Mary Southerland
Equipping Women for their
Journey to the Heart of God
Mary is a Teacher and Speaker . . .
Mary has a deep burden for women to know and live the Word of God. She has spoken to thousands of women all over the United States, Latin America, South America , South Africa, United Kingdom and New Zealand. Mary's passion is to teach and encourage women to be all that they can be in Jesus Christ! Through humor, transparency and solid biblical teaching, Mary leads women to discover the powerful and practical truth of God's word.
A dynamic teacher, Mary delivers a powerful message that always strengthens the heart. She will make you laugh, cry and walk away thirsting for more. Mary's presentations are excellent for a wide variety of events. Each topic is 45 - 50 minutes in length and can be presented individually or several can be woven together to create a dynamic theme for retreats and conferences.
Mary is an Author . . .
Mary is the author of the book, "Coming Out of the Dark", the story of her personal struggle with clinical depression. Mary's second book, "Sandpaper People", was released July, 2005 and "Experiencing God's Power in Your Ministry", a book for women in ministry, will be released in January 2006 by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. Also coming in 2006 is Mary's fourth book, "Stress-Busters."
Mary is also a freelance writer and writes a weekly column for women in ministry as part of "Rick Warren's Tool Box" on the Purpose Driven web site. Mary has contributed to various magazines such as ParentLife, Just Between Us, Looking Up, Fresh Outlook and P31 Woman.



Learning to deal with the irritating people in your life. Find practical, Biblical truths for your difficult relationships in "Sandpaper People." |
Hope for the dark times in life ... as Mary shares her step-by-step journey out of th epit in "Coming Out of the Dark." |
Success and survival for every woman who serves God ... from one who has been in the trenches of full-time ministry ... and lived to tell about it! |
Mary is a frequent guest on Radio and Television . . .
Mary has been a guest on television shows including "Time for Hope" and "Book Shelf," as well as award winning, national radio programs including "The Matter at Hand," "Faith Works" ( a Rhema Network show reaching 92% of New Zealand), KCBI Morning Show in Arlington, Texas, "The Midday Café" (part of the Family Life Radio Network), "KESWICK Today," "Today's Black Woman Radio Show" with Jennifer Keitt, "The Daly Connection" with Pat Daly," "Faith2Action" with Janet Folger, "At the Library" with Sandra Gonce, and "The Bob Dutko Show."
Mary is a Wife and Mother . . .
Mary is a pastor's wife and has been married to Dan Southerland, founder of Church Transitions, Inc. and author of "Transitioning: Leading Your Church Through Change" for 29 years. Dan and Mary have two children, Jered, a college senior, and Danna, a high school senior. Mary say, "To be a wife and mother is the highest calling on earth and the home - our greatest mission field."
Testimonials . . .
Kay Warren, speaker/author, wife of Rick Warren, author of The Purpose-Driven Life and pastor of Saddleback Church:
"Mary Southerland is proof that good things come in small packages! Petite in frame, the power of God is mighty within her, and she communicates His truths with passion, humor, wisdom and conviction. She has walked with God through some very dark, bleak valleys, and in those difficult times she has learned to find her joy and strength in Him. Women will be encouraged and equipped to walk closer to Him as they listen to Mary."
E. Glenn Wagner, President of FutureLead, best-selling author and conference speaker:
"I consider it a privilege to recommend Mary Southerland to you as one of the leading communicators today. Her wit and humor coupled with her authenticity and insight have helped many along their journey "out of the darkness."
Bob Barnes, Director of Sheridan House Ministries, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, best-selling author and conference speaker:
Mary Southerland has an incredible gift of connecting with women! She is not only dynamic and entertaining but is being used by God to change lives all over the world! Mary is one of a handful of speaker/teachers who is able to use her challenging journey to teach an in-depth Bible study with practical application for daily living. I highly recommend her as a remarkable teacher and creative communicator of God's transforming power."
Denise O'Donoghue, Women's Ministry Coordinator, Bay Leaf Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina:
"When we heard the tape from Mary Southerland, we knew she was the right speaker for our Women's Retreat. We were looking for someone who would be upbeat, positive, and base her message on truths directly from scripture. Mary was that and more! Many of our ladies commented she was the best speaker we have ever had. We also appreciated the fact that Mary was willing to invest herself with women who wanted some one-on-one time with her. Mary has a true servant's heart. I would highly recommend her for any women's event you might be planning."
Stephanie Bringas, Director of Women's Ministries, Flamingo Road Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida:
"Anyone who has the opportunity to hear Mary Southerland will be blessed and changed! Women are drawn to her authenticity. She is real and not afraid to share the days of despair, the life-long struggles, nor the mountaintop experiences, which have defined her life and ministry. Mary imparts God's truths in such a dynamic way that women always leave refreshed, encouraged and challenged in their daily walk with Him."
Conference and Retreat Topics
Mary's presentations are excellent for a variety of women's events.
Each message is 45-50 minutes in length and can be presented
individually or woven together to create a captivating
theme for retreats and conferences.
Sandpaper People
We all have difficult relationships with people who "rub" us the wrong way. Learn how to turn difficult relationships into healthy friendships.
Topics include: Sandpaper People, I Need a Friend, Forgive and Forget
Coming Out of the Dark
Life is filled with pits. How can we find our way out of the darkness and into the Light? This conference offers biblical insight and practical steps to freedom.
Topics include: When I Am Afraid, How to Manage Your Emotions, Seize the Day, Coming Out of the Dark
Experiencing God's Power in Your Ministry
Women in ministry have special needs and challenges. Mary Southerland, a pastor's wife, has experienced these needs and challenges first-hand. "Women in Ministry" offers fresh hope and a new perspective as Mary shares her story, struggles and victories in ministry.
Topics include: Dreaming a New Dream for Your Women's Ministry, How to Survive Transition, Seven Habits of a Highly Successful Pastor's Wife
Stress Busters
Do you sometimes feel like running away? Is every day a maze of confusion, uncertainty and stress? Learn how to live a balanced life centered on God and His perfect provision for your every need.
Topics include: Laugh More & Live Better, Living a Balanced Life, How to Find God in My Crazy World, How to Deal with Stress
Joy for the Journey
We long for joy and contentment but instead find ourselves imprisoned by worry and doubt. This study from Philippians examines the life of Paul, and will change the way you think and live!
Topics include: How to Have Joyful Relationships, Winning over Worry, The Power of Joyful Thinking, and The Secret of Contentment
Prayer that Changes Lives
Prayer is powerful! This conference will lead you to an effective, life-changing prayer life.
Topics include: A Plan for Praying, Faith that Moves Mountains, Prayer Busters, Praying with Power
Unleashing the Power of God in My Life
How can we experience and release the power of God to work in and through us? This retreat will lead women in a life-changing study of the Holy Spirit and His omnipotent power.
Topics include: The Power of Joy, The Power of Peace, The Power of Patience, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Faithfulness, The Power of Discipline
You Are Special
To become all we were created to be, we must understand who we are in the eyes of God. These lessons will lead you to experience Him in a new way.
Topics include: Getting Good at Being You, Special in His Eyes
The Power of a Simple LifeLife can be so complicated and easily spin out of control! God longs to make your life simply and wonderfully abundant. This conference will change your life.
Topics include: How to Tame the Tongue, How to Hear the Voice of God, Laugh More-Live Better, Time: Friend or Foe, Special in His Eyes
Living a Life of Victory
How can I really know God? How can I be free from the baggage of my past? What is a "daily quiet time"? This seminar offers a powerful daily plan for growing in Christ.
Topics include: My Daily Appointment with God, How to Get Past Your Past, Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Where is God When Bad Things Happen?
During the darkest moments of life, we are tempted to ask, "God, where are you?" These sessions will teach you to see Him in the midst of every life storm and discover the life-changing truth that no matter what happens, He is enough!
Topics include: Down But Not Out, You Don't Have to Fail, I Have a Hope, Strength For the Storm, The Circle of Encouragement, Promises for the Pit
Living the Life You Have Always Wanted
Esther was an ordinary, insecure teenage girl who was chosen to be Queen and leader of a nation. Like Esther, we can live the life we have always wanted.
Topics include: Recognizing the Worth of a Woman, Discovering the Work of God in My Life, Becoming a Woman of Strength, Getting a Grip on Fear, Stepping Out in Faith, Standing Firm in the Storms of Life.
Learning to Live Right from Women Who Lived Wrong
We are broken people who find it hard to believe that God loves us and has a special plan for our lives. This conference introduces you to some of the "bad girls" in the Bible and teaches you how to harness the power of failure, using it for good.
Topics include: Taking Hold of Greatness, Living a Life of Freedom, Conquering the Greed Monster, Winning the War with Temptation, Experiencing Powerful Worship
How to Improve Your Love Life
True love can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This conference will free you to love and be loved.
Topics include: Patience Pays Off, Developing Compassion, Avoiding Jealousy, Dealing with Anger, The Power of Forgiveness, Love That Never Gives Up.
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