Frank Shelton
Soul-Winning Evangelist
Inspirational / Motivational
Spot-On Impersonations
Comedic Crusader
Journalist Assigned to The White House Press Corp
Serving as a "Lighthouse in The White House"
A Frequent Guest on Fox News and Other Media
Humbly but Boldly Sharing Biblical Truth
as it Relates to Current Events
Upward Speaker
Conference Speaker for
Students, Singles & Adults
Media and Speaking Videos
Frank Shelton wears many hats but his heart beats to point people to a personal relationship with Christ.
He is a fifth generation Washingtonian. His ancestor hand-carried President Abraham Lincoln across the street on Good Friday 1865.
Frank's new book Carrying Greatness reminds us all that we each have God's greatness deposited in us and we are made in His image. In life you can carry greatness or bury it. Frank wanted to do three things with his life - Preach, Politics or Protect the President - and he was blessed to pursue all three by his 35th birthday.
He worked two decades on Capitol Hill serving in multiple capacities but left to impact lives around the globe. On his television show By Faith, which airs weekly to 15 million homes on DISH Network, he shares humor, celebrity impressions, and the Gospel Truth.
Frank served as International Evangelism Chairman for the 2012 Olympics outreach in London, England, and he will be serving again at the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.
Presently he serves as Field Rep for My Hope with Billy Graham in Washington, D.C. and Dover, Deleward, and is liaison in the region for Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour.
Frank Shelton is a frequent Fox News contributor discussing faith, religion and politics and has appeared on Hannity and other national new programs.
He has shared his testimony and preached on world-wide television on TBN, DayStar, Harvest, TCT, SkyAngel, CTN, and dozens of other outlets, and his radio program Frankly Speaking aired two years on American Family Radio.
Frank was featured in Billy Graham's Decision Magazine (October 2015) and he serves on advisory board with Josh McDowell and others at PraiseFest Cruise with a Cause, ministering in The Bahamas and Jamaica where over 39,000 souls made professions of faith in Christ.
Since 2009 Frank has been a Compassion International spokesman and a nationally endorced UPWARD speaker.
Frank preached at the Wheaton Evangelism conference in 2015, along with Will Graham, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Jefferson Bethke, and others.
Frank Shelton is the ideal speaker for churches, corporate events, and classrooms. Teens and adults hang on his every word. Frank has preached at megachurches, cruises, and city-wide crusades, and he is right at home with at country churches as well.
He preached twice to 7,00 at Virginia Youth Evangelism Conference and preached at a church that runs 55 on Sundays but when he came on Monday over 216 showed up in the pouring rain to hear his mssage.
Frank has been a featured speaker on the main stage at Big God Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where he ministered with Big Daddy Weave, For King & Country, and Hawk Nelson. After Frank's message over 1,000 teens responded to the invitation to make decisions for Christ.
Frank Shelton is considered by his peers to be one of America's most gifed communicators.
Frank even has the privilege to shine a light on occasion The White House where he attends national press briefings in the West Wing, representing a Christian news outlet.
Frank typically speaks over 200 times per year and has ministered in 48 of the 50 states. Whether speaking at the church house, the school house, or The White House, Frank's God-given gift is to inspire, encourage, and proclaim the Gospel.
From the academy to the amusement park ... Frank wrote the entire chapel curriculum for Southern Maryland Christian Academy where thousands have trusted Christ as Lord and Savior in his ministry, and he has ministered twice at Six Flags America's Faith Day, along with Jeremy Camp, Casting Crowns, and Nicole C. Mullen.
Frank is a popular speaker for Sunday services, banquets, revival services, DNOW, men's ministry events, retreats, keynotes, catch-the-vision campaigns, leadership conferences, city-wide crusades, night of comedy, and large outdoor events.
He lives to exalt Christ, encourage the Church, and evangelize the lost.
Frank and his lovely wife Ruth reside just outside D.C. with their two amazing kids.
Frank's Speaking Topics Include . . .
Living For the Lord
Overcoming Obstacles
Are you WAITING ON THE LORD or Is the Lord waiting on you?
Finding Forgiveness from God: It doesn't matter where you've been ...
all that matters is where your heading
Power of Prayer
Appreciating Your Adversities
Character Counts
Carrying Christ, Sharing Christ: By our LIPS and LIFE
Christian Dating, Abstinence, and TRUE LOVE WAITS
"Giving God ALL You Got!"
Chase the Call of God on Your Life
... and more
Career vs. Calling
A "career" is a JOB.
A "calling" brings JOY!
On the job, you make dollars.
In a career, you make a difference!
On the job, you simply "exist," Monday-Friday.
While chasing the "call" of career, you live life to the fullest!
Filled with true-life experiences, Final Approach: Career vs. Calling is part "Forrest Gump," part "Purpose Driven Life."
Carol Kent from "WOMEN OF FAITH" wrote the foreword: "Buy one for yourself and TEN more to give away!"
Fear vs. Faith
On the first anniversary of 9-11, Frank Shelton spoke in a church service about his experience of vacating his Capitol Hill office on that horrific day. Frank reminded the audience that with God, truly America's best days are still ahead.
Some have suggested that this message "pound for pound" was the "most powerful messages [we] have ever heard!" Frank's message - Attack on America: Fear vs. Faith - is filled with hope, humor, and Heaven-inspired quotes. This truly inspirational and Christ-centered message is perfect for patriotic church services and other patriotic gatherings.

An amazing collaboration of national speakers like Frank Shelton, Jeff Canfield, Rolfe Carawan, Mark Eiken, Ben Glenn, Sam Glenn, Jason Palmisano, Bobby Petrocelli, Josh Shipp, and Gina Waegele all contribute incredible and powerful stories that you'll want to share with your friends!
This book will uplift you and really challenge you to develop a strong, honorable character and qualities that will absolutely change your life and the impact it has on others. An outstanding book for teens as well as parents and teachers!
The Best of Success For Teens shares inspirational success stories from America's youngest and most dynamic youth speakers, including conference speaker Frank Shelton.
What People Are Saying About Frank Shelton . . .
Frank Shelton has a passionate heart for the Lord and for the church. Use him - he will bless your people.
Dr. Johnny Hunt
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia
The first thing that is apparent about Frank Shelton is his passion for Christ. The second thing is that he really cares about people and wants us to understand the life-changing mysteries of the Kingdom of God. When a seemingly insignificant life is surrendered wholly to our great God, then the so-called impossible becaomes a way of life. Welcome to the great adventure! Frank rocks for Jesus!
Sheila Walsh
Women of Faith speaker
Former Co-Host, The 700 Club
Author, The Storm Inside
In a world where there is famine for the living bread of God's Word, Frank Shelton is doing all in his power to feed the nations of the world the true Bread of Life. I am honored to serve in the Kingdom alongside of men of God like Frank who are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is still the power of God unto salvation.
Pastor Matthew Hagee
Executive Pastor
Cornerstone Church
San Antonio, Texas
Frank Shelton is definitely an evangelist!
President Jimmy Carter
Plains, Georgia
Frank Shelton is my hero! Frank lives and breathes to share Jesus with the world. He is an amazing example of the abundant life and joy that Jesus came to give to all who are willing to receive. I love the guy!"
Andy Williams
Drummer, Casting Crowns
Frank Shelton is real. A real preacher, a real Bible teacher and a real friend. I have had the opportunity to work with Frank on many occasions and I was immediately touched by his heart for worship and giving spirit. His HUMOR and sincerity are matched only by his desire to honor Christ. During the darkest days of my life, when many in ministry "mocked" me, Frank was one of those who ministered to me. He is the real deal.
Michael English
Grammy Award Winner, "In Christ Alone"
Nashville, Tennessee
The grand story of our great God needs more men to share it. Frank Shelton is one of those men. Take a look at his background and listen to his journey and you hear it ... God is at work and He is advancing His kingdom! Frank makes much of Jesus and his ministry will empower you to do the same.
Tony Nolan, Tour Pastor for Casting Crowns
Woodstock, Georgia
Our changing world needs to hear the fresh voice of a true revivalist. That is Frank Shelton. His life and experience has given him the tools to address this culture in an insightful and relevant way! I know you will be blessed to have this dear brother speak at your special event or revival campaign. Frank was one of our speakers for the past two years at Praisefest Ministries Cruise with a Cause in the Bahamas . God is using this man to share the message of hope in Jesus Christ in a very effective manner. You will not regret extending an invitation to Brother Frank Shelton!
Jamey Ragle, Vice President of Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists
Woodstock, Georgia
Frank Shelton is a dynamic Christian speaker / evangelist with a message that is relevant to all ages. He is the "real deal." He is always willing to not just deliver an incredible message, but go into the schools and reach the next generation. At PRAISEFEST we have been blessed to bring in the very best Christian singers and speakers around the world. For the past three years, I have had Frank speak on our PRAISEFEST "Cruise with a Cause" in the Bahamas. One of the senior pastors on the ship was so impressed with Frank that he booked him to speak 15 messages in four days while speaking at his church at Fleetwood Baptist Church REVIVAL in Alabama . During the four night revival 81 adults and teens accepted Christ as their personal Savior. I had the pleasure to attend one of those services. I would strongly encourage you to consider having Frank at your church revival or one night event. He will deliver a word from God.
Matthew Dunaway, President of PraiseFest Ministries, Inc.
Mobile, Alabama
Sadly, much of "evangelism" in the Christian church today is not New Testament evangelism. Bill Hybles came to Texas 15 years ago and stated: "The days of revival and evangelistic crusades are over." Sadly, a lot of our young, gullible, naive preachers agreed with him. They didn't have a clue and many still don't. Ephesians 4:11 states: "And God gave some to be Evangelists." Frank Shelton, Jr. has been called by God and chosen and has surrendered. His passion for souls is a bright light in the religious world filled with darkness. Without a doubt, the calling of God and the anointing of God are upon Frank's life. His passion for souls is a motivating factor in the life of every believer to be a "SOUL WINNER." I pray that God will use his new book "Final Approach - Career vs Calling?" to set the multitudes on fire for Jesus. Frank has been blessed with tons of passion, energy, and a desire to honor God, encourage pastors, and bless the local church. Without hesitation, I recommend Frank Shelton to the precious people of your congregation and community.
Dr. Freddie Gage, Evangelist
Dr. Gage is second only to Billy Graham in leading people to Jesus in the Southern Baptist Convention
Frank Shelton has dramatically touched the lives of tens of thousands across the country. He has brought the grace and hope that Jesus Christ offers to a hurting world in a way that is conveyed as only Frank can communicate. His sincerity, humility, and humor soften hearts for the Holy Spirit to do his incredible work. He is a refreshing and encouraging minister who is being mightily used of the Lord.
Shannon Marketic, Miss USA 1992
Dallas, Texas
Frank Shelton has an incredible ministry! I had the pleasure of being on the Praisefest Ministries "Cruise with a Cause" to Bahamas with my husband and remember walking through the Royal Caribbean cruise ship and seeing a large crowd gather to lean over a balcony and listen to a man speaking below in the center of the ship. We joined them and were amazed! The man was on the bottom floor captivating this impromptu, walk-up audience with this BOOMING voice. People were gathered on four floors, leaning over balconies just to hear him speak. We didn't even know who he was at the time. He was engaging the audience with jokes and celebrity impersonations, but it wasn't long before he started sharing his personal testimony and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Before long, it seemed like the entire ship was hanging on his every word (including the Captain of the ship)! We later found out the man's name was Frank Shelton.
I also host the morning show for one of the largest contemporary Christian radio station, 93.7 WDJC in Birmingham, Alabama. When I returned to work I told my co-host about this engaging speaker with a heart for Christ. We booked him for an interview that was so much fun we continue to play segments of it to this day! He does the best impersonations including Billy Graham and former President Clinton . If you're considering booking a speaker for an event that will warm the crowd up while sharing the gospel and the love of God ... without question then Frank Shelton is the one to book! I strongly recommend him. Your group will love him!
Wendy Garner, Morning Show Host @ 93.7 WDJC FM
Birmingham, Alabama
In over 45 years of public service at both the state and national level, I can honestly say: Frank Shelton, Jr. is one of the most compassionate, decent, young men I have ever met. I wouldn't be surprised if he builds one of the biggest churches in Maryland one day.
U.S. Representative Steny H. Hoyer, House Majority Leader
Washington, D.C.
Not only is this man funny. He is entertaining. But by far his greatest gift is his heart. I have yet to meet anyone in my life who has the heart of Frank Shelton. Frank has been a dear friend for sometime now. Also nearly 15 years ago I remember meeting this sharp-dressed, soft-spoken guy from Waldorf, Maryland. Instantly, we had a bond that would lead us to many great times and memories. I can easily say that Frank Shelton is the most Christ-like person I know. The Lord Jesus Christ uses this man to share the Gospel in ways that will blow your mind! Frank [brings a] message from the very mouth of God.
Billy Griffin, PS 40 Crusade Organizer and Founder
LaBelle, Florida
Frank was AWESOME! Never have I seen a young man be able to speak to teens, adults, and senior citizens in such a manner that is both relevant and practical. Frank was superb on Sunday, March 16, 2008. God's anointing is surely upon him. With Frank's God-given talents and gifts, I believe that the Lord is going to use him in a mighty way. He is the best evangelist that I have heard since Billy Graham. His verbal style is so much like the written style of Max Lucado. (Both use a lot alliteration to make their points memorable and use little modern parables.) Lucado is one of the most popular Christian writers in the world today and Frank may well be on his way to becoming one of the most popular evangelists.
Anne Moore, 74-year-old church member at Stevenson United Methodist
Berlin, Maryland
I have been in the ministry for over three decades and Frank is the most naturally gifted person for ministry that I have ever met. God has truly blessed him.
Major Ron Harvell
Chaplain, U.S. Air Force
Frank is both a powerful preacher and a gifted teacher. His impersonation of Dr. Graham is amazing!
M. Holmquist
Billy Graham School of Evangelism
I have known Frank for some time now. He is a man dedicated to bringing young people to the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. He is also a great motivational speaker. In any environment, Frank Shelton can deliver the goods with his God given talent of communication. Laughter is a great medicine and ministry. Frank has ministered to me many times through his books and recordings. I am a fan of Frank Shelton!
Ernie Haase, Dove Award Winner-tenor of Old Friends Quartet and the legendary Cathedrals Quartet- "Oh, What a Savior!"
Frank Shelton is truly a man of God. He preaches with great compassion and conviction. God has blessed him with the wonderful gift of communication and he uses it to reach all ages for Christ.
Rev. Dennis Felder
Senior Pastor, Dunkirk Baptist Church
Outstanding presentation! I was really blown away; I was inspired, moved and awed. You have a real gift.
Sam Glenn
National Youth Speaker
President of National Christian Youth Speakers Network
It was my privilege to serve as Frank's youth minister while he was in High School, and see him grow and mature in the Christian faith. He has become one of the most sought after speakers of our area, and is truly making a difference in the lives of many for our Lord. He is a fine young man who lives and exemplifies the Christian lifestyle. God will certainly bless you and speak to you through having him.
Rev. Jim Wood, Minister to Youth
Lake Ridge Baptist, Woodbridge, Virginia
Frank is not just an ordinary minister of the Gospel. His ministry does not end at the pulpit like some I have known in the past; Frank Shelton lives the Gospel! I sincerely enjoy his company because I can truly see the love of God manifested in his personage. In August 2000, I asked Frank to share with our teens at "JAM FEST 2K" Youth Convention. The teens, as well as myself, were so grateful for him to share the Word along with Darrell Scott (father to slain Columbine student). Among the many gifts God has blessed him with, the one I think stands out the most is his ability to reach teens from many different denominations, cultures and styles. His humor, sound effects and sensitivity prepare the hearts of teens and adults for God to do a mighty work. I am convinced that wherever God sends Frank, he will prosper in the Lord. Not because of his own natural talents but because he has learned to allow God to move through him.
Pastor Shawn Holcomb, Youth Minister
Crossroads Christian Church, Maryland
Rev. Frank Shelton has been widely used as a revival speaker, seminar speaker, pulpit supply, retreat leader and conducted revivals in our association as well as across the Country. He is a great communicator of the Gospel, effectively using humor, personal antidotes and Biblical content. I have known Frank for the past nine years as a fellow member of the same church, as a youth staff leader in two churches, associate pastor of evangelism and as a leader of our Associational Youth Network. Frank is committed to personal evangelism and God has used him to draw many adults and youth to Christ.
Dr. Richard Logsdon
Director of the Potomac Baptist Association
Dunkirk Baptist Church is very fortunate to have Frank on staff.
Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie
Chaplain of the United States Senate
I have known Frank Shelton since he was a college student at Charles County Community College (now known as The College of Southern Maryland). Frank was involved in college Bible study I led on campus and eventually, he was elected President of our group. Frank was faithful, diligent, prompt and God-honoring in his leadership, and our group grew to its best attendance ever under his influence. However, more important was the person Frank was outside of the group. As long as I have known Frank, he has been consistent in his devotion to and love of our Lord. The strength of his convictions, his moral integrity, his love for people and his passion for Jesus have made a lasting impression on all who know him. His desire to reach people who don't yet know Jesus is real and his life lines up with his words. I pray that God will open doors for Frank and use him for his purposes in our world.
Rev. Randall Acord, Senior Pastor
White Plains Baptist Church
Frank is the "Preacher's Preacher!" In our 16 years of ministry, Frank stands out as one of the most dynamic young men we have ever had. His preaching is unusual - he uses humor and impersonations with his Spirit-filled messages. He also has a tender heart for the lost! You will be refreshed to hear a young man filled with enthusiasm and a sweet love for the Savior! You will want him back again and again!
Marvin Harris, Founder of "Tuesday Night Live"
(TNL is the largest Singles' Bible Study in Southern Maryland)
Frank preached at our church three years ago and we are still talking about his message!
Hughesville Baptist Church
Evangelist Frank Shelton is an effective communicator to all generations. He was key to our revival service; which included six baptisms; several salvation experiences, and led our church a deeper commitment to the Lord. Y ou and your church will be blessed by the spiritual gift Brother Shelton brings on behalf of the Lord.
Dr. Dan Moore, Senior Pastor
Callaway Baptist Church
When Frank preaches you can literally see the love of our Lord in his eyes!
Rodney Wilson
Monroe, North Carolina
I would drive 50 miles every Sunday just to hear you preach.
Visitor at Greenbelt Baptist Church, Maryland
Frank Shelton is God's politician.
Dr. M. Christopher White
President of Gardner-Webb Univversity,
Boiling Springs, North Carolina
It has been my pleasure and honor to attend and participate in many of Frank Shelton's meetings and to witness the tremendous effectiveness of his entire ministry; particularly where young people are involved. As a Christian businessman and experienced church leader, I can attest to his sincerity, his compassion for the lost souls and his ability to encourage repentance and maintain a proper relationship with Christ. Frank is gifted with a warm, friendly and convincing personality that is demonstrated in his inspirational public speaking ability. I have attended many of his revivals and invited him to speak on numerous occasions at the Charles County Rotary Club in Southern Maryland. I first heard him speak at an UPWARDS BASKETBALL Christian Awards Banquet at First Baptist Church of Waldorf and over 65 teens made professions of faith following his remarks. I consider it a privilege to heartily recommend my good friend, Frank Shelton for any Christian endeavor or civic function. He would be a tremendous asset to any organization.
Kenneth A. Gould, Sr., owner and operator of Gould Restaurants featuring Roy Rogers and personal friends with the late Roy Rogers & Dale Evans.
What a pleasure and inspiration to meet you and hear about your work for the Lord around our Nation. ... Our prayers will continue to be with you, your family and your ministry. We are excited about the harvest of souls that await you as you present His Word and love in the most effective and creative way. For the King...for the Kingdom!
John & Glenda Shepela, Director of Music Ministries, White Hall Baptist Church, Accokeek, Maryland
What a blessing to hear and see God working through you this weekend at our revival service. You came at a very critical time in our church life when much healing is needed. I personally heard God speaking to me to do more, have stronger courage in faith in time of persecution and attacks - and most importantly, don't give up in doing God's work no matter how much individuals attack and persecute you. ... Keep up your faith and perseverance.
Fred "Woody" Caudle
First Baptist Church of St. Charles, Maryland
Frank speaks with a heart of compassion. He has a genuine interest in people and is passionate about communicating with people of all ages to live a life of character and follow Christ. Frank's stories grab your attention because they are deep and thought provoking. Frank also has a wonderful gift of humor and doing impersonations that will make audiences laugh until they cry!
Gina Waegele, 1998 Miss Colorado, Friends First, National Mentor Program Director, National Inspirational Speaker
It was an honor to have Frank Shelton lead us in worship for our Harvest Sunday in November 2013 at First Bapist Church of Fernandina Beach, Florida. His message ws dynamic, energetic and, most importantly, Bible-bsed. More and more we are seeing people turning from the Wrod of God. Frank Shelton is one who stands on the Word of God and preaches messages that point people to the Son of God and does so without compromise. He is passionate in his calling to shine the Light of God to a lost world and I look forward to having him in our church and community again. I love Frank as an evangelist, brother in Christ, and friend and I wholeheartedly encourage you to invite him to your church.
Rev. Jeff Overton
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Frank Shelton is my friend and he is a powerful preacher. His new book Carrying Greatness is a message of hope for this generation. Frank is the type of communicator who will bring an audience to laughter but also remind every individual of the sacredness of the death of our Savior Jesus Christ. We live in a culture that is desperate for hope, and Frank communicates a message of hope in Christ with passion and power. His impressions are AMAZING and his Billy Graham is INCREDIBLE!
Dave Sterrett
Author, I Am Second, Why Trust Jesus?, Is the Bible True ... Really?
Fank Shelton is the guy you want to be around all the time! I can never have a bad day when Frank is in the room. His heart for Jesus is undeniable, and he has a passion to serve the chruch and see souls saved. Frank Shelton is my riend and he's a good dude!
Brock Gill
Illusionist, TV Personality
Communicator of Hope and Truth