Sandy Maddox
24-7 Simplified: Biblical Strategies
To "De-Stress and Simplify Your Life"
Author of Treasures of Heart and Home
Sandy Maddox Travels from Florida
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
Sandy Maddox motivates audiences to maximize each day with the principles presented in her cornerstone message 24-7 Simplified. Much more than a 'time management' seminar, this presentation offers "life management" techniques and strategies that allow individuals to focus daily on their unique calling and purpose. The principles apply to women of all ages and in all seasons of life.
Sandy also uses her gifts of hospitality and home decorating in other unique, insightful, and humorous presentations for women's events. Women are motivated and inspired as she demonstrates how to turn ordinary flea market finds into beautiful treasures for the home. Throughout her message, Sandy leads women to recognize how Christ transforms our less-than-perfect lives into somthing beautiful for God's glory.
Sandy often closes her seminars with a moving message in song through sign language. It has been said that "Her graceful hands will take you to Calvary."
Sandy's book Treasures of Heart and Home includes a collection of favorite recipes that have been enjoyed for many years by family, friends and church members alike. Treasures of Heart and Home will move you from laughter to tears as it nourishes your heart, soul, mind and body.
The Cornerstone Message of Sandy's Ministry . . .
24-7 Simplified ... Discover time freedom and apply new life management skills that help you identify your priorities ... the things you wish to accomplish each day in the areas of: church / spiritual growth ... home and family ... work / career ... health and well-being. This dynamic, insightful seminar includes a personal syllabus offering each participant Biblically based life-changing principles for living each day more effectively and more efficiently - a life with purpose and balance.
Other Popular Topics Include . . .
Treasures of Heart and Home ... Sandy's most-requested 'theme,' this presentation often begins with a creative and fun 'ice breaker' where Sandy transforms broken, battered, and torn flea market finds to beautiful treasures for the home, and always includes a spiritual application explaining the personal spiritual restoration and renewal available to anyone who will ask Jesus.
Seasons of a Woman's Life ... Speaking to women of all ages, Sandy encourages women through changes in their lives to keep their focus on Christ - whether the change is financial, health, divorce / marriage, job loss, child/teen issues, etc. Sandy reveals that God has a plan for every woman for every season of her life.
Timeless Principles for Making the Most of our Day ... God's Way! ... Every woman has 86,400 seconds in her day to spend or invest - foolishly or wisely. No one is promised tomorrow, so we must invest wisely what we've been given today. How we invest our time reveals what is most impotant to us.
Keeping the Joy in the Journey Takes Balance ... Do you rely on your schedule or scripture to guide your day? Learn to be a Martha with a Mary heart - doing what is necessary and meaningful with a sweet spirit while avoiding frustration and stress.
Living an Exceedingly Abundant Life ... This topic includes a series of presentations which may be presented as a retreat or conference, or each presentation may stand alone in a single-session event:
Living Daily In His Power and Presence ... Believing that He is able.
A Personal Encounter with Jesus - Forever Changed ... Based on 'the woman at the well' (John 4).
Faith-Trust-Belief ... For our good and God's glory (John 11).
Offering All to Jesus ... Because a little lad offered his lunch basket to Jesus to feed the multitude, he became part of a miracle! What does Jesus want from you and me? (John 6)
Home for the Holiday ... Experience the sights, sounds, and scents of the most glorious time of the year.
Sandy's presentations often include a beautiful illustration of God's transformation of our lives by a moving message in song through sign language.
Testimonials . . .
"If you are ever tempted to think God is not using your ministry, think of me, please. I attended the weekend retreat in Monadnock, New Hampshire. As you spoke and shared scripture, you gave me a gift of God beyond all my expectations. Thank you and may God bless you. We loved having you at Monadnock and we love you."
"I just had to say thank you for the wonderful weekend retreat. I walked away with a new love for Jesus! You are a wonderful speaker and your insight into God's word is obvious. Thank you for being faithful and obedient."
"As Sandy speaks you clearly begin to understand how Christ transforms our brokenness into something beautiful. You truly discover the treasure in Treasures of Heart and Home."
"Sandy speaks to women right where they are. She reaches to the very depths of women's hearts as she shares her personal walk with the Lord."
"Everyone who hears Sandy Maddox leaves with the resounding applause to her message that every woman is God's Treasure."
"Sandy speaks to women right where they are! She reaches to the very depth of women's souls as she tells of her own experience with the Lord. Sandy challenges women in every condition to place their heart and hands in God's control and He will give back self worth and value. Everyone who hears Sandy Maddox leaves with resounding applause to her message, that each woman is "God's treasure.""
Sandy Maddox Travels from Florida
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
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