Bonnie Blessing
Encourager of Wives and Mothers
Bonnie Blessing Travels from Indiana
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
Women relate to Bonnie Blessing - a wife and mother who shares from her own experiences and from Biblical truths. Bonnie assures women know that they are not alone in their varied struggles, that God really cares, and that there are practical, do-able solutions to the problems women face every day in their marriage relationship and in their role as mom.
Bonnie presents her practical and entertaining messages with incredible energy and vivacity. Audiences laugh, cry, and, ultimately, know they are not alone and that God does have answers for their marriage and their children.
Bonnie's messages include ...
Children! They come in all shapes and sizes and so do their personalities!
Some talk, talk, talk all day long - others tend to be quiet and meticulous. Some are super-charged with energy - others are easy-going and compliant.
Parents gain real insight into their children's unique personalities through the principles in God's Word and through Bonnie's sharing of own experiences as a mother of three unique personalities.
Parenting is chock-full of great joys and great challenges. Bonnie's Bible-based message presents parents with practical guidelines which are sure to encourage and motivate.
Using each letter in the word B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G-S, Bonnie presents nine things that everyone can be thankful for. These nine blessings are accompanied by scripture, a challenge, and encouragement for women to apply in their daily lives and activities.
Originally developed as a Christmas message, "Count Your B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G-S" is perfect for a Christmas tea, brunch, or banquet. The message is timeless, however, and is easily adapted for any season or setting.
When it comes to training and disciplining children, several thoughts come to mind ... Everything from "Discipline? Yuck!" to "Discipline? Help!"
This topic covers some common questions regarding Biblical discipline such as: What exactly is it? Why do we do it? Who does it? When is the best time to discipline? What are the most effective methods?
Bonnie also presents a practical list of Do's and Don'ts to remember when training and applying Biblical discipline principles.
(Presented by Dave & Bonnie Blessing)
Bonnie and her husband Dave Blessing use the theme of "Encouragement" as they address the difficulties, distractions, and discouragements faced by today's parents. "Encouragement for Parents" is based on Biblical principles and offers practical application to help parents in their relationship with God and with each other - ultimately affecting the way their raise their children.
God is faithful . Always! We all face situations in our lives when we wonder what God is doing or what He is teaching us. "God is Faithful When ..." includes Bonnie's testimony and life stories illustrating the faithfulness of God during times of joy, struggle, uncertainty, and triumph. It is when a woman shares her personal struggles, as Bonnie does in this message, that walls come down for other women. Hearers of this message are truly ministered to and know they are not alone in their struggles.
About Bonnie Blessing ...
Bonnie was raised and is currently living in the Midwest; however she has lived in various areas of the country including Southern California and the Southeast. Bonnie and her husband Dave have been married since l98l, and they have two teenage sons, David and Jonathan, and a twelve-year-old daughter, Jennifer.
Bonnie has served in Children and Women's Ministries and has ministered alongside her husband Dave in a parenting and family ministry.
Bonnie's desire to encourage mothers in the raising, training, and understanding of their children has made her a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars since 1990.
Bonnie Blessing Travels from Indiana
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
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