Speakers and Artists
Pope, Janet

Janet Pope

Janet Pope Travels from Texas
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Janet Pope is a gifted teacher and communicator, with a blossoming speaking ministry.  A diligent student of the Bible, her passion is to lead others to the oasis of God's Word.

Her unique contribution to the body of Christ is that she has memorized over 120 chapters of Scripture, including 14 books of the Bible.

She is articulate and captivating as she recites large portions of Scripture that speak directly to each heart.  After being inspired by her personal journey, you will be left with no doubt about the source of her enthusiasm – it's God's Word!

-Married to Ethan Pope for 24 years
-A daughter, Natalie, at the University of Alabama
-A son, Austin, at the University of Florida
-Resides in Dallas, TX

-Campus Crusade for Christ (1978-1988)
-Foundations for Living speaking ministry since 1999
-Currently, a Th.M. student at Dallas Theological Seminary

-Women's conference speaker in over 80 churches in 21 states and internationally
-Precept Bible Study teacher since 1992
-Author of His Word In My Heart, Moody Publishers 2002.
-A guest on over thirty radio programs across the nation
-A welcome speaker in all denominations

A Word From Janet  . . .

"Years ago, during a time of spiritual drought, God revealed to me what I was thirsting for; it was the water of His Word. Psalm One told me that if I would delight in God's Word, and meditate on it day and night, then I would be "like a tree planted by streams of water." I so desperately wanted to be like that tree, continually nourished, never thirsty.

"Determined to make a change in my life, I began studying the Bible in earnest and memorizing large portions of Scripture. Over the next fifteen years I memorized over 120 chapters of Scripture, including fourteen books in their entirety. My dry and weary soul had found an oasis.

"God's Word began to transform my mind and my heart as I traded my thoughts for God's. This concentration on God's word has led me to the inescapable truth that if we want to know the heart of God, then we must know the Word of God -- because the Bible is the place where we find God's heart.

"My passion for ministry comes from the sobering truth that there are thousands of sincere and dedicated Christians who sit in church week after week, who feel disconnected from God and they don't know why. My message is for anyone who wants to go deeper with God, to know Him more intimately, and to connect with Him heart to heart."

Testimonials  . . .

"It has been our joy to know Janet Pope for over twenty years. More than her keen mind and spiritual depth, she radiates a love for Christ and His Word that is truly inspirational. With contagious enthusiasm she leads her audience to the riches of God's Word and leaves them longing to go deeper."
Josh & Dottie McDowell

"Janet is exceptionally gifted as a speaker and teacher of the Bible. She is so very passionate about the Bible, studying it, memorizing it and ministering with it. I invited Janet to come to Budapest to do six evangelistic outreaches in different homes. As one of the hostesses, I loved having Janet as my main speaker. Many women have come to know Christ through these outreaches. Her ministry is so needed in the lives of women today."
Joan Parsons, Campus Crusade For Christ, Budapest, Hungary

Janet ministered beautifully to our women both in her recitation of Scripture and in the insights that she shared concerning the Word of God. She speaks with humility and gentleness, but also with power through the Word. The women of Bethlehem were inspired to meditate on and memorize the Scripture. We were challenged and fed as she spoke to us. God was honored and glorified as she spoke with grace and truth."
Mary Delk, Coordinator of Women's Ministries, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"What a joy to have a woman who is unashamedly committed to the truth and power of the Word of God! Janet spoke at our first annual Ladies Conference and set the tone for all others! Our women were confronted, challenged, and changed forever as they recommitted their spiritual walks and daily disciplines to the Lord."
Sue Moffat, Director Women's Ministries, Lacy Chapel, Lacy, Washington

"Janet Pope has through her presentation inspired the women of Harvest Bible Chapel to take the challenge of hiding God's Word in their hearts, no matter who they are, how old they are, whether a homemaker or in the marketplace. For days after her messages, women came excited about what they had already put to memory. If it is true that the best gifts come in little packages, Janet is the little package who from her heart brought our women the best gift, God's Word."
Karen Newham, Director of Women's Ministries, Harvest Bible Chapel, Rolling Meadows, Illinois

"Each year our church hosts a one day revival conference for women who attend churches in the Capital District. This year women from 135 churches in the area attended. Even though, they come from a diverse background, they gave high reviews for Janet's message and her delivery. Janet is very engaging, warm, and her love for Jesus and His Word is very evident. I am seeing some of the effects of her teaching already within our own body of women. "
Kathy Tyrrell, Director of Women's Ministries, Loudonville Community Church, New York

"Janet Pope does not simply claim that God's Word contains everything we need for life and godliness, she exemplifies that verse by immersing herself in the whole truth of God's "very great and precious promises". She challenges and comforts; teaches and exhorts; and her gift of Scripture memory has awakened the hearts of many women in our district who thought Bible memorization was too difficult for them. What a privilege and blessing to have Janet minister among us!"
Debra Wick, 2005 Women's Retreat Chairman
New England District Assoc of the Evangelical Free Church of America

"Janet Pope has a humble, sweet spirit as she shares God's Word and its importance to our daily lives. I still remember the four points she made about why we need to memorize God's Word and meditate on it continually. Her personal example of memorizing Scripture and its practical application in her life has both inspired and challenged our women."
Elizabeth Bohac, President W.I.C. First Presbyterian Church PCA, Chattanooga, Tennessee

"Janet's passion for the Word of God is truly an inspiration and encouragement to the ladies who attended her seminar. Because of her warm friendly manner, they left with a new friend."
Maxine Klein, Director of Women's Ministries, Harvest Fellowship CCommunity Church, San Antonio, Texas

When Janet Pope spoke at the women's conference at our church, I was a part of the three- person singing group that led the music. We have not been the same since! Janet gave us the tools and the excitement to keep God's Word with us every day. This has affected my life in such a dramatic way. I am forever grateful and hope to be learning Scripture until God takes me home!!!
Sherry Break, Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA, Naples, Florida

"Janet: Thank you so much for your beautiful, incredible, and challenging contributions to the Mississippi Baptist Convention. Your memory work is both encouraging and convicting, but your presentation of the scripture is genuine and compelling. Each presentation was a special moment for all of us."
Jim Futral, Executive Director, Mississippi Convention Board

"I am challenged by Janet's call to dig deeper into God's Word for every aspect of my life. She shares a very compelling and motivational message--straight from the Bible. It spoke volumes to our wide range of women."
Angela Anderson, Hope Presbyterian Church PCA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

"Janet Pope was the speaker at the National Day of Prayer Breakfast at City Hall in Bay Springs, Mississippi on May 2, 2002. Janet mesmerizes with the Word of God. She has a gift of speaking God's Word conversationally and is a captivating speaker. God is using her in a mighty way."
Betty Carol Robinson, Coordinator, National Day of Prayer, Bay Springs, Mississpippi

"God is powerfully using Janet's message in the lives and hearts of hundreds of women. Her exhortation and challenge to memorize God's Word, combined with her beautiful gift of reciting Scripture, personally motivated me to further participate in this great blessing that brings us into deeper faith and intimacy with God.
Ruthie George, Women's Ministries Director, Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, Arkansas

"Thank you for a wonderful weekend. That is just what we have been praying for – that the ladies who attended would have a new zeal for getting into the Bible. You were such an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you again for your faithfulness and willingness to share with others what God has done in your life."
Gayle Kraker, Ladies Conference Coordinator, First Baptist Church, Starkville, Mississippi

"The reaction to the Church of the Carpenter's third annual women's retreat was overwhelmingly positive! Janet not only inspired us to incorporate the Word of God into our lives, but gave us guidance on how to make it happen. Thank you Janet for being a vessel God can, will, and is using to grow His kingdom."
Pamela Wantz, Church of the Carpenter, Huber Heights, Ohio

"Janet was the guest speaker for our annual evangelistic luncheon. Over 300 women sat spellbound by her message. The gospel was crystal clear and her motivational testimony stayed with us long after she left."
Mary Bush, President W.I.C. Park Cities Presbyterian Church PCA, Dallas, Texas

"Janet, you left us with a desire to know the Word of God in our hearts and in our minds. God indeed blessed you to be a blessing to all of us."
Judy Thoms, Women's Ministry, First United Methodist Church, Laurel, Mississippi

So many women today are looking for someone that can not only speak to their hearts but someone who has something to say that is true and transforming. Janet captivates her audience with timeless truths from God's Word as well as personal lessons she has learned. She was one of our favorite Bible teachers that we have had speak to our women."
Sheri McGill, National Director of Wives
Priority Associates - A ministry of Campus Crusade For Christ, Orlando, Florida

"Janet Pope was one of our speakers for our 36th and 37th Annual PEF Family Evangelism Conference. She is such an outstanding speaker that we have invited her back once again for next summer. We have had nothing but wonderful comments on her seminars."
Jerry Jones, Developer of Information & Conferencing, Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship

"Janet spoke at our Fall Women's Retreat in 2004. What a treat! She was a delight to be with one on one or in front of the whole group. Janet's love for our Lord and for His Word challenged and inspired all of us. When she would recite lengthy passages of Scripture – as she did throughout the weekend – we felt as if we were hearing it for the first time!"
Kayle Miller, Women's Ministry, Bethel Independent Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas

Janet's speaking ministry is appropriate for  . . .

Seminaries; Church Services; Pastors' Conferences; Women's Conferences, Retreats, and Banquets; Prayer Conferences; Church Leadership Training; Evangelistic Outreaches; and Church Services.

Janet Pope Travels from Texas
For More Information:  Call 1.800.782.2995 Or
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