger prayed for mates for their children, while they were still young, and feel so blessed with their three daughters in laws and son in law that God has put into the family. They are blessed with nine grandchildren, which are spread out across the United States, with their parents. However, Ginger looks forward to the times of family get-togethers at their lakeside home in Alabama.
She has been writing for several years and has published two books. A children's book, 'Round Eyes' is based on a true story of when their little boy from Korea realized he looked different. God answered prayers in bringing all of their children to them. And Ginger is the author of 'He Goes Before Us,' a book that chronicles true stories of her experiences with The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's Rapid Response team ministering to people who are dealing with the immediate aftermath of man-made or natural disasters. |
Co-Hosting "Friends & Neighbors" TV Talk Show
(Ginger's Interview on This Television Show Begins at 9:22)
He Goes Before Us
God is not surprised by any storms in our lives. In fact, we often see Him most during these difficult times. As a rapid response chaplain for the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, Ginger Sanders has seen Him firsthand. She shares her experiences and those of other chaplains in He Goes Before Us, a collection of thirty-one stories from the front lines of both natural and man-made disasters.
Trained and often sent out on a moment's notice when catastrophe strikes, the chaplains give physical, emotional, and spiritual care to those who need it most. From the floods of Iowa to the scene of the horrific theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Ginger and her fellow chaplains continually see God at work. Lives are changed and souls are saved through His amazing hand.
Each story in this collection is unique. Chaplains pray with a group of teenagers after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, save a man on the verge of suicide, and help a Japanese woman turn to Christ. In every situation, the chaplains see the dramatic presence of God even before they arrive, proving that only God can orchestrate these situations.
Filled with love and hope, He Goes Before Us is an uplifting and moving testament to the power of the Gospel.
Round Eyes: An Adopted Child's View of Love
Ginger shares her family's true story of Jamie, an adopted son, first realizing he is slightly different from his parents. Ginger helps children and parents to understand that what is on the outside is just how people look; what is on the inside is what really counts. There is joy when families can laugh together, knowing the love for each other is what makes a difference. We know we have a God who is answering prayers around the world and delights in bringing happiness and hope to families.
Fireflies: Sharing God's Light in The Time of Loss
Fireflies helps communicate to a child the difficult subject of death and loss, in a way that positively engages and even delights the child. The message and beautiful illustrations of Fireflies give hope and comfort to the hurting heart of a child or adult. The 'Memory Page' provides space for a photo, comments and even a child's scribbles or drawing. The book also includes "How to Lead a Child to Christ" which is copyright free so you may make copies to share, perhaps posting in children's ministry areas. This simple little book holds a great big message and is a must-read for everyone who leads a child in a walk through loss.
Testimonials . . .
"I can still remember our visits in the Sanders home as we listened to their stories of serving with The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains. Amazing stories of God at work, every time a chaplain team responded to a need, it was God's story, lived out in the lives of ordinary people, serving an extraordinary God. Your heart will be made glad as you read these stories and see how God was working in the midst of the storms. "
Esther Burroughs
Authors & Conference Speaker
Treasures of the Heart Ministry
"The Women's Ministry Team was honored to have Ginger as speaker of our Ladies Spring Tea. She was such a blessing as she brought her experiences as Chaplain of the Billy Graham Ministries to life and demonstrated how God has molded her into the vessel that He uses today."
Kerry Charlton
Chairman, Women's Ministry Team
First Baptist Church, La Place, Louisiana
"Ginger Sanders was the guest speaker for our annual Women's Tea at First Baptist Church LaPlace. We at FBC LaPlace first meet and fell in love with Ginger after a natural disaster struck our community on August 29, 2012, Hurricane Isaac.
"Ginger and her husband Denny arrived at our church with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team equipped to help people put their lives back together. They were a true blessing to many affected families in the community sharing the love of Jesus with those who had just lost most of their earthly belongings. They ministered to these people and helped to bring hope to many through God's love.
"When Ginger and Denny were called to leave LaPlace and return home, Ginger offered to return to our church if we were ever in need of a speaker for any event. We were very blessed to have her come to our Tea and share the most beautiful story of her Grandmother Browning's Little Green Teapot. Stories of the years of love poured out of a little teapot by her Grandmother and then the years of love notes between Ginger and her own family. Mingled in these stories she shared stories of deployments and lives changed through times of disaster.
"I believe that Ginger has a true anointing from the Holy Spirit to share love and hope. As she said when we first meet she ministers by sharing God's love through hugs."
Wilene Hobdy
First Baptist Church, La Place, Louisiana
"I have known Ginger and her husband for over twenty years where she attended a church my husband pastors. I have had the blessed privilege of attending a few retreats with Ginger. Ginger will quickly draw you in with her sweet southern charm. She is a very inspiring and motivating speaker who has the gift of holding your attention and also helping you to apply what she is teaching. She is very genuine and sincere. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will be blessed!"
Jeannie Jones
Big Bone Baptist Church, Union, Kentucky