Carey Knowles
"Country Comedian"
Travels from Georgia
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
Carey Knowles was raised on a farm in South Georgia and is still involved in agriculture. The only thing he has been doing longer than farming is going to church. He says that he has been going to church since about 9 months before he was ever born.
His comedy began by speaking for the agriculture and church groups with which he was associated. Carey's clean, down-home humor is suitable for every audience. Most of the stories he tells are about things that actually happened or "could have" happened to country folks ... such as taking unusual gifts to teachers, baptizing farm animals, and penning up an escaped hog in a rest stop on Interstate 75.
As Carey often says, "I don't believe in telling anything you wouldn't want your Mama to hear you say." Carey has entertained at state fairs, corporate events, civic organizations, faith-based and corporation conventions, and churches. Since laughter is healthy, you may add years to your life by hearing one of Carey's presentations.
Here's What Folks Are Saying About Carey's Country Comedy . . .
Carey was our special guest entertainment at Central Baptist Church's annual Sunday School Leader Appreciation Banquet on July 30,2004. In the eight years I have been the pastor here, we have not had a better speaker for such an occasion. The people in attendance represented a cross-section of our church family. Carey was able to masterfully identify everyone present. His personal charm and homespun wit warmed our people's hearts, filled their mouths with laughter, and brought them to their feet with a standing ovation at the conclusion of Carey's routine. We look forward to having Carey back. With that in mind, I give commend Carey Knowles to you for your upcoming events. You will not be disappointed.
Senior Pastor at Central Baptist Church Sanford, Florida
Once again, thank you for being our keynote speaker at the Ninth Annual Barnesville Game and Fish Banquet. Our people enjoyed your down home stories and refreshingly clean humor. It is truly reassuring for a pastor to know that the person he brings to town for a community-wide event at his church will be both funny and honoring to the Lord. You did both well and we appreciate your being with us. We hope to have you with us again some time in the future.
Pastor, First Baptist Church Barnesville, Georgia
Excellent Speaker - Great - Best entertainment yet - Entertainment was excellent - Great humor - Excellent entertainment - I am still laughing and I bought a tape for my wife - Entertaining Speaker - Very good entertainment - Good clean fun - Really enjoyed Mr. Knowles - Thanks for good "clean" entertainment - Very enjoyable - Great Speaker - Kept you laughing - Mr. Knowles was excellent
Comments from West Virginia Farm Bureau audience members
Mr. Knowles, all of the comments pertaining to your presentation were wonderful. Thank you for making the Annual Meeting Coordinator look really good.
Director of Operations, West Virginia Farm Bureau
Mr. Knowles' performance gives a variety of simple everyday experiences and presents them in a way that all can glean an understanding and "oh, I've been there" response. His content is clean, family oriented and relates to one and all in one aspect or the other. At our November assembly those in attendance ranged in age from 12 to 75ish, male and female. Their occupations included students, housewives, bankers, loan officers, insurance salesmen, dental receptionist, teachers, auto mechanics, real estate agents, and of course cattle producers. Of all of the variety of persons there, not a straight face was in the audience. As I looked around during the performance I saw big smiles, head nodding in agreement, bending over in laughter and wiping of tears from laughing so hard. After the performance people were still talking about certain stories or jokes and relating similar experiences that had had in their life. Mr. Knowles has tapes and CD's of his performances, of course my 14 year old son just had to have one, his father already had a tape from a previous performance. My two boys played those tapes and CDs on the way to and from school daily for over a month. I think we have all the stories memorized now. Believe me, they have never agreed on what CD's to listen to before!
Deborah Dent, Secretary/Treasurer, Lincoln County Cattlemen's Association
Thank you so much for sharing with our Columbus Baptist Association's Senior Adult Jubilee on April 20. The 400+ Senior Adults present that day left feeling better than when they came, for surely, "laughter doeth good like a medicine," and they laughed a lot! As the event coordinator I appreciated the clean humor you shared and the ease of making arrangements - nothing complicated with you! Folks around town are still talking about that day, mostly due to your entertaining presentation. Again, thank you for squeezing us into your tight schedule. We look forward to having you back again!
Associate Pastor, Music and Senior Adults, Beallwood Baptist Church, Columbus, Georgia
I enjoyed your presentation at Jekyll Island at the Georgia Agri Leaders Forum. I would highly recommend you for audience that are looking for a light and entertaining program at banquets, etc.
Dr.Gale A. Buchanan, Dean and Director College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
University of Georgia
Carey, we sure did enjoy having you! We've had nothing but compliments on the annual meeting and you in particular as our entertainment.
Chan Cabe, Stephens County Farm Bureau
Northeast Georgia Bank had the privilege of have Carey Knowles as our speaker and entertainment at our Annual Christmas Party ... There were some 200 employees and spouses in attendance. There was excitement in every corner from the smiles and laughter he rendered as we listened with anticipation. He left us with such inspirational thoughts and motivation to continue in our journey of life. I recommend him highly to any group of any age. He has many "special" stories to share as he did with us.
Northeast Georgia Bank
Thank you for helping make our Family Christmas Party a great success. We have had many compliments on the entertainment. You did a wonderful job.
Dianne Varnum, Sumter County EMC
Our group is still talking about you and telling us it was one of the best meetings we've ever had. Everyone truly enjoyed you because we could all truly relate to your stories. Keep up the good work and we hope to meet you again.
Laura Malcolm, Piedmont Cattlemen's Association
I am pleased to recommend Carey Knowles to any group that enjoys good, clean humor. He spoke at our church during a Valentine's party this year for our senior adults. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed him and we plan to have him back again!
Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, Norcross, Georgia
Carey was a big hit at our Farmer's Appreciation Banquet. He provided great humor and down home fun. The message was also encouraging and uplifting. Something we all need these days.
Ronnie Barentine, Hawkinsville, Georgia
Our people enjoyed your humor and message. Your ministry to our people was received wonderfully. They have continually spoken of it. Thanks again!
Phil Ezell, First Baptist Church Bonaire
Comments about Carey Knowles' CDs . . .
I was on a chartered bus with a group of senior citizens on the way to Calloway Gardens to see the Christmas lights. Someone had your CDs and played one on the way there and one on the way back. I thought the bus would turn over everyone was laughing so hard. It was the highlight of the trip. Please send me you new CD.
Lee Brewer, Eastman, Georgia
Melvin and I just spent the most enjoyable evening listening to a great comedian - Carey Knowles. My boss brought me a copy of your CD and told me that you were the program for the Lions Club and that you were great. He said everything you said was funny and that it was clean and he really enjoyed you. Keep up the good work.
Melvin and Judy Marchant
Thank you so much for sending me your CD, as soon as I opened it I listened to the entire thing. It is wonderful. I plan on sharing it with everybody.
Thank you so much for sending me your CD. I listened to it while driving to pick the girls up from Vacation Bible School and I know that the people in the other cars thought I had lost my mind. I was bent over the steering wheel laughing. Those stories are so funny. Now my girls are letting their friends hear it. I think it's great.
We received your CD in the mail yesterday. Last night we listened to it while riding down the road. Wendell and I both laugh till we cried. We're going to give some as gifts to our family. I would also like to talk to you about doing the entertainment at our EMC Christmas function.
"There are a lot of good, honest, hardworking people in this world. Some of us enjoy our jobs more than others. The ones that really enjoy their work the most are the ones with a sense of humor and are able to laugh at situations around them everyday. Humor certainly makes life more enjoyable. The fact that laughter relieves tension and stress is well established. Hearing others laugh at something I say is wonderful medicine for me. I am dedicated to presenting good clean humor and I appreciate all of those who enjoy it. The best compliment I can receive is for someone to come up to me after a program and say, "I am glad to know that there are still people that can make us laugh and keep it clean." ... Carey Knowles
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email