Kay DeKalb Smith
Speaker - Singer - Comedian
Travels from Tennessee
For More Information: Call 1.800.782.2995 Or Click Here to Send An Email
At 17 years of age, as Miss Alabama Teenager, Kay DeKalb Smith found herself on a Billy Graham Crusade platform giving her testimony and singing. Since then, this dedicated Christian woman has devoted her life and talents to creatively sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Her stage abilities were honed as a musical performer in I Hear America Singing at the amusement park, Opryland USA. She has appeared in TV commercials, done voice-over work on many recordings, has been a cover feature in HomeLife Magazine three times, made numerous TV appearances, and her video's have aired nationally on FamilyNet.

Described by many as the "Carol Burnett of Christian Entertainment," this red-headed ball of enthusiasm from Nashville, Tennessee will simultaneously tickle your funny bone while immersing your heart and mind in the important claims of the gospel. Teaching from the book by Robert Morgan, The Red Sea Rules, Kay takes you through the 10 God-Given Strategies for Difficult Times. She has been called a "consummate communicator" using props, songs, and stories to creatively share Biblical truth. Be prepared with a box of tissues as you cry from hilarious family antics, "Lord, Change My Spouse," to the Biblical application of "Proverbs 31 Incorporated," and to heavenly matters, "From Here to Eternity." |
Kay began as a singer and has developed her speaking/teaching skills throughout the years. Always funny, this lady who "dares to go where no other crazy woman will go," skillfully uses her sense of humor to penetrate the heart. She is famous for having you laugh one moment and crying the next.
Her family has generously supported her lifelong call to ministry. Ed is a devoted husband, businessman, and constant encourager. Daughters, Evin (newly married to Luke) and Allie, sometimes join Mom for Mother/Daughter events. The whole Smith family is committed to Christ and committed to helping Mom accomplish all that God wants her to do.
The Smiths take an active role in their local church, The Peoples Church. They are committed to Servant Leadership and participate in every way possible: teaching, serving, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. |
Testimonials . . .
"Kay DeKalb Smith has been a popular speaker for our Annual Women Alive Retreat attended by 500 women from different walks of life. We know when the ladies have spent the day with Kay as our featured speaker they will leave mentally, physically and, most of all, spiritually refreshed. Kay provides a healing opportunity to laugh with her clean humor and grips our hearts with the challenge to draw closer to our Lord. Each of the three times she has been the featured speaker at our event she has brought a new and fresh presentation. We have been more than blessed and are ready to invite her back!"
Karen Schaffner, Co-Director, Women's Ministries, Calvary Evangelical Church, Van Wert, Ohio
"I will be meeting with our other department heads next week in Atlanta and you can be assured that I will be sharing with them about our wonderful time together. I will also put in a plug for you......in case the other 8 divisions have not used you in recent years; letting them know that you have new material and that you are very flexible in working with us. Again, Kay, it was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.....and it all ended too soon!"
Alice Bell, The Salvation Army
"Kay DeKalb Smith hit the stage donned in a colorful bathrobe, fuzzy slippers, and curlers in her hair. With a coffee pot in one hand and a New Testament in the other, her song posed a powerful question, "Are you humbly grateful or grumpily hateful?" The warmth of God's love filled us with laughter as we identified with Kay's variety of "characters". Through the power of the Holy Spirit Kay brought us tears of laughter, songs of praise, prayers of repentance, and a challenge to accept God's best!!
"I have directed Women's Retreats for the Church of the Nazarene in three states with as many as 1000 in attendance. Kay DeKalb Smith is the most gifted, gracious guest I have ever had. Kay did such a beautiful job with our retreat in Arkansas, she was the first guest I contacted after moving to Indiana. Kay is one who can be trusted to present wholesome, contemporary, Christ-centered inspiration. Her material is appropriate for all ages and inspired by our Creative God who has blessed through her in ways that cannot be conveyed. I can wholeheartedly recommend Kay to provide you with a biblically-based, roll-in-the-floor-with-laughter event."
Cheryl Roland, Director of Women's Ministries, Indiana District Church of the Nazarene
"Kay DeKalb Smith is at the top of our list for a repeat engagement. From Friday evening when she delightfully came on the scene with an excellent blend of real life humor and down-to-earth practical Biblical insights through Sunday morning when she powerfully challenged us with biblical truth from her "Red Sea Rules" presentation, we were eating from her hand. Kay is God-gifted with that rare ability to communicate in such a manner that convictional Biblical principles spiced with her real-life heart-touching events and often hilarious experiences leave you â?? whether laughing or tearful â?? asking for MORE, MORE!" We're so grateful that God brought Kay our way!"
Mary Gunsalus, Coordinator
Discover The Joy! A Gathering for Women of Faith |
How do I best use the talents of Kay DeKalb Smith?
Women's Conference / Retreat
Kay can most effectively reach women when speaking for three one hour sessions (often in a Friday night through Saturday noon format) in a Conference or Retreat Setting. It allows Kay the flexibility to take her comedic abilities full circle, relate to the audience through personal experiences, and teach the Red Sea Rules (surviving through difficult circumstances) with maximum impact.
Ladies' Night Out
Because Kay is so diverse with music and humorous routines (always laced with scripture and Biblical inspiration) she is a perfect choice for a seeker-friendly event. Ever encouraging in her approach, she provides a night of entertainment that will lift your spirits and cause women to think about their relationship with God. She has designed several LNO events around specific themes that work well with her testimony and stories.
e.g., "The Bride of Christ" or "Going to the Chapel" or "A Latte Fun!" Whether the theme is yours or hers, she can creatively weave her material to suit your specific needs.
Mother-Daughter Banquet
Being the Mother of two daughters has certainly provided Kay with plenty of material. She has been quoted as saying, "Once you become a mother, you never smell the same again!" Her daughters have performed on the video, "Mama-Mama". Kay uses video clips of the girls, shares humorous stories, poems, and sometimes a diary entry - in an attempt to share common ground with other Mothers and Daughters in a very personal way. All ages will delight in her character impressions and colorful antics - putting smiles on faces of all ages.
Christmas Banquet
Perhaps your event is in December. Kay has a full array of songs and stories to celebrate the season! Shirley Temple sings, "Too Fat for the Chimney", Alfalfa squeals, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" Other funny songs include, "My In-laws Are Coming to Town!" and "We Three Queens of Oregon Are". Always mindful that the purpose of any event is to point people to Jesus Christ, Kay tastefully bridges the gap from silly to serious with the "Innkeeper's Wife" routine, concluding with "No Room" and a challenge for the audience to make time for Christ, the most important reason for the season.