Michael Shull
One of America's Premier Mountain Dulcimer Players
* Heartwarming Music for the Soul *
Toe-Tappin' Concerts with Humor and a Message of Faith
Michael Shull's Message and Music Are Ideal for Festivals,
Church Services, Christian Conferences, Senior Adult Events, and More
Four-Time National Award-Winning Dulcimer Recording Artist
Fourteen CDs, Eight Tablature Books Recorded,
Written and Arranged for the Mountain Dulcimer
Nationally Known Workshop Clinician on the Mountain Dulcimer
Performing For More Then Twenty Years
Moseying to the microphone after his introduction, Michael Shull immediately puts an audience at ease with the conversational, genuine affirmation that he's just one of them. There's a major distinction though: the plain wooden mountain dulcimer he lovingly lays across his lap. He gives a few preliminary strums while connecting with his listeners. All set, he embarks on a spirited rendition of the classic southern hymn "Power in The Blood," followed by the traditional folk song "Cindy, Cindy."
Shull proceeds to entertain and inspire with age-old Appalachian tunes and gospel favorites. Between musical numbers he offers personal reflections; interesting details about the dulcimer, autoharp, washboard, and other instruments in his collection; and a bag of corny but still laugh-provoking jokes.
God's musical blessing on Michael moves hearts through the music expressed through his fingers - - a gift from God, not Michael's skill.
In concert, Michael is known and admired for his humor, charisma, and faith. He performs on the guitar, mountain dulcimer, autoharp, old time banjo, Native American flute, and washboard.
Michael Shull grew up performing on stage with his family - singing, playing, and traveling throughout the southeast. He loves and plays many styles of music, but it wasn't until later in his life that he discovered the magic of the mountain dulcimer. It became a musical focal point in his life, and in embracing it he quickly rose to prominence as one of the finest dulcimer players in America. He is a multiple regional and national award-winning dulcimer artist. He released his first dulcimer recording in 1998. Now, after more than two decades into his dulcimer odyssey, he has compiled fourteen CDs and eight books of tablature and has showcased the instrument's simple elegance and potential in countless competitions and concerts.
Michael's unique musical style showcases a wide diversity of Americana influences. In addition to his four-time national award-winning credentials on the mountain dulcimer, his musical presentation continues to be both humorous and entertaining. He will surely keep your toes tapping with his smooth acoustic renditions of mountain gospel songs and other favorites done Appalachian style!

A Personal Note from Michael ...
"I have always felt, since I was 12 - when I gave my heart to the Lord - that He would use me in some way for His Glory. I gained so much comfort and peace when I played the dulcimer. I felt the call on my heart to use the gift He gave me to Praise His Name. What a joy it is to praise the One from whom all blessings flow.
"There is a new passion in me to share the dulcimer through performance and workshops. Through my recordings, I have been able to minister to people around the world and hopefully make a difference for the Kingdom. God has used the mountain dulcimer to bring about this musical awakening in my life. Only God knows what the future holds and how He will use me. I'm looking forward to the journey, and to His return."
An admirer of Michael's music once said ...
"Attending a Michael Shull concert is like being a guest on his back porch - with a lot more room. You feel right at home. The personality you observe in his performance is no different from the Michael Shull you might run across at the supermarket. His songs, stories, testimony, and the extraordinary sounds he draws from a simple mountain instrument are 'gentle on the spirit and heartwarming for the soul.'"
More Testimonials ...
"Michael is a uniquely gifted musician who inspires his audience through his exceptional playing, his warm-hearted humor, and his deep and abiding faith in Christ. Our people absolutely loved him!"
Tim Phillips, Senior Pastor
Riverland Hills Baptist Church
Columbia, South Carolina
"I heartily recommend the music of Michael Shull. This headlining musician and singer brings decades of entertainment experience and musical ability to the stage. People leave happy and remember the songs, the stories, and the testimonies of down-home country life. You'll be blessed in the time spent in concert with Michael Shull!"
James Rizzuti
Producer / Director
Eagle Productions
"Michael Shull is a very versatile musician. He plays several instruments performing gospel and songs of his own while entertaining with southern humor. What a joyful time of celebration and worship we had at Springdale Baptist Church's Valentine's banquet. He will be back!"
Cindi Anderson, Music Director
Springdale Baptist Church
"Michael Shull, a man fully aware of God's gift to him. He has used this to be the foundation of his music through songwriting, performing, and the mastering of his instruments. Those are his inspired tools of engagement to witness to others with beloved hymns, original compositions, humor, love of God, family, and a kindness of the human spirit."
Ken Baldwin
Event and Concert Promoter
"Michael Shull has been singing his faith all his life and has developed a soothing blend of strings and voice that reconnects soul and Spirit and is a blessing to all who hear."
Rev. Dr. Paul Harmon
Superintendent, SC Spartanburg District
United Methodist Church
"Having hosted Michael at our events on multiple occasions, we were always pleased by his performances and his witness. Playing a variety of instruments, he presents his music in an engaging way, adding a touch of humor to his presentation. Off stage he is humble and very easy to work with. If you have the opportunity to bring Michael to your event, you will certainly be blessed."
Rev. Jamie Burdette
Pastor for Senior Adults,
Missions and Pastoral Care
First Baptist Rock Hill, South Carolina
"It is an honor for me to recommend Michael Shull to your church. Michael is a gifted musician who will delight your audience with wholesome humor along with music that will bring you a sense of peace and tranquility in the midst of the busyness of life. Truly his music is heartwarming and a blessing for our souls that is much needed today."
Rod Elliott, Senior Pastor
Kellytown Baptist Church
Hartsville, South Carolina