Kathleen Hardaway
Conference Speaker
Dare to Believe Again:
Boldly Live Out Your God-Given Dreams
Kathleen's Mission ... Evangelizing the Lost and Equipping
and Encouraging People to Live Out Their God-Given Dreams
Travels from Tennessee
Kathleen Hardaway is an international speaker with a passion to encourage and equip people to live out their God-given dreams. The Moody-published author's latest book, Dare to Believe Again, is impacting lives from coast to coast.
Kathleen has been a featured guest on a wide range of networks, television programs, and radio broadcasts, including Daystar TV, NRB TV, Uplift TV, CTN, Son Broadcasting, Babbie's House (with host Babbie Mason), WATC TV 57's Atlanta Live, Moody Radio's Midday Connection, Dr. Gary Chapman's Building Relationships, and over fifty other radio broadcasts.
She was on staff with Precept Ministries International for over thirty years, has served ten years on the board of Christian Women in Media Association, and has worked as a director and manager for Christian programming for over twenty years.
One of her greatest joys is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching people how to boldly walk in their God-given calling. Kathleen's high-energy communication style is full of passion and a good dose of humor. She has a great love for her audiences, and they tend to respond in kind.

Inspirational / Faith-Based Speaking Topics
Dare to Believe Again - Boldly Live Out Your God-Given Dreams
Be encouraged, equipped, and excited about what God has for your life! No matter your age, education, or what has happened in your past, God wants to use you to help build His Kingdom. Learn how to step out in faith and live out the dreams God has placed in your heart. See how you can move from a life of being stuck to living an unstoppable life filled with hope, healing, and joy. Learn how to walk in the gifts and talents God's given you. [This teaching is from Kathleen's book Dare to Believe Again - Boldly Live Out Your God-Given Dreams.]
Living a Life of Extraordinary Peace
According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people live with physical symptoms caused by stress. People are searching for answers and are desperately looking for peace. Far too many don't know the Prince of Peace and they're living in constant stress, turmoil and fear. Learn to live a life filled with joy! God has a purpose and plan for His people. Kathleen teaches how you can live a stress-free life, filled with extraordinary joy and excitement.
Living a Life of Extraordinary Power - Get Out of the Boat
Far too many are holding on to something or someone that may be keeping them from a vibrant Christian walk with Christ. Why did Jesus ask Peter to get out of the boat? What principles does God want to teach us from Peter's walk on the water? God has an amazing plan for His children, but often believers miss the extraordinary power they can have in their lives if they would learn to listen, obey, and follow God's amazing plan He has for their lives. "And He said, 'Come!' And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus" (Matthew 14:29)
Moving from Life's Disappointments to God's Appointments
Often life can come with disappointment and discouragement which can lead to despair. Hear Kathleen's story of heartbreak and healing. See how she went from hardships and great hurt to a life filled with extraordinary purpose and joy. Learn how God uses our disappointments for His appointments. Kathleen's story motivates, encourages, and helps her audiences to learn to wait on God, hope in Him, and cling to His promises.
Corporate Speaking Topics
Become the Leader that Impacts Lives and Companies
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Theodore Roosevelt
Great leadership begins with great compassion. Understanding the importance of being a quality leader is a key factor between success and failure. According to the Stanford Research Institute, the money you make in any endeavor is determined only 12.5% by knowledge and 87.5% by your ability to deal with people. In this session, learn ten impactful qualities for becoming a significant leader.
The Power of Praise
What do Thomas Edison, Billy Graham, Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, and Joanne Gaines have in common? They had people in their lives who encouraged them. They listened to those who motivated them, rather than the naysayers. Words of affirmation change lives but everyone has a choice. In this powerful training, learn what every leader needs to know about having a positive attitude. Attitudes are contagious. Be sure that people around you are catching the right attitude!
Move Beyond Your Obstacles and Live Out a Purposeful, Powerful Life
What obstacles are stopping you from living your dreams? Is there a Goliath in your life? When the giants in your life appear impossible to conquer, how do you move forward? Learn five key principles to living an audacious incredible life. David chose five smooth stones and valiantly dared to go slay his giant. Learn to move beyond your obstacles and live out a purposeful life.
Change Your Company ... One Life at a Time
"The one thing I take more joy in than anything else in the world is seeing young people develop." Truett Cathy
The Gallup poll indicates that 85% of people hate their job and 75% of the stress related to their job comes from their manager. Truett Cathy, Joy Mangano, and Zig Ziglar have impacted countless lives as they have understood that passion with purpose changes companies and changes lives. Learn key principles to help propel people to live out their dreams. Through powerful, purposeful leadership, companies grow and help their employees find fulfillment.
I have known Kathleen over 30 years and have counted it a great privilege to call her a precious friend. What a joy to have had the opportunity to co-labor together in ministry. Kathleen has the gift of encouragement. She will motivate you and you will be inspired by her life story!
Kay Arthur
Co-Founder, Precept Ministries
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Broadcaster
Kathleen Hardaway has a winsome personality and an irrefutable passion to help equip and encourage women. Kathleen has been a faithful student of God's Word and follower of Jesus Christ for many years. She's a quality communicator! You won't be disappointed if you have her speak to your women.
Jan Silvious
Author, Speaker, Life Coach
Kathleen recently spoke at our women's event. She was funny, animated, and very relatable as she testified how God took her own disappointments and turned them into His appointments. Her messages were rooted in God's Word. Kathleen shared precepts and principles from the scriptures with passion and exhilaration. Our ladies were encouraged and were eager to work through her "Dare to Believe Again" book that they received as part of the conference. With this kind of event, the message doesn't end after the seminar. Having the book enables us to slow down at home and soak in the teaching that was shared. It was a special treat to have the author introduce her book to our women in person!
Julanie Lee
Women's Council Member
Hoffmantown Church
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kathleen's "Dare to Believe Again" seminar is the perfect encouragement for women to help them step into the calling God has placed on their lives and step away from their pasts. She brings truth from the Word of God coupled with humor and everyday life situations that resonate with women of all ages. It is a MUST for ladies everywhere. This was a life-changing event for our women!
Shari Prichard
President, Women in The Word Ministries
Crossroads Christian Church, Ohio
Kathleen Hardaway recently served as the keynote speaker for a women's event at First Baptist Church Hendersonville. Kathleen is relatable, inspiring, and engaging! Kathleen is a great communicator and encourages everyone to live out their God-given dreams. God is using her in a mighty way to share the gospel message. I highly recommend Kathleen Hardaway as a speaker for all audiences.
Sue Z. McGray
Author, Speaker
Regional Director, Christian Women in Media Association
First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, Tennessee
If you want to be inspired and uplifted, then you want to hear what Kathleen Hardaway has to say. Kathleen is a gifted speaker with a powerful message based on the truth of God's Word. She not only speaks it, she lives it. Kathleen is a genuine joy, and she brings wise and godly insight to her audiences.
Karol Ladd
Speaker, Best-Selling Author
CEO, Engage Parenting
Dallas, Texas
I have attended many sessions over the years at the Christian Women in Media National Conference in which Kathleen has been a speaker. Her passion to encourage her audience through God's Word permeates her message. She's outstanding!
Cathy Allen
Vice President, Love Worth Finding Ministries
Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
We were so fortunate to have Kathleen come speak to us. She brought an inspiring message to all who attended. I told my friends at Scenic City Women's Network about her wonderful speaking and they engaged her to speak at their group. We were all truly blessed!
Susan Swinney
Carpet Capital Women's Network
Dalton, Georgia
Kathleen Hardaway masterfully helps you "Dream Again." This book practically takes you from where you are and helps you move to where you desire to be. Through inspiring stories, biblical instruction, and pragmatic steps, you'll find yourself challenged and motivated to live your life with passion. This book willfully confronts the many roadblocks that keep us stuck in the mundane. And as you follow its practical steps, you will discover your "sweet spot," right in the center of God's purpose for your life. I joyfully recommend to you this book. It is inspiring, practical, and challenging. If you read it with a willing heart, God will use it to change your life. But it all starts with a willingness to dream again.
Tony Walliser
Senior Pastor
Silverdale Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Kathleen Hardaway was an awesome speaker and brought much energy to the audience. She was very personal and a joy to work with at our MLC Ladies Retreat in Pigeon Forge.
Mary Lynn Crider
Founder, MLC Retreat
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee