Speakers and Artists

Dr. David Copeland

Travels from Alabama
Questions / Scheduling:  Contact Dr. David Copeland at

Residing in the great state of Alabama, Dr. David Copeland is an international revivalist traveling across the United States working with local pastors and churches from many different denominations to see God bring forth a Great Awakening for their local ministries as well as for America.
Called to preach at the age of sixteen, David is no stranger to Gospel Ministry, having served as a music minister, youth pastor and Associate Pastor in the local church for over twenty-three of the last forty plus years of ministry.
In addition to his evangelistic work in the U.S., David began a new ministry involving global missions in 2001.  It was during this time that he and his wife Pam founded Revival Now International. Traveling extensively internationally, he leads training conferences for indigenous pastors in Kenya, Nicaragua, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia and many other nations of the world where God has used him to fan the fires of revival.  A sought-after revivalist, David is a passionate communicator of the Gospel.
David and Pam are currently leading the Revival Now Schools of Ministry, a quarterly Leadership Intensive for pastors and church leaders as well as business and governmental leaders across East Africa that meets each April, August and December for a week of powerful teaching and training.
The Schools of Ministry currently have students attending from Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and from all across Kenya. Revival Now Schools of Ministry is currently impacting over 50,000 people each weekend across East Africa alone.
David and Pam currently serve as the U.S. Directors of the Hope Centre Children's Home in Nyangusu/Kilgoris, Kenya that serves as home for thirty precious orphan children from across SW Kenya.
David is also a certified John Maxwell Team Member authorized to teach and train leaders with many of John Maxwell's popular Leadership Training materials.
David has authored three books ... Breaking The Spirit of Absalom; a booklet for new believers entitled Welcome To Jesus; and his newest project, Grasping Your Assignment.

He and his wife, Pam, have been married since 1980, and have two daughters and five precious grandchildren.





Speaking Topics
One-Day Marriage Tune Ups / Ten Commandments of Marriage
Men's Meetings / Conferences
Spiritual Renewal Weekends
Grasping Your Assignment For Life
Overcoming The Power of Absalom In Your Life
Missions Conferences / Conventions

"Dr. David Copeland has been to our church, Sanctuary of Praise, and each time he brings a life-changing message, so much that we are proud supporters of Revival Now International Ministries."
Bishop Ricky Martin
Sanctuary of Praise Ministries
Midland City, Alabama
"Over the past 17 years I have seen David in many settings.  I can honestly say that David is a man that practices what he preaches.  David has the ability to operate in the spirit of Barnabas.  He is an encourager and sees potential in people they cannot see.  I have seen David do the same thing in my life and others.  God has graced  him with the gift of mercy to walk with a person until they became what he saw and declared.  He would be a blessing to your service or special meeting."
Pastor Brad Morgan
New Life Beginnings Church
Brookshire, Texas
"It is my honor to write on behalf of Rev. David Copeland.  He has been an ordained minister with AEGA Ministries for about a decade now.  In the time I have known him, he has been clearly a man of honor and integrity.  He is not only knowledgeable about the word of God but has a passionate heart to serve the Kingdom.  There is no task he is not able to complete and it will be completed with excellence and full accountability.  Any organization would be well served to have him in their ranks.  The presence of the Lord is truly with him and moves through him."
Dr. Elizabeth Foy
Credential Commmittee Chair
AEGA Ministries International, Inc.
"Brother Copeland has held several revivals for me over the years.  Always a fresh word mixed with strong prophetic gifting for our congregation."
Pastor Bob Lewis (Ret.)
Liberty Hill PH Church
Wytheville, Virginia
"Dr. David and his wife Pam have a great vision given to them from the Lord to carry out international mission works as well as evangelism and public speaking in the United States.  They have ministered and worked in Kenya, Guyana, Haiti, Trinidad, Indonesia and many other nations.  They train ministers and church leaders, teach children, lead crusades, and we have personally seen the fruits of their labor.  We have no doubt of the call of God upon his life as a minister, educator, communicator, and missionary."
Dr. Henry Harbuck
AEGA International President & Presiding Bishop
Monroe, Louisiana
Dr. Jan Harbuck
AEGA International Executive Vice President
Monroe, Louisiana


For more information contact David Copeland directly:



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