Beth Townsend
Motivational / Inspirational Speaker
Award-Winning Television Host
Coach / Purpose Coach
Author of
Life on Purpose: One Story at a Time!
Travels from Louisiana
Content Provided By Speaker
On her own since 17 years old right out of high school, Beth had no choice but to go to work. Starting as a property manager in Virginia, she climbed the corporate ladder and became a young executive working as VP of Operations for a real estate company in Atlanta. Eventually becoming a trainer for the industry, Beth was asked one question numerous times that changed the course of her life. "How did you know your purpose?" In her twenties, she had no clue as to her purpose! Realizing the depth of the question led her on a spiritual journey that continues today. Since 2001, Beth has been interviewing "on purpose" people with the goal of learning how to share with others how to live a purpose-full life. From her book "Life on Purpose," she gleaned nine "Purpose Principles" that she has found can help anyone learn to be led so they can effectively lead others. Whether at work, in ministry, or at home, we all must set parameters on our life so we can do what God has called us to do with passion, while also realizing we were never called to "do it all." Purpose is a mindset where passion lives, faith thrives, and God's will is accomplished in the life of every Believer!
Even the God-given gift of leadership can't stop many born leaders from heading full-speed in the wrong direction -- usually being blindly followed by others. Years ago, one simple question changed Beth Townsend's life. As she quickly climbed the corporate ladder to an executive position, people kept asking, "How did you know your purpose?" She didn't. Answering that question book Beth on a two decades journey, interviewing prominent athletes, political leaders, entertainers, humanitarians, philanthropists, and authors, as well as many ordinary folks who were changing the world in near anonymity. This life-altering journey included an underlying lesson that ensures going in the right direction -- you must be led before you can lead. Life On Purpose explores principles gleaned from Godly people who are passionately pursuing their purpose.

Speaking Topics
God Created You With a Purpose!
If God created you for a purpose, gifted you to live out that purpose, and has a plan for your life, then when do you start living like you believe that? Beth combines Biblical truths with real-life stories to illustrate that God always has a plan. Your life can be powered by purpose every day.
God's Purpose Prevails!
We've heard it, we know it, but do we truly believe that God's purpose prevails? In over 20 years of interviews with powerful 'on purpose' people, Beth shares time-tested Biblical principles that are shared from some of the most powerful voices of our time. You can rest assured, God's purpose does prevail!
Know Your "Nots"!
Everyone wants to know who they are and what to do with their life. Yet Beth's approach is different. Start with who you are not, where you should not go, and how to live faithfully by a "to don't" list. Yes, knowing who are are not is a great place to truly find who you are and live the passionate life you were meant to live. Knowing your nots is vital to a life on purpose.
How Pain Becomes Purpose!
Purpose should be easy, right? Wrong. What keeps you awake at night? What makes you angry? What bothers you most when you watch the news? What breaks your heart? Where do you struggle the most? Sometimes the very pain you've lived becomes your purpose. Beth shares many Biblical examples of how Biblical heroes lived pain that later became purpose that changed the world. Beth's own story illustrates that your pain, once properly healed, does become a part of your purpose. Your story can change someone's life.
Words Matter or Scatter!
Do your words matter? Are they 'on purpose'? Are you in the habit of making sure your words are meant to be a blessing? Do you send them out like gifts to be opened? Do your words have a plan? They can and they should! God spoke the world into existence with words and we are made in His image. This principle can change your life immediately! Words matter! If you are not a skilled communicator, you can be! The book of James holds many lessons on how to make sure your words truly matter and never scatter!
Choose Faith Over Fear!
We all have personalities and character traits. We also have experience and regret. Yet simple decisions determine the outcome of our lives. Small shifts in how we think can change how we speak which changes what we choose. Faith and fear are dominant emotions. We must examine our thought lives to ensure we are not only choosing faith but recognizing fear and seeking Biblical truths as our source to overcome fear and live in faith every day. God's Word is a powerful part of purpose.
Protect Your Path!
Have you made mistakes? Done stupid things? Wreaked havoc in your own life and in the lives of those closest to you? Why is it that most people can say a quick 'yes' to that question? Because we don't see the path of purpose in front of us. God has a plan. Yet often we don't understand this principle until we've wasted years in sin and oblivion. Purpose is power. Purpose is protection. Purpose is peace, Passing on a sense of purpose can change the next generation from wasting time and can reinvigorate those who are ready to be powered by purpose and quit play around. Use your story to help someone else protect their path to purpose.
Relationships Matter!
Are you happy? Did you know the quality of your relationships will determine your happiness? Why do so many relationships fail? The numbers for Christian relationships vary little from secular ones. How can that be? If we are in a relationship with God, shouldn't that somehow 'insure' other relationships in our lives? Doesn't God's love permeate others in our lives? It can and it should! Learning to navigate healthy relationships with effective communication helps to ensure we don't get distracted by destructive habits in building strong and loving relationships at home and at work.
Your Church is Base Camp!
Environment is everything. Choosing a fertile environment is vital. Being a part of something exciting is exciting! Your home church is your base camp. It isn't perfect, but it's your home. It is where you learn and grow. It is also where you teach and learn how to share your story with excellence. Being firmly rooted in a Biblical body is a huge part of living your life on purpose. Being a vital part of your local church is a big part of living on purpose.
"Get" Grace!
Christ set you free -- yet very few Christians live lives marked by freedom and significance. We are forgiven and free of all sin and condemnation, yet all too often the enemy of our souls reminds us of our sin and seeks to take that which is rightfully ours. The grace of Jesus Christ, the blood of the Cross, and the unmatched power of the Holy Spirit. Understanding grace is good, but living in His grace is power and purpose.
"Thank you, Beth, for making that leap of faith so personal and practical. I'm encouraged by your enthusiasm and willingness to trust the Lord as He guides your steps each day."
"You cannot ask the Lord to order your steps and then question the steps. Good Word, Beth. Thank you for sharing your faith in this season of your life."
"Thank you, Beth. That was encouraging and I appreciate your fun and vivacious delivery. I will remember your wise counsel as I ponder my next steps, and I will trust in God as I near the next 'jumping off the cliff' point."
"Beth, your passion is obvious and I am grateful for your willingness to share in every/any way with our community."
"Beth, you are a blessing. I love your energy. I can't wait to check out your magazine."
"Thank you so much for sharing your purpose and passion."
"Thank you so much for exploring all the ways to approach the anxiety of situations that are beyond us and how He is there in it all."
"Beth, thank you for challenging me to step of my comfort zone."
"Beth, thank you for opening my heart to the need around us. I love what you are planning to do, and I hope to find my 'one thing' this week."
"Thank you for bringing inspiration to change and to step out of comfort and be that change!"
"What a blessing! You truly pulled it together for us to really see we can make a difference! God will show us the way. Thank you for your transparency. It directed our thoughts in a certain way, a way that will be new and different. I'm sure you started new prayers for each of us tonight."
"Thank you for the challenge of your words tonight. Thank you for committing to do things differently, and to reach out to people who are different from you. I'd like to do the same."
"Thank you for bringing to my attention that we all have a call on our life. We are in this city at this point in our life for a specific reason."
"You, my friend, are absolutely amazing. Great job tonight. Be blessed."
"Beth, thank you for challenging us and encouraging us to be the difference, to be the light. You communicated so clearly and it really resonated with me."
"Thank you so much, Beth. Amazing, helpful, courage, and love! I won't be afraid to step off my cliff!"
"Beth, I love your energy!"
"Beth, thank you for being a Godly inspiration. And thank you for the wonderful magazine!"
"Beth, it has been great hearing your story tonight."
"Thank you for allowing God to speak to you tonight. You did a great job!"
"Beth, thank you for your openness, your honesty, and your encouragement. Thank you for recognizing our purpose and sharing your passion for seeking the Lord and His call on our city. May we continue to seek out His will and shine His light wherever we go."
"Thank you for being flexible, available, and obedient."
"Thank you for sharing. Your talk really spoke to my life right now."