Speakers and Artists

Forgiving The Nightmare
Rescue - Restoration - Reconciliation
Overcoming - Forgiveness
God's Grace
Keynote Speaker / Inspirational & Motivational
Recovery Organizations & Ministries
Abuse & Sexual Abuse
Men's Conferences
Pulpit / Sermons



How do you forgive when you’ve been wounded deeply?  How do you move past the pain that keeps you up at night, and leaves you isolated, untrusting, and afraid?  How can you possibly forgive them, especially when they don’t deserve forgiveness?

Forgiving the Nightmare is Mark Sowerby's story of how God’s abounding grace transformed him and set him free from a nightmare of abuse and years of suffering. Condemnation, shame, and guilt were replaced with forgiveness, joy, and life in abundance.

Mark's story is far more than just forgiving the abuse.  It’s walking in forgiveness.  It’s walking in joy.  It’s not allowing the things of the past to have control over the things of the future.

Mark Sowersby is a man on a mission ... to help those who have experienced hurt, abuse, and pain to find freedom and peace through God's love and the many facets of forgiveness.

Mark Sowersby has shared his personal story of Forgiving the Nightmare on television programs, from church pulpits, and on conference stages.

As a conference speaker, Mark's keynotes and break-out sessions are ideal for events whose attendees need healing and recovery from abuse and trauma, as well as conferences and training events for counselors, pastors, and others who support, counsel, and minister to people who have experienced hurts, abuse, and trauma.

Mark Sowersby is an ordained minister; he holds a BA in Theology from Zion Bible College / Northpoint Bible College.  Mark has been in ministry for over 27 years and currently serves as Pastor of Calvary Community Church in Massachusetts.  Mark and his wife Jennifer are parents of four children.  Mark and Jennifer launched Forgiving the Nightmare Ministry in 2020. 


Tap to See CBN Interview and Transcript



"As our keynote speaker, Mark Sowersby brought energy, passion, and motivation to our volunteers working with children in the Foster Care system.  We asked Mark to share his story to inspire our volunteers to see how the hand of God can work in the lives of children and how many other people can come along and be a part of the healing process.
"Mark studied our programs and talked with our people so he could craft his message to be authentic to his story and to also connect personally with our volunteers.
"Mark's heart and compassion for others came through.  He understood our expectations, worked hard to meet them, and added just enough humor to keep a challenging subject in perspective.
"After speaking, Mark spent personal time with several volunteers hearing their stories and offering further encouragement and prayer.
"We look forward to more connections with Mark in the future, and we joyfully offer a recommendation if you or your organization is looking for a keynote speaker."
Jeff Juhala
Mobilizing the Local Church to Create Life-Changing Moments
for Children Who Have Experienced Relational Trauma
"Forgiving the Nightmare is not for the faint of heart.  It takes courage to confront the deepest places in our souls, the darkest places in our past.  Mark Sowersby does just that.  We can't change the past, but we can forgive the nightmare and step into a new future by God's grace."
Mark Batterson
Lead Pastor, National Community Church
New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Circle Maker
"Mark Sowersby's story, Forgiving the Nightmare, is heart-wrenching and gripping.  As you read, you'll be convinced that if God can redeem Kar's past, He can redeem yours.  Mark's practical, step-by-step advice for moving from victim to victorious will lead you through a journey of healing!"
Rod Loy
Lead Pastor, First NLR
"The honesty of Pastor Mark  Sowersby's story invites readers to find their own truth about those who have hurt them and their need to be free from the abuser by forgiving them.  He calls us to the truths and myths about what forgiveness is, what it is not, what freedom it holds for those who have been abused.  This is a complex subject and a multi-faceted human issue.  Pastor Sowersby does a great job of offering us avenues for healing and freedom but does not dismiss or disguise the severity of the abuse.  He is authentic in his pain and in his journey out of it as he helps others on their journey out too, and to freedom."
Laura L. Padgett
Author of
Jesus in Shorts:  Twenty-Five Short Stories
of Life-Changing Jesus Moments
and Dolores, Like the River
"This book is a miracle.  How anyone could've accomplished this feat of perseverance by surviving seven years of horrors and then go on to forgive those who abused them and then write a book about the abuse and its aftermath -- it could only be by the grace of God.  This book will speak to you whether you've been abused or not.  Mark was not healed overnight.  It was a process and he explains it well.  He provides passages from Scripture that spoke to him, lifted him up, and gave him hope.  It is no accident that you are here contemplating purchasing this book and reading this review.  Read this book, take it to heart, it will do you a world of good.  God bless you.
David Emmeth
Amazon Book Review

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