Speakers and Artists

Carl Barrett

Men's Bible Teacher and Encourager

Teaching Men to be Leaders at Home, in the Workplace,

and Wherever God May Lead Them

Author of Several Books - Frequent Podcast Guest




Carl Barrett is a keynote speaker whose heart's desire is to lead Godly men to Application and Accountability.  Carl's has a passion for teaching men to be effective spiritual leaders at home, church, the workplace, and their world.


Carl's teaching, speaking, and writing are rooted in the Word of God and are influenced by his 25+ years of services in areas such as chaplain, teacher and mentor in prison ministry; instructor for the National Fatherhood Initiative; church and ministry leader; court-appointed advocate; and corporate executive.  As a speaker, Carl shows men how to grow in their personal development, overcome challenges, discover their godly purpose in life, effectively relate to others, and take steps toward spiritual stewardship.  Carl's ministry, books, and teachings highlight this key takeaway based on the guiding principles of God's Word:  "At the end of the day, our journey in life should produce spiritual growth."






God Values Our Daily Steps:  A 50-Day Devotional Guide Through Genesis

God's Guide to Freedom:  A 40-Day Guide Through Exodus

God's Holiness vs. Man's Lawlessness:  A Guide Through Leviticus

God's People Count:  Connecting God's Dots - A Guide Through the Book of Numbers

God's Generation of Hope:  A Guide Through Deuteronomy







What Triggers Your "IF" Button?

Remember these powerful words from our Creator and Heavenly Father:  "I will, 'IF' you will."  Did you know that the word 'if' is God's powerful word of ownership that He places on us individually?  It determines our state of an intentional action plan!  This word, once implemented, can bridge meaning and the actual results to our real purpose in all our accomplishments in this life.  Carl helps men to peel back and get to the root cause of those things that prevent their stages of development and progression.  It comes down to this:  "IF we really want to make a positive change and difference for the good of God and others."  To attain this change, we must ask ourselves this crucial question:  What is our real Inner Focus in everyday life?


The Six Sigma of Christianity

Do you ever feel like your personal life, work life, family life, and Christian life is stagnant and not moving forward?  What is creating all those deflections and diversions in your daily lives that disrupt those stages of spitiaul growth?  Carl will help you pinpoint and recognize those areas of deficiency that lead us to digress in our Christian walk. Carl will challenge us on how these areas must be eliminated so we can improve our lives from being too stagnant to one of more fruitful service.  If we are intentional growers and followers of Christ, we will aim to remove those deficiencies in our lives so we can establish a consistent and constant flow of spiritual flourishing in our daily walk with the Lord.


Tower Power of Connecting and Collecting

Hundreds of seminars worldwide focus on the importance and power of connecting with people.  However, there is a significant component that is missing and must be part of this formula, and it is 'collecting.'  Did you know that the power of collecting the correct information, more factual data, accurate news, or the most reliable story hinges on 'how and who you receive it from'?  Carl helps us to identify and filter out those negative and nonproductive pieces of information that can create an ill spirit.


Operation S.W.O.T.

We are all family with a S.W.A.T. force called 'Special Weapons and Tactics.'  It is a military-like unit within the U.S. police force, trained to deal with especially dangerous situations, such as hostage-taking and riots.  A different type of spiritual and biblical tactic in our daily lives is S.W.O.T.  In this powerful session, Carl shows us how to maximize our Strengths, minimize our Weaknesses, capitalize on our Opportunities, and obliterate our Threats.  In doing so, we can prevent our personal and family lives from being taken hostage by the enemy.


Biblical Discipline and Diligence

Biblical discipline in our lives as Christ followers is critical because it helps us stay structured and focused on our daily role as Men of God.  Without biblical diligence, our efforts will be futile.  Carl shows us how to not only be disciplined but also how to stay the course with diligence incorporated into our daily lives.  When we put these disciplines into action, they help us sustain a steady and stable life as devout men of Christ.  Carl will illustrate that when these two master components are at work in us simultaneously, we will have more spiritual clarity, meaning, and perseverance -- with the goal of utilizing all our gifts and talents for God's Kingdom.


Our Spiritual Clothing

Have you ever tried to put on a piece of clothing in a dark room and, once you put it on, something did not feel right?  As Christians, we have the indwelling Spirit active in us, and when we are out of line with God's will, His conviction should rattle our soul and spirit to its core so we know that something is wrong and out of place in our lives.  In this profound teaching, Carl touches on key areas that need to be addressed as disciples of Christ so we can know that we are spiritually putting on the clothing of the Fruit of the Spirit rather than the physical and dark things of this world.  He uses the nine elements in Galatians chapter five as our measuring stick of life.  This is a vital stage in our sanctified lives as Men of God.






As a former director of counseling services at Arizona Christian University said, "Carl does an excellent job of engaging the audience and keeping their attention while making them feel comfortable, and that's a gift!  He is knowledgeable in what he is speaking about and has a good command of whatever subject he is presenting, which captivates the people's focus."


Corporate executives, educators, politicians, and NCAA coaches will tell you that Carl has a knack and intuition for what the people want and need to hear as they grow and mature as men of God.  Many have said that Carl is 'an excellent communicator, brimming with enthusiasm and great content.  His genuine message connects with people, and they gravitate to his key points with an extreme focus.  People are always blessed and pumped by his messages; he leaves you wanting to hear more while anticipating the next time he speaks.'







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