Joe M. Turner
Astonishing Truth Ministries
Theatrical Illusions. Real Truth.
America's Corporate Magic Communicator
Clean, Clever & Classy Entertainment!
Christian magic entertainer Joe M. Turner puts the evangelism, education, and entertainment pieces together to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.
Looking for something fun, educational, and maybe a little bit different to add to your programs for families in your congregation or community? Joe M. Turner delivers event-appropriate programs with Christian themes in an entertaining and memorable format.
Joe M. Turner has
spent his life studying three things:
How to entertain people, especially through the use of theatrical illusion and sleight-of-hand;
How to educate people, helping them internalize important messages; and
How to encourage people to come to know Jesus Christ and understand what he did for us.
In addition to his hundreds of corporate peformances, he has entertained and led through his presentations at churches across North America. Some focus on evangelism, some on education, and some are just for fun. But whether performing at a luncheon, banquet, outreach event, or worship service, every event points to the one source of all true miracles, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Joe's programs can be customized to fit the themes and messages you are trying hardest to deliver.
America's Corporate Magic Communicator . . .
Professional entertainer and speaker Joe M. Turner uses customized sleight-of-hand, illusion, and mentalism presentations to entertain, inform, and energize audiences at corporate, civic and private events across the United States and Canada.
In addition to his ongoing corporate work and his one-man show in Atlanta, Joe performs at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, at the Dickens Parlour Theatre at the Tropicana Atlantic City, at Monday Night Magic in New York, and has been featured on CNN Headline News.
Read on to discover how Joe's CLEAN, CLEVER, CLASSY programs and shows can transform your meeting with a touch of magic!
Whether bringing in the crowds at your trade show booth or bringing down the house at your meeting or banquet, Joe M. Turner combines his expertise in magic and communication to create customized presentations that get your messages seen, heard and remembered. His corporate magic is the perfect solution for your corporate marketing, promotion or entertainment event.
Find out what's it's like to plan an event with a performer who is professional and fun, yet down-to-earth and easy to work with.
Conveniently based in Atlanta, Georgia -- with direct flights to most major national and international cities -- Joe M. Turner is ready to help you attract more leads, motivate your employees, recognize your volunteers, recharge your management team, reach out to new customers, or simply provide clean, clever and classy entertainment for any corporate, civic or private event you can imagine.
Magic Words to Energize and Change Audiences
Joe M. Turner speaks and delivers seminars on topics of memory improvement, creativity, executive magic, and "doing the impossible" within your organization.
Discover how thinking like a magician can unlock and unleash your team's creative problem solving potential. Every audience member can come away with new skills such as an improved memory or the ability to perform their own customized magic, creating a lasting impact on their own clients, customers and contacts.
Drawing on his eclectic mix of experiences -- management consultant, corporate trainer, professional magician, stage actor, physics teacher, musician, composer, playwright, husband, Daddy -- Joe M. Turner provides audiences with an unusual yet insightful perspective on topics ranging from memory enhancement to the the use of magic as a social icebreaker, sales tool, or communication vehicle.
Joe's extensive corporate training experience gives him an edge in adapting presentations to changing situations or needs. If you have a particular topic or theme that could use some extra emphasis, let Joe work with you to frame your message in magically entertaining terms that will enhance both receptivity and recall.
Performance Options Include . . .
Strolling Magic
Hospitality Magic
After-Dinner Programs
Master of Ceremonies
Moderator / Emcee
Stage / Illusion Shows
Trade Show Magic
And various combinations of the above
Speaking of Magic . . .
Keynotes & Seminars
Joe M. Turner speaks and delivers seminars on topics of memory improvement, creativity, executive magic, and "doing the impossible" within your organization.
Discover how thinking like a magician can unlock and unleash your team's creative problem solving potential. Every audience member can come away with new skills such as an improved memory or the ability to perform their own customized magic, creating a lasting impact on their own clients, customers and contacts.
Drawing on his eclectic mix of experiences -- management consultant, corporate trainer, professional magician, stage actor, physics teacher, musician, composer, playwright, husband, Daddy -- Joe M. Turner provides audiences with an unusual yet insightful perspective on topics ranging from memory enhancement to the the use of magic as a social icebreaker, sales tool, or communication vehicle.
Joe's extensive corporate training experience gives him an edge in adapting presentations to changing situations or needs. If you have a particular topic or theme that could use some extra emphasis, let Joe work with you to frame your message in magically entertaining terms that will enhance both receptivity and recall.
Speaking Topics Include . . .
"Mind Magic: Tools and Techniques for Instantly Improving Your Memory"
"Doing the (Seemingly!) Impossible in Your Organization"
These programs are motivating, entertaining, and deliver practical content that can be applied to both personal and organizational situations.

Get OUTSTANDING feedback
on your next meeting or conference!
Create BUZZ and VISIBILITY for your trade show exhibit or product launch!
ENCOURAGE, MOTIVATE or REWARD your team or customers!
Enjoy working with a RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED performer with REAL-WORLD corporate experience!
Experience EXCEPTIONAL entertainment from one of America's TOP MAGICIANS!
Testimonials . . .
It is with great confidence and enthusiasm that I recommend Joe M. Turner ... delightful and brilliant ... we will have him back.
Dr. J. Robert White
Executive Director, Georgia Baptist Convention
A clear message of the gospel along with some memorable and fascinating illustrations and illusions.
Richard J. Stanislaw
Ocean City Tabernacle, Ocean City, New Jersey
Joe, you are fantastic! How's he doing that? Great job!
Ed McMahon
Television Legend and Johnny Carson's Longtime "Tonight Show" Announcer
You did extremely well ... a credit to the art. You did exactly what I knew you would do - a great job.
Rolando Santos, Executive VP and General Manager
CNN Headline News
A first-class act that held my teenagers' attention and mesmerized the adults as well! A big draw for our Sunday School Rally. More than entertainment ... a great testimony and message.
Matt Stewart
Minister to Students, Rockdale Baptist Church, Conyers, Georgia
A marvelous job at our leadership appreciation dinner ... several calls saying this was the best event we have ever done here.
Don Fine
Sugarloaf Community Church, Suwanee, Georgia
One of the best an dmost fun events we've had at our church.
Rev. Kathy McDowell
First Christian Church, Atlanta, Georgia
A great demonstration ... drew wonderful parallels ... shared a spiritual message in a non-threatening way to a group consisting of several non-believers.
Rev. Jeff Jackson
First Redeemer Church, Cumming, Georgia
Heartily recommend the ministry of Joe M. Turner ... definitely a favorite!
Victor Lee
Minister to Single Adults, First Baptist Concord, Knoxville, Tennessee
You were spectacular. We got overwhelming positive feedback from all of our attendees ... perfect for our group. ... We'll look forward to calling on you again!
Tara Wilson, Conference Manager
Engineering and Construction Contracting Association
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what a great job you did at our 3rd Annual Leadership Conference last week... I was extremely impressed with your creativity in preparing for our meeting with only a few short phone conferences and then an impromptu rehearsal right before the event. Not only did everything roll out as planned, but it was entertaining and very magical. As our meeting surveys are being completed and returned, it's also reassuring to see how everyone is also recognizing the talent you have for mixing business with pleasure and creating another great event.
William F. Christopher, Group President
Alcoa - Aerospace, Automotive and Commercial Transportation
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the outstanding show you performed for our sales team last week. I have received many comments and compliments on your presentation and the use of magic to drive across our key initiatives for this year. It has been a long, long time since someone has held the attention of our salesforce as well as you did throughout your show.
Chris Futral, Sales Manager
Nalco Company